Keeping secrets is hard.
The last three years for me have been dominated by a single question: “What are you guys doing there?”
Some of you were pretty certain it was an X-COM game, which I can now safely say it is not. It is also not part of the Freedom Force, SWAT, X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter, Kingdom Hearts or Yar’s Revenge franchises. The time for discussing what Irrational Games is NOT doing is over.
Today we announce BioShock Infinite.
That’s right, this is a BioShock game.
It’s a sequel.
But it’s also not a sequel.
Let me explain.
At Irrational Games, we believe that in order to fulfill expectations, you have to defy expectations.
When we completed the original BioShock, we felt we had said all we wanted to say with Rapture, but we weren’t done with the idea that is BioShock. BioShock is so much more than a story of a single place or a single time. We had so much more we wanted to say.
There are two core principles for us that define a BioShock game. First, it has to be set in a world that is both fantastical and yet also grounded in the human experience. Second, it has to provide gamers with a large set of tools, and then set them loose in an environment that empowers them to solve problems in their own way.
It would have been easier for us to go back to the well. We could have taken the easy route. We could have simply done more of the same, but we would not have been true to ourselves as game developers. Making the original BioShock was hard. We challenged ourselves every step of the way, and we tossed aside many elements and ideas simply because they weren’t good enough.
So when we started the sequel, we said to ourselves: “We want to expand on those core principles, but beyond that, there are no sacred cows. Everything else that people know or think they know about BioShock is open for negotiation.”
You will find yourself in a completely new world. Columbia is not an unknown secret city at the bottom of the sea. It’s a creation of an America transforming from a regional agrarian collection of states into a world power with global reach.
You now play an actual character, and not a cypher who is unaware of his own identity. You are Booker Dewitt, a particular character with an established history, with a voice you will hear as he talks to himself and others in the game.
You’ve come to Columbia for a reason: to find a mysterious young woman named Elizabeth and bring her safely out of the city. She will travel with you, interact with you, and react to the situations you cause to happen, and through your relationship with her, we’re able to tell the story of this new and amazing world.
This world of Columbia presents radical differences in scale from what you are used to. You’re not crawling through corridors on the ocean floor, claustrophobic with the weight of the ocean bearing down on you. Instead you find yourself navigating through huge environments, zipping around on Sky-Lines at eighty miles per hour and getting into firefights at ranges of two thousand yards.
In fact, there is so much new and radical about BioShock Infinite that we simply can’t tell you all about it in one revelation. What we present to the world today is merely the tip of a very large iceberg. In the coming months we’ll begin to reveal more of what BioShock Infinite is all about and let the world know why we are so excited.
For now, we want to thank you all for your patience, and for sticking with us all these many months while we labored in silence.The time for silence is over. First up for the fans of this site is another episode of Irrational Behavior with Shawn Elliott that covers the announcement of BioShock Infinite and the work that led up to it. I’m sure you’ll dig it.
Down the road a bit, actual gameplay footage awaits. It’s something you’re going to want to watch more than once. Trust me on this one.
zer0hvk | August 12, 2010 3:31 pm
this is amazing, I can’t wait to see some gameplay, I’ve ben having trouble downloading the trailer (maybe because thousands of people are doing so as well), but I’ll watch it in a couple of minutes.
I gotta say, I did not see this coming, it’s a pleasant and unexpected surprise, I can’t wait to see more of what you’re working on.
You guys are amazing, 2012 can’t come soon enough.
nickhemlepp | August 12, 2010 3:32 pm
I am… Flustered, in the biblical way about this game.. mercy me
jslaked | August 12, 2010 3:32 pm
I cannot wait to be in Columbia. 😀
pharaoh | August 12, 2010 3:36 pm
Looking forward to the excellent gameplay, great story and social commentary that Mr. Levine and Irrational games are famous for.
nickhemlepp | August 12, 2010 3:36 pm
@pharaoh: Indeed! I was trying to write a piece on religion and pop culture on Bioshock, but Ann Rand got in my way /pout/
Side note: The Mayans may have been right: The end of the world is in 2012.. becasue this game will make all others into Aquaman 64 ^.^
rye0077r | August 12, 2010 3:38 pm
Hole. Lee. Crap! Well played, Irrational. Well played indeed!
roxy | August 12, 2010 3:39 pm
I am excited for this game more than words can explain. Thank you so much for continuing to expand BioShock with this new game. I’ll be waiting anxiously for new previews and information.
