Say hello to Eileen Meng, our newest BioShock Fan of the Month!
Location: Quito, Ecuador
Favorite BioShock Moment: Apart from thinking that the dialogue of all splicers is incredibly funny and interesting, I love it when you are surprise attacked by either a spider splicer or houdini splicer. That really gets my hair raising and blood flowing.
Most Prized BioShock Posession: Apart from the games themselves I would have to say: my Bioshock Original Soundtrack! Even when I´m not playing I can still be surrounded by Rapture.
First Game Ever Played: Bart Simpson´s Escape from Camp Deadly on the old school Game Boy when it just came out….that kind of makes me feel old.
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sniperx1989 | March 21, 2013 7:12 pm
dannysal | March 22, 2013 12:41 pm
Congrats Eileen!
evalorell | March 22, 2013 3:05 pm
Congrats! I hope I’m next!! 😉