Ghost Story Games

A Message From Ken Levine

on May 9 2012


When we announced the release date of BioShock Infinite in March, we felt pretty good about the timing.

Since then, we’ve come to realize that some specific tweaks and improvements will make Infinite into something even more extraordinary. Therefore, to give our talented team the time they need, we’ve decided to move the game’s release to February 26, 2013. We wanted to let our loyal (and very patient!) fans know this as soon as possible.

I won’t kid you: BioShock Infinite is a very big game, and we’re doing things that no one has ever done in a first-person shooter. We had a similar experience with the original BioShock, which was delayed several months as our original ship date drew near. Why? Because the Big Daddies weren’t the Big Daddies you’ve since come to know and love. Because Andrew Ryan’s golf club didn’t have exactly the right swing. Because Rapture needed one more coat of grimy Art Deco.

The same principle now applies to BioShock Infinite.

What does this mean for you? It means a bit more waiting, but more importantly, it means an even better BioShock Infinite. The great can be made greater, and we owe it to both ourselves and to you, our fans, to take this opportunity.

We are also going to hold off on showing BioShock Infinite at the big events of the summer, like E3 and Gamescom. That way, the next time you see our game, it will be essentially the product we intend to put in the box. Preparing for these events takes time away from development, time we’re going to use instead to get the best version of Infinite into your hands in February.

Update: BioShock Infinite will be released on March 26, 2013.

Posted on May 9 2012 07:59 am, under Insider

Comments (82)

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  • laforzadimente | May 9, 2012 8:08 am

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    Cool beans brah. Honestly not that disappointed. I think it’s great that you would literally delay the release when you feel the game needs the extra time to achieve the intended result instead of succumbing to the release date/corporate pressure a title like this undoubtedly carries with it. Talk is cheap, this took balls.

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  • ragingmudcrab | May 9, 2012 8:19 am

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    Oh well; not a super biggie. Better to have a game the best it can be but later than not as good but sooner. I’ve waited this long, what’s another couple months, amirite!?

    Still holding out for the big payoff. Hype train’s still strong!

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  • jonathanobrien | May 9, 2012 8:36 am

    Best of luck to the team for the duration of the project! I’ll still preorder the special edition when it’s announced.

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  • ssri | May 9, 2012 8:37 am

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    You guys are allowed all the time you need. I am a true fan and a true believer when it comes to Irrational Games.

    Thank you for addressing the fans directly, as opposed to some faceless PR statement released to the gaming sites.

    I love this company.

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  • jakelobb | May 9, 2012 8:58 am

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    I think it will be completely worth the wait. Four more months won’t kill me. I agree with ssri, I’m glad it was a direct message to the community.

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  • killer7ita | May 9, 2012 9:41 am

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    Good for us (better game, no bugs, etc. ) and good for you… too much games in fall 2012.

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  • harelgur | May 9, 2012 10:08 am

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    Quoting Gabriel Logan Newell: “It will be worth the weight”

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  • spata | May 9, 2012 10:09 am

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    As much as I hate it, I wish more devs would learn from it. It’s so clearly the right thing to do, and sooo much better than shipping a broken game and making fans wait for patches

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  • dannysal | May 9, 2012 10:36 am

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    I have to admit I am dismayed yet excited to hear the news. If IG needs 4 an additional months to make the perfect game, that is fine with me.

    “…and we’re doing things that no one has ever done in a first-person shooter.”

    Enough said.

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  • gregbright | May 9, 2012 10:38 am

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    Just before next years Pax East (March24 – 26) very cool.

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  • calvindexter | May 9, 2012 10:40 am

    I don’t mind waiting a few more months, I’m sure the game will be even better. Take your time guys, we will wait for you!

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  • strawhatmoose | May 9, 2012 10:55 am

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    Kind of disappointed that I can’t play it sooner, but if it means an even more amazing game then I don’t mind. Good to know you’d rather make a good, clean and polished game than make a deadline with a unpolished one.

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  • knives | May 9, 2012 11:06 am

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    Crunch time, eh?

    Fair enough…you need more time? You’ve got it…

    but it better blow my socks off…

    My muse is a fickle b****, with a very short attention span!