Keep up all the good work! *^_^*
mikeohara | August 12, 2010 3:41 pm
I downloaded the trailer and was very amazed with the footage presented. Can’t wait for the game to come out!
g1mrg323 | August 12, 2010 3:42 pm
I’m so happy, I’m crying!
pbhawks45 | August 12, 2010 3:44 pm
Balls, Ken.
You and your studio gots some big ass balls. Congrats. GIMME GIMME NOW.
Looking forward to the demo footage.
danieljameslearmouth | August 12, 2010 3:45 pm
This is going to be perhaps the greatest game you have ever made if you pull this off IG. Keep up the good work!… would you kindly?
nickhemlepp | August 12, 2010 3:52 pm
Quick idea: Do you think that their will be resident evil 5 style co-op?
neuroman42 | August 12, 2010 3:56 pm
I want this to be more than essentially a reskin of Rapture. Stunning trailer… but I am still worried. Just being honest.
drewjamicks | August 12, 2010 4:25 pm
Ken himself said they built this game from the ground up, using zero assets from the previous game and a completely new engine. Woot!
neuroman42 | August 12, 2010 4:38 pm
Does not mean this is NOT the same game. The trailer looked amazing, but it is still giving off the vibe of JUST being “BioShock in the Sky”.
lflips25 | August 12, 2010 4:00 pm
This game will NOT disappoint. I think it’s going to exceed expectations again. Can’t wait for this one!
salvor | August 12, 2010 4:06 pm
This is all.
jamesrandy | August 12, 2010 4:06 pm
Levine you rock dude, I have all the confi-d-ence in the world in this project. And tbh I guessed that icarus was SOMETHING to do with the sky!
borrego | August 12, 2010 4:09 pm
BioShock really isn’t just a game, but an idea. I LOVE that you guys are delving even deeper into the concept of BioShock! Great times we live in!
chowda | August 12, 2010 4:13 pm
How far into development is this? 🙂
jamesrandy | August 12, 2010 4:14 pm
It’s a 5 year project and ends in 2012.
albto | August 12, 2010 4:20 pm
well he said “the past three years” so i’m guessing 3.
seankh | August 12, 2010 4:20 pm
Ken, thx for the info. Can’t wait for more details. The relationship you guys have with the community is what makes you a first class developer. Thx.
facture | August 12, 2010 4:21 pm
You know, I always thought there was an age when I would stop playing games because I maybe thought I needed to grow up (I’m 37 1/2), stop doing frivolous things, etc, etc. But time and time again, someone like Kevin and his team come gently knocking on my door and telling my mind, “look at this”. I’ve played games since the 70’s and I really don’t think there has been quite a series that has captured my attention, dreams, and inspiration like the Bioshock franchise. What is it that draws me in so deep about these games? The atmosphere? Locations? Art Deco inspired architecture or maybe the well-thought out soundtracks that are accompanied by fantastic gameplay (thanks Ten Cents a Dance). I think it’s all these wonderful ideas molded into one beautiful piece of art. And after reviewing the trailer, it does what its meant to do. It pulls me in, takes me to someone elses dreams and fantasies, while making me want to stay, live, play and dream within their own dream. Fantastic job Kevin and team. You never disappoint.
borrego | August 12, 2010 4:30 pm
I’m with you. I don’t think video games will ever take back seat as something I should leave in my high school days, pot smoking days, or whatever. They won’t be pushed back because there is so much to be experienced in a game like BioShock. Great post! It is Ken though, just for future reference.
neuroman42 | August 12, 2010 4:23 pm
More Bioshock might be a good thing but I’m also disappointed you guys aren’t doing something NEW, I really wanted something more, then just riding the Bioshock train once again. BS2 was just more of the same… and now we get BioShock in the sky?!? Even the name just does not really fit the sky setting… would have dropped the name for something NEW. I trust IG… just hope you’re not becoming EA with their sequel factory.
drewjamicks | August 12, 2010 4:28 pm
In all fairness to IG, Bioshock 2 was developed by 2K Marin
neuroman42 | August 12, 2010 4:37 pm
I understand that… why drag the name of BioShock on when the last one was lack-luster. Seems smarter to start fresh… and disconnect yourself from that series.
drewjamicks | August 12, 2010 4:23 pm
EXCELLENT! Take your time with this, we can wait. 🙂
xybot | August 12, 2010 4:23 pm
It looks great! I can’t wait to see how (if at all) it relates to the other 2 games. Has anyone else been pausing the trailer to see is they can make out the billboards?
Kuhnen | August 12, 2010 4:24 pm
Honestly.. I almost cried reading this post..
number47 | August 12, 2010 4:25 pm
I will wait with my comments, till I have seen gameplay footage, but my inital thoughts is: not that impressed. That may be because I was slightly dissapointed with Bioshock in the first place.
neuroman42 | August 12, 2010 4:40 pm
I loved BS1, but the second game was weak and unimpressive.
rapture | August 12, 2010 4:25 pm
You cannot believe how happy I am that you guys are making a bioshock game true to what you guys wanted to do, not just a sequel set in Rapture. I applaud you greatly! and I can’t wait for this, please for the love of god come out soon, I have no patience.
obie191970 | August 12, 2010 4:35 pm
I see this game and all I can think of is the Chums of Chance and the skyship Inconvenience. If Against the Day was at least a minor inspiration for this I’d be shocked.
slamelov | August 12, 2010 4:38 pm
I must admit that I’m a bit dissapointed. I hope I change my opinion about this “new” project when you release more information about the game, narrative, gameplay…
Anyway, I’m sure I will buy it, as always I have done with Irrational Games.
August 12, 2010 4:40 pm
A Message from Ken Levine | Irrational Games…
I found your entry interesting do I’ve added a Trackback to it on my weblog :)…
See Original Post at
erezyehuda | August 12, 2010 4:40 pm
This sounds wonderful, and looks intriguing. No problem here with Rapture out of the picture, but I’d definitely feel like something was missing were it not at least mentioned, and it’d be nice if we learned of its fate.
adventecho | August 12, 2010 4:55 pm
Looks amazing so far i cant wait to see more on the new game. I’m a huge fan of the BioShock series and this is another game in the series that im excited to play 🙂
clavietika | August 12, 2010 4:56 pm
Looks great! I can’t wait to see more of it.
davidebasile | August 12, 2010 4:57 pm
Thank you guys for existing, the original BioShock was an incredible experience that signed my life and mind for the years to come, so did all the other games you’ve created so far. And now you’re giving me another reason to live, really. I hope 2012 arrives as soon as possible…! Again, thanks!
rexneron | August 12, 2010 5:03 pm
As much as I enjoyed Bioshock 2, I think you guys are getting close to all you can with the world of Rapture. I’d venture to think that we could wrap up any loose ends with Rapture through Bioshock 2 DLC. That said, I’m excited to see what’s possible with Columbia.
Quite honestly, I was really hoping this was NOT a Division 9 announcement. I’m personally burnt out with the whole zombie theme.
crowejohn20 | August 12, 2010 5:03 pm
*shocked* and very happy.
sukharevskaya | August 12, 2010 5:13 pm
Thank you Mr. Levine for putting so much effort into this project and Bioshock. You have redefined the industry. I’ll be honest, I didn’t like the name Bioshock attached to it at first, but you conviced me in your article, and I respect that. Just make us proud…..and give it to us 2011 🙂
nabeel | August 12, 2010 5:18 pm
Wow, I had thought of the idea before, but never expected it to be the game you guys were working on! Very, very excited!
elestian | August 12, 2010 5:46 pm
Ken, you are easily the best writer in the video game industry, and your style shows even in simple blog posts like this. I was disappointed to learn that you were not truely associated with BioShock 2, but if this is the product I get in return then I am more than satisfied. Infinite looks amazing and I’m sure that its story will not fail to excite and intrigue.
pizawle | August 12, 2010 5:53 pm
I thought you might be doing BioShock 3. or somehow System Shock 3. I even thought AeroShock was a real possibility, even though most stated it as a joke. But I honestly thought you guys were going to do something new again. Something fresh. And in a way you are. But also you are not.
I really adore this concept of BioShock now. That it is an idea. It is so eloquent and lovely. Such a perfect way to describe what you have masterminded. However, it does come with a couple of concerns.
First, you can take this anywhere, expand and improve on it all you wish but in the end the base remains the same. That hurts it. Because even though it is truly great and can remain great there is something formulaic about it despite whatever changes and enhancements you make. It is kind of an ironic counter to what this is supposed to stand for.