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    • jakelobb | May 9, 2012 12:10 pm

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      Haha knives, I was just thinking about this quote the other day.Very nice XD

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  • antoniocavalcante | May 9, 2012 11:16 am

    I am sure Irrational is crafting another masterpiece, great works such like this do take time, and when the project starts expanding new ideas and improvements, more time is needed naturally. The launching date should not be a concern, but the artistic and technical quality of the work as a whole, which I believe your creative minds have all the talent to. We will keep waiting till the game is finished and improved to the last of its small details! I wish good work, and congratulations to your creativity.

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  • 1019ice | May 9, 2012 11:18 am

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    Can’t complain with taking more time to make a better game. Good luck, Irrational!

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  • muskellounger | May 9, 2012 11:47 am

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    I support this line of thinking, wish others would follow suit. I am looking for extraordinary, and I know I won’t be let down.

    You just can’t rush art.

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  • ismell | May 9, 2012 12:01 pm

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    Hey give us some real deets on why Bioshock 1 got delayed, that’d be pretty interesting.

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  • icegrove | May 9, 2012 12:01 pm

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    It take times to make great games, it just give us more time to wait for the pre-order of colletor edition.

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  • losstarot | May 9, 2012 12:19 pm

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    Really disappointed with the delay, as some of us have been waiting like forever. I hope you didn’t do this because someone in the forum put the finger right on your plot twist and you had to change things. I can only advise IG and Levine stick with their original idea without caring if the community wishes for an negligeable online mode that we’ll play significantly less than the solo mode…
    I’ll be the spoiled brat but this better be the peerless game we’ve been waiting for!

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    • felonious | May 10, 2012 12:07 am

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      Game delays don’t happen cause some dude on the internet guessed a plot twist which maybe 50 people read and 5 of those took with a grain of salt.

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  • precipice66 | May 9, 2012 12:53 pm

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    Won’t pretend I’m not a bit gutted (having booked time off around this date) but I suppose I can wait a little longer.

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  • felonious | May 9, 2012 2:02 pm

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    Not the best news but understand if its needed. I can’t think of anything which I have looked forward too and waited for so long from an August 2010 first reveal to 2013 Feb release.

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  • emil | May 9, 2012 2:04 pm

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    Only thing missing is the Steve Jobs unblinking stare. Then it would be done in time 🙂

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  • grantenger | May 9, 2012 2:24 pm

    I have to admit this is a bummer, but only because it feels like I have already waited for a while for this game. I personally would much rather play the game at a later date, than play a game that’s not perfect. I can’t wait until this game comes out next year! I know you guys are going to do a great job and make this game of the year.

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  • choo1701 | May 9, 2012 2:30 pm

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    “Since then, we’ve come to realize that some specific tweaks and improvements will make Infinite into something even more extraordinary”

    You found out how to get us all Girlfriends? EXCELSIOR!!! 😀

    Jokes aside: yes I’m disappointed, but stuff like this happens.

    HOWEVER: since my birthdays on the 20th, can I get an early copy as a present? … …. hello? Hello? Anyone there? :p

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  • japester | May 9, 2012 2:30 pm

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    Once again, Irrational and Ken prove they have their priorities straight. Postponing the game and focusing your assets on development rather than on convention appearances tells me they really want to produce the best product possible.

    I’ll gladly wait. Who but Irrational would know best that the game needs a bit more time to simmer? And February gives us more time to breathe after launch, instead of dealing with AC3 hot on our heels.

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  • rationalman | May 9, 2012 2:40 pm

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    I agree with everyone: a longer wait but its gonna be worth it. Only four extra months to make the best game even better.

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  • chriscoleman | May 9, 2012 3:13 pm

    It’s called a Patch. If Skyrim can do it so can you.

    Look, you guys need to learn some management. It’s better to just plain not announce a release date at all. I’ve been waiting on this game for 2 years now, and both of those years had like 3 release dates.

    Hell, this year I put in my preorder thinking it was coming out with all of the hype and got up to $50 towards the game and you guys cancel it. I’m not too keen on getting it anymore with other games coming out this year. I even made an Infinite poster for my Gamestop Store (I used to work at one but now I just make promotional posters for them) In anticipation and you guys cancel it AGAIN.