And second, five years to make this. It better be truly incredible (which I’m sure it will be). The bigger thing is if you guys are going to keep doing BioShock, now that you are establishing it in this way, that means Irrational Games, which already gives us a new title so rarely, is not going to be bringing anything truly new. You always will and yet you will not. That is a huge downer. You guys are some of the most creative, talented folks in the industry. To inhibit that, even in this way, is a bit of a shame.
Also, and this is unrelated to the the rest of it, but am not sure about the Infinite subtitle. Perhaps you can provide some more basis for that.
Anyway, despite that ominous dark cloud looming, I am still greatly thrilled about this project and have trust in IG to fully deliver and hopefully also wipe my fears, that I’ve stated, away.
Godspeed to Columbia!
tr00pa | August 12, 2010 5:55 pm
I guess I had expected something like System Shock 3, but I guess evolution takes time 🙂 It all started in the ocean, then the Sky was the limit, and finally we might end up in…space ?
What was that with the discreet smile when the journalist from Joystiq asked Mr. Levine about the possibilities of BioShock going into Space ?
I´m looking very much forward to se the actual gameplay of BioShock Infinite, damn you guys are awesome 🙂
cristoflanga | August 12, 2010 6:02 pm
YYYEEEESSS!!! I kinda dreamed for something like this for the past years, since I finished the original. Haven’t touched the second one. And now I feel like crying! :D.
reptar | August 12, 2010 6:25 pm
August 12, 2010 6:50 pm
[…] from the teaser video and the Ken Levine announcement made today, the franchise is aiming for the sky. Set in the fictional world of Columbia, a city […]
See Original Post at
gregjackson | August 12, 2010 7:09 pm
This is going to be awesome, 2012 can’t come fast enough 🙂
luisgerardozwittagsolana | August 12, 2010 7:26 pm
Amazing guys!!!! I can’t wait to see more of this!!!!!! And @Gregjackson I don’t think this game will come till 2012… I think more likely 2011 looks like they’ve been working with this one quite a while now…
marijnlems | August 12, 2010 7:40 pm
“There are two core principles for us that define a BioShock game. First, it has to be set in a world that is both fantastical and yet also grounded in the human experience. Second, it has to provide gamers with a large set of tools, and then set them loose in an environment that empowers them to solve problems in their own way.”
See also: System Shock. So why not just say fuck you to the marketing department and just call your NEW IP Aeroshock? Don’t let this massively stupid title be a blemish on your otherwise unimpeachable efforts…
borrego | August 12, 2010 8:01 pm
You’re seriously on Irrational’s website saying this? I’m sure we’re all insanely excited about the title you’re bringing to the table!!
marijnlems | August 13, 2010 5:20 am
See also Johnny Maverik’s comment below – he puts it a lot better than I did.
borrego | August 13, 2010 10:58 am
I just read Johnny Maverik’s comment. I see what you guys are saying. Here’s how i see it: BioShock itself is more of a theme. Yes, we originally played in Rapture when we were introduced to it. To me, BioShock is way more about survival in a terrifying situation, brought on by epic human error. Even though Rapture is a very intriguing location, I always thought that the real quality of BioShock was in the message behind the story. Irrational can take any paradise and turn it into the most terrifying place you’ve ever visited. When you think about it, the term “bioshock” was never once even used in the script. This is a little wordy, but bottom line, I think they’ve had lots of time to think it over. I’m going to trust they know more about what they’re doing than we do.
karltimmerman | August 12, 2010 7:49 pm
Emergent mechanics in a sky environment with a known protagonist. Victorian stylization with a theme of American Imperialism. Mechanical men with rude intentions, and a damsel in distress.
I’m sure it is going to be great but I was hoping for something darker and more cerebral. Oh well.
Bioshock 2 ruined Bioshock as a franchise for me anyway.
elementdelta59 | August 12, 2010 8:06 pm
Hello, Ken… Please stop what you are doing immediately. I aspire to become a game developer in my future, I have already come up with multiple ideas for games and have about five employees at the moment. I understand the creative sways that make games, games. But what you are doing with the Bioshock franchise is a big step. I bet your probably eager for this idea to become reality but you need to take your time. I personally LOVE Bioshock and has inspired a couple of game ideas for me. But for me the part of Bioshock that makes the game Bioshock… is Rapture. With the direction that you took in making a Bioshock 2 has opened the floodgates on the city and now you must let it all in! You need to end Rapture! Do NOT make this Bioshock 3! I STRONGLY suggest that you make a Bioshock 3 that is enormous and the masterpiece of Rapture. It explains all the secrets and ends with the city’s destruction. I honestly cried at the thought of you leaving Rapture with Bioshock 2, maybe Minervas Den will do just that but please. You’ve started something that you must follow through on! So developer to developer, this is my opinion, but it’s your franchise, do whatever you will.
As for my first views of the game i feel disappointed. Like this isn’t Bioshock, which it’s not! But if they do close Rapture i can move on. But i feel like crap having Rapture be a cliffhanger… I would really love to finish it off. ~Maybe we can make a business deal in the future 😉
aguynamedjustin | August 12, 2010 11:36 pm
But Irrational had nothing to do with Bioshock 2. Really, Rapture’s story was complete at the end of the original Bioshock. The setting of the original game was integral to the it’s theme but in Bioshock 2 it was just an excuse to have “Explore even more of that place you liked before!” on the back of the box. It already seems that an opulent airship city flying high above the rest of the world is a great place to set a parable about the American century. I’m excited and I feel that anyone who has enjoyed Irrational’s previous work should be too.
Good luck Ken and Co. At least I now have something to look forward to in 2012 before the Mayans rise from the dead and turn our machines against us like in that one movie with the AC/DC soundtrack.
taylorward | August 13, 2010 12:04 am
I don’t mean to troll, but I read through your post and noticed a flaw. Ken Levine had nothing to do with Bioshock 2. I just thought that I would point that out.
taylorward | August 13, 2010 12:05 am
Haha oh. I failed to see the post above mine. My apologies.
helixpea | August 13, 2010 12:20 am
From a gamer to a developer, you should take a look at the credits before you say anything about this new game. I respect your ideas and preference on keeping it within Rapture… but Bioshock Infinite looks amazing. And by reading Ken’s message, he is indirectly saying that this is the *real* Bioshock sequel, which is why it is not simply titled “Bioshock 3”.
borrego | August 13, 2010 12:39 am
While Rapture is an absolutely fantastic setting, I never felt that BioShock was exclusive to Rapture. The term bioshock is never actually used as dialogue in the story, but rather serves as the name of the entire idea behind the story. So, as a gamer, for all I care, they could have a BioShock Egypt, and I would still be excited because I know what kind of story and gameplay I am going to experience.
iceejoe | August 13, 2010 12:01 pm
in bioshock 2 you blow up rapture and send it into the black abyss (big black hole) sorry friend but Rapture is Dead!
elementdelta59 | August 13, 2010 12:58 pm
sorry for you but you don’t blow up Rapture! Lamb blows up persephone big difference!
jetblack | August 12, 2010 8:35 pm
2012… you are a cruel person Ken. Just show us more. 🙂
juan29zapata | August 12, 2010 8:44 pm
Can’t believe it’s for 2012! I hope that at least there will be nice information about it, and trailers as mysterious as this one.
zonzalee | August 12, 2010 9:35 pm
Please take this as you will but I don’t know if the whole “Character with an actual history and voice what not” is actually the best route to go. Speaking as a man who has played (and beat) both the Bioshock games I feel that one of the things that kept me drawn in the most was the fact that I could really put myself and the character’s shoes and really sink up with him because he essentially had no known face. (Or at least not a face you ever saw) I feel that that was a big part of what made Bioshock so personable (Especially 2) and I feel that if you really give this character an identity outside of just… essential a blank slate I believe you will lose one of the things that makes Bioshock such an amazing series. Take this from someone who (And I know this next part will sound crazy but roll with it) found himself literally snapping to wake flailing about the first night he played both games because he actually thought he was stuck in Rapture “I don’t want to lose that experience” and I can’t wait to experience it again in 2012. Keep up the awesome work people but please take this comment into consideration. I want to enjoy this game to the fullest and I just don’t know if I can if I know who I am.