    I’m going to be honest: If the game comes out anything like Bioshock two, you’re going to have a consumer uprising and your company will tank big time. I just hope that you’re making the right choice and the only waiting for this game I’m doing is waiting for it to hit the pre-owned shelf.

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    • chriscoleman | May 9, 2012 3:19 pm

      And PS: I love this company and the Bioshock 2 comment was simply because Bioshock 2 felt… Average in comparison to the original. I see a lot of people saying they’d wait, and honestly I would too if I wasn’t into so many different games with so little money to spread between them. But waiting can, in turn, serve well seeing as all of the big releases come out this year and Bioshock will literally be the big release next year.

      But I digress, this is a consumer nightmare and I’d cry but I’ve already seen this happen about 6 times for this one game. I love this company but you guys need to stop putting time stamps on releases until you have a finished game (And I mean you’ve finished it, packaged it, and literally have nothing to do anymore) that way when you say it’s out, it’s out.
      I lied, I CRY REGARDLESS.

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    • japester | May 9, 2012 3:29 pm

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      It’s natural to feel frustrated at news like this, but let’s also keep our facts straight. The numerous release dates you are referring to didn’t come from Irrational Games. You must have been seeing retailer placeholders. Those are fiction. Irrational has only said “2012”, then “Oct 16, 2012”, prior to this delay. So it’s only been moved back *once*.

      Also, Irrational Games had nothing to do with BioShock 2. That was made in-house by 2K Games. 😉

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    • muskellounger | May 9, 2012 3:52 pm

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      Since you brought up Skyrim…Fan of Elder Scrolls, I fell for the hype. Stood in line at midnight with 100 other people. Took a day off work, played the hell out of it. Till it turned into a flip-book, and was unbearable. I through my copy in my backyard. All that hype, with the 11-11-11 release date set in stone…was a piece of crap. They should’ve delayed it. If that had been done, they may have kept me as a customer. I don’t care how great Dishonored is, I won’t buy it till it’s fixed, and on the used game shelf for under $20.

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    • felonious | May 10, 2012 12:18 am

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      As Japester has said, your retailer release dates were never official and were just their to drive preorders for your former employer and confuse consumers a much bigger issue than a Developer delaying a game to make it better and more polished as bug free from day one which is good for everyone and much needed for the few who may not have the internet available to patch.

      Next, before you tell I.G to learn about some management, you should take your own advice when it comes to your money. WHY would anyone who 60 dollars means that much pay for a game so far ahead. It makes no sense whatsoever unless that person was so fiscally irresponsible they could not rely on having 60 dollars when the game came out. It’s humorous if not mind boggling that people put down more than 5 bucks required on preorder when their that hard up for cash. No special award or gold stars are being giving out for paying of your preorder in full the earliest time possible.

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  • joemommak1200 | May 9, 2012 3:26 pm

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    Far Cry 3 and Halo 4 should ease the pain a bit. But damn, that’s almost a year after the oiginal release date. Hope those Mayans aren’t right!

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    • japester | May 9, 2012 3:32 pm

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      No, it’s four months after the original release date (Oct 16). Let’s not perpetuate the misconception that Amazon or Gamestop’s placeholders were actual release dates.

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      • joemommak1200 | May 11, 2012 1:52 pm

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        Sorry, i meant it’s almost a year after they announced the release date.

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  • seandunnigan | May 9, 2012 3:29 pm

    Three words; Mass. Effect. 3. We don’t want them releasing a half finished rushed game. We have the rest of our lives to play the blasted thing, let’s give Irrational another few months to make it perfect. Ok?

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  • choo1701 | May 9, 2012 4:20 pm

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    Remeber kids, in these situations all you have to do is sigh happily, and then think of Half Life 3 😉

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  • vsharres | May 9, 2012 5:12 pm

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    Kudos for Ken for saying that already, and not waiting for the last minute to announce the delay…well, I’am kinda sad, but the information that this is a very big game and is doing something that was never done before more than makes any wait worth it.

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  • wb1980 | May 9, 2012 6:10 pm

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    Look, I appreciate that Irrational wants to put the best product out to market. That’s a good thing and should be lauded. At the same time, you are reminding every person out there that they simply should not pre-order games. The $60 I’ve put toward your work once it had a release date is now something that feels squandered. Could have put it toward Borderlands 2 (though that would defy this argument) or maybe a mid-tier bottle of scotch or something. Regardless of what that dispensable income would have gone to, now the value is 9 months away and a lot of hassle if I tried to get GameStop to switch it to something else. Cost is sunk, and there’s more frustration attached to your product than there is excitement.

    I love your work and I’ll stick with it provided it’s of a very high quality, but I’m with Chris Coleman (above) on this one.

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    • felonious | May 10, 2012 12:24 am

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      Why did you payoff your preorder in full when only 5 dollars is required, especially if that money may be needed elsewhere?

      How does it feel squandered when your still going to be getting a likely GOTY candiate for 2013?

      Why do you shop at GameStop when their a customer service hassle for such a simple thing as preorder?

      Their is a little website called in the time I asked you those three questions, I preordered Bioshock Infinite then cancelled it, preordered Assassins Creed 3 then cancelled that just cause I could, I decided to get Mass Effect 3 cause I heard it has the best ending EVER! Oh and all those preorders don’t require any money down!

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  • mitchmonsour | May 9, 2012 6:12 pm

    I can’t say I’m not disappointed, but like many fans of your work I do understand. Bioshock Infinite was honestly the thing I most looked forward to this year. Still, I have no doubt the final product will be amazing and well worth the wait. Let’s just hope the Mayans were wrong…

    On a side note, I want to say that you guys really don’t get enough credit for how brilliant your work is. Every time I play Bioshock I discover new things: a small piece of propaganda blasting over the PA system, a random splicer muttering something to themselves that I never noticed before, a new audio log that advances the story while simultaneously acting as a piece of social/political criticism.

    And perhaps that’s what I love most about your games: their intelligence. Sure the art design, gameplay, voice acting, dialogue, etc. are amazing, but what really makes the game shine is the implicit political commentary on issues that continue to plague contemporary society. This is what the greatest science fiction ultimately accomplishes – your work proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that video games can be a form of high art.

    Thank you all for making games that engage an intelligent adult audience. Good luck!

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  • wingsofthread | May 9, 2012 6:31 pm

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    I won’t lie and say I am not disappointed in this push back in the release date. I am sad by it, but I know that when Infinite releases in Feb it will be everything I wanted to see and so much more. I have a lot of trust and faith in Irrational and I know Infinite will be perfect and beautiful! It is not that much of a push-back, so I will deal <3 Keep up the great work guys! Can't wait!

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  • borrego | May 9, 2012 7:07 pm

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    One really, REALLY cool thing you pointed out is you guys won’t be revealing any more of the game at E3 and Gamescom. I love that you guys are keeping a lid on a lot of the details of the game. BioShock 1 blew my socks off as well as my roof, because of all the awesome surprising moments throughout the game. Because of this, I can happily expect that same effect in Infinite.

    I love that you guys are taking your time with it! It will be like drinking a fine aged merlot. It will be like a slow cooked dutch oven cherry cobbler made from scratch (it’s actually pretty damn good, had it once at a family campout). As a fan who can’t wait for the day to pop that baby into my console, I’m glad to know it’s getting a few more months of extra polish.

    Cheers! Go, Irrational!

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  • watchman | May 9, 2012 7:13 pm

    People dont realize that when you try a few ‘new’ things that its not just a matter of throwing money at it and it gets done (and done on-schedule). When you actually have to ‘make it work’, its a whole ‘nuther thing and there are always many thing you never considered (or discounted) that catch you up.

    Scheduled release pushed back — nothing new in the game industry….

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  • magicmaker | May 9, 2012 7:43 pm

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    All good things come to those who wait.

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    • japester | May 10, 2012 2:18 pm

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      *japester sits down next to magicmaker, cross-legged, and joins him in a peaceful, tantric hum*


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  • fmov3r | May 9, 2012 9:30 pm

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    I just shat with myself with disappointment. At least it’ll still be good when it releases, *sigh*

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  • calvary | May 9, 2012 10:21 pm

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    Thanks for the update. All for the good of the game.

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  • watchman | May 9, 2012 10:54 pm

    “I just shat with myself with disappointment”

    Hmm first time Ive ever used this term (hope Im using it correctly)

    TMI ….

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  • chadnallyanderson | May 10, 2012 12:42 am

    Guys relax who are complaining on wow the release date really. I don’t care if it came out 2014 I would buy it and be as excited then as now like a puppy peeing when the master rubs his belly. Just glad getting it right sorry don’t want to pay for or download 5-6 dlc for 1 game and then wait for GOY edition to be happy with what i own.

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  • robcrowley | May 10, 2012 5:54 am

    What a let down has put me off buying it now prop buy it pre owned for a tenner no game not even bioshock which is the greatest game ever, is worth this sort of wait i know that everyone on my friends list has cancelled there pre order and are just going to wait like me and buy it pre owned at least we can all buy black ops 2 now instead.

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  • fuchipatas | May 10, 2012 10:51 am

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    Whew… although initially sad, my wallet breathed a well due sigh of relief.
    Especially when considering I’m looking forward to purchasing the CE (whatever that may be).
    Hopefully in that time you’ll bolster our spirit with another contest or two to keep us all rabid in anticipation of 02.26.13?!?!

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  • tnscotsman | May 10, 2012 2:52 pm

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    Well, poop.
    I’m glad you’ve announced this now and are going to use the time to get the game perfect, but I have to admit I am disappointed, and now my expectations are going to be through the roof.
    Although, now I can roll my vacation time over to next year.

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  • pmcpreston | May 10, 2012 5:28 pm

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    Irrational, I love you even more now. This game will defiantly be life changing.

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  • studiedapollo8 | May 10, 2012 9:03 pm

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    It’s fine with me the later the game releases the better because I won’t be able to play it for a long time so this is a good thing. Just please don’t end up like Vavle and spend over 5 years developing this game.

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  • zacharynathanson | May 11, 2012 12:08 am

    I’m okay with it. At first I was a little disappointed, but then I realize, that it needs a bit of work to do. So they have all the time they need. We hope they won’t go into the Daikatana syndrome. Maybe they might show us something in the Fall and what can we expect in 2013. And to some of the people who are complaining, get a life and grow up!

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  • jdloeppky | May 11, 2012 12:34 am

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    Take your time and make the best game ever!

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  • dlush | May 11, 2012 1:19 am

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    This seriously better be the last release date delay. For now I’m actually going to forget that the possibility of the game even exists, that way when I’m notified that my pre-order has come in, it will be a pleasant surprise and I won’t be constantly disappointed when yet another date is thrown out. Of course you want to make the game awesome. Take 5 more years, just don’t give anymore false release dates. It’s disheartening.

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    • japester | May 11, 2012 4:20 am

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      It’s been the ONLY release date delay. From the “constantly disappointed” and “yet another date” comments, it sounds like you fell for some retailer’s guesses prior to this. Don’t ever trust a retailer–they’re just looking for your cash.

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  • ruikusuriurirodrigues | May 11, 2012 8:08 am

    im not gonna lie and say that its a good news, but i prefer waiting if the reasons are the right ones.
    The Duke Nukem forever final delay comes to mind xD lool thats one delay that should have been forever loool

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  • chrislacio | May 11, 2012 12:06 pm

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    Bummer! But I’ll still be here when you’re ready. Still excited!

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  • russellgorall2 | May 12, 2012 1:25 am

    Just don’t move it again. Not sure if this is about GTA5 or what, but keep that date. Cheers.

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  • maximus | May 12, 2012 10:24 am

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    game will be even better

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  • rookie371 | May 12, 2012 12:26 pm

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    Well I hope the game turns out even better than how it already is. I was a bit disappointed, but I guess I could wait. Keep at it Irrational!!

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  • dantevescio | May 12, 2012 7:09 pm

    Well, can’t say I’m not a little bit frustrated. I mean, for those of us aware of the project since it was first announced (2010, am I right?), the wait has been excruciating. On the other hand, Bioshock is the single greatest gaming experience of my life. Never seen anything like it, ever. So, if Ken and everybody at Irrational need a couple more months, we’ll be more than happy to wait. But be warned: we expect nothing less than the greatest game ever made. Deal? 😉

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  • danton | May 12, 2012 7:23 pm

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    (accidentally logged through facebook, this is the real me!)

    Well, can’t say I’m not a little bit frustrated. I mean, for those of us aware of the project since it was first announced (2010, am I right?), the wait has been excruciating. On the other hand, Bioshock is the single greatest gaming experience of my life. Never seen anything like it, ever. So, if Ken and everybody at Irrational need a couple more months, we’ll be more than happy to wait. But be warned: we expect nothing less than the greatest game ever made. Deal?

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  • deaddoucher | May 12, 2012 9:15 pm

    Poop 🙁

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  • alexstarkiller | May 13, 2012 3:37 am

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    Well, like many others, I cannot say I wasn’t saddened a bit by this announcement. But, I pre-ordered the game for a reason: I know it will be simply amazing.
    And now that I know you guys are going to take the time and perfect the game, I’m very impressed. I’m also in the “better to take your time than send out a rushed game” party. I’ve run into too many games that were rushed, and I’m pleased to see Infinite won’t be.
    I may have to wait four months longer, but from the looks of things, it will be more than worth it.

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  • mallin | May 14, 2012 2:32 pm

    The game I am most looking forward to is coming out on my BIRTHDAY!!!! That is awesome, I hope that you don’t get to many complaints, I know I would much rather have it done right, than done sooner.

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  • hunterdavidross | May 14, 2012 4:24 pm

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    My heart sank a little… but I’m all for improving the game! God’s speed, Ken!

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  • insectswarm | May 20, 2012 1:56 pm

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    Ok. I can wait.

    The world better not freakin end or i will haunt you Ken.

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  • bobogoldman | May 22, 2012 8:09 pm

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    • japester | May 23, 2012 11:22 am

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      Hey now. Didn’t you see my reply the last time you asked about those bogus release dates?
      You can’t listen to Gamestop when it comes to release dates. They were throwing dates out at random just to entice people into putting $5 down on a preorder. They didn’t have a clue. The REALITY is that Irrational Games said “2012”. And in March they finally gave an exact date of October 16th. That was the one and only legitimate launch date. And now it’s been pushed back–ONCE–to February 26th. Yes, it was delayed. But only once. Those other dates were fiction cooked up by the retailers. AND KNOWING IS HALF THE BATTLE! GI JOOOOOOOOOE!

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  • switching | May 23, 2012 9:15 pm

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    I gotta tell ya, if this is for multiplayer (which I doubt, because you guys are too classy for that), I will be rather upset.

    Bioshock doesn’t need multiplayer.

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  • sovietprince | May 26, 2012 1:57 am

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    I am the opposite, this better be for mult it seems like I waited enough for this game,

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  • jrchapman | May 27, 2012 9:19 pm

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    I for one say thank-you, to many studios these day are rushing to get their properties out, usually resulting in game glitches, clogged servers and other crazy things. Being a long time fan myself, i appreciate your dedication a honesty with us and i look forward to the game when it is ready.


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  • xxsn1p3dxx | May 28, 2012 4:39 am

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    The only positive thing about the release date being moved to February is that it’s one month from my birthday, and if you guys are done adding the finishing touches before February, then the sooner you release Infinite the better that I get to enjoy it! 😛

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  • voxoneser12 | June 11, 2012 6:54 am

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    im definetly excited for the epicness when it comes out

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  • tylerlangford | June 12, 2012 4:17 pm

    that makes me very mad, because i have been waiting so long for this game to come out, and my birthday is on october 28th so i was definetly expecting the game in october, is there any way to make it alot earlier so im not as bummed, ever since i beat the 2nd i was so excited to see what is on this new game of bioshock, my favorite game series of all. 🙁

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  • lawrencedenwurd | June 12, 2012 5:50 pm

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    Im actually happy they moved it. going with what everyone else said it will be a better game and wont be rushed which hopefully means less to NO bugs in it. and like Ken said its a new type of FPS and looks amazing. keep up the good work Ken!

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  • deadman321 | June 23, 2012 11:02 am

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    Can’t wait for the game to come out, kind of sucks that it’ll be delayed but I guess the wait will be worth it!
    You guys are doing an awesome job on the game and I really can’t wait to play it. By the way, will there be Multiplayer? I hope not because the first Bioshock didn’t have Multiplayer and it was awesome, the second one had and it wasn’t as good, I guess because you guys had to focus both on Singleplayer and Multiplayer. I hope there won’t be Multiplayer in Infinite so you guys can really focus on the Singleplayer campaign and make it the best game of 2012.

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