borrego | August 12, 2010 11:20 pm
You should give Red Dead Redemption a shot. Reason why I think this is I found myself highly connected to the protagonist, who had a story, a voice, an identity. I think if it’s written well enough, then you as the gamer can live and feel as proxy through this character’s story. I can see what you mean though. If the character stays neutral, then it’s usually easier to fill his shoes. I have to also say through great story driven games like Red Dead Redemption and Mass Effect 1 and 2, I’ve found it can be just as, if not, more involving.
brianshock187 | August 13, 2010 5:13 pm
well first off i gotta say that as someone who had a nightmare or two about splicers chasing him i loved the story about dreaming that you where in rapture lol, nice to know i wasnt the only one ^_^. But i have to agree with borrego, its totally possible to make a compelling game where you play as a “established” main character. Even in games like RDR and the mass effect series you can make countless choices for the character and decide what kinda “path” you wanna take. In fact, if he/she has a believable background/motivation it can even help to motivate the plyaer and increase his/her own personal stake in a game.Niether one of those games wouldve gain anything by having a more “blank slate” character
borrego | August 13, 2010 11:21 pm
Exactly, man. Truth.
brianshock187 | August 14, 2010 12:56 am
lol yeah….and thats the whole point of this game; Irrational games is setting up to challenge themsleves by trying to make a game unlike any other theyve ever done. No nameless character, no tight confined spaces, no isolation. All these haters seem to be missing the point: its not SUPPOSED to be the same thing. If you want that, go play bioshock 2.
excuseforjuice | August 12, 2010 9:36 pm
This looks absolutely brilliant. Bioshock stands as one of my favorite games of all time and it looks like you guys at Irrational are gonna top it. Well done, Ken. Well done
gohoos | August 12, 2010 10:18 pm
I never thought of the Bioshock essence anywhere but under the ocean. Rapture WAS Bioshock.
But now I see differently. It’s similar, but different. And oh so beautiful.
I can’t wait!
elementdelta59 | August 12, 2010 10:28 pm
For me i still want to see more. I have 100% both bioshocks but im not jumping at this saying i love it. not just yet 😉
plasmidpower | August 12, 2010 10:35 pm
At first i was kind of upset to see the dark, dank corridors of Rapture replaced with a prestine flying city , but with what Bioshock 2 has done i think it will take Bioshock Infinite to revive the series, and make a game that i will love as they did with Bioshock 1
flowdango | August 12, 2010 10:39 pm
Thank you Ken for this amazing news, I have been wondering what you had up your sleeve and deep down I was hoping to get a new Bioshock title. The original is my favorite game of all time, with the direct sequel holding its own weight as well. But since Bioshock nothing has grabbed me the same way, that opening was just breathtaking. I look forward to this new game very much.
You have moved yourself on my list as favorite game development studio and developer. Thanks again Ken!
QU1CKF1X | August 12, 2010 11:04 pm
Wow! That’s some exciting news. A different direction from where I thought you’d go… taking the core idea of what makes Bioshock tick and applying it in a new world. It’s more of the same, but not at all. 🙂
gamedreamer | August 13, 2010 12:12 am
This was such an amazing, beautiful reveal. I sincerely cannot wait until gameplay footage is shown. You never cease to amaze, Irrational.
johnnymaverik | August 13, 2010 1:07 am
The trailer looks absolutely awesome, I love and even think I understand where and why your taking your games with this project, the only thing that grates with me in the end is having Bioshock in the title… I know, gamers like to complain, it shouldn’t matter, your right, but for me and the vast majority of people who adore Bioshock and the games you make, Bioshock is tied to Rapture, it’s what made it great, this isn’t set in rapture and therefore isn’t Bioshock. It’s nit picky and perhaps stupid but it still stands, this game shouldn’t have Bioshock in the title. If you want a proper reason to consider changing it other than “I’ve decided I don’t like this whaaaa” Bioshock never needed a sequel, it’s perfect, it’s an example among few of where I and many others hope and yern for single player experiences in this medium to go, having Bioshock in the title demeans the perfection you’ve created with Bioshock, and demeans the work your doing with this title in terms of believing that it can stand on it’s own, which it very much looks like it can.
In short, tell marketing to stick it where the sun don’t shine and drop Bioshock from the title.
johnnymaverik | August 13, 2010 1:20 am
No, I’ve changed my mind. Irrational Games can be the first games studio to pull off the franchise with out direct sequels approach correctly, don’t let us down and I’ll sell you my soul… although I’ll have to steal it back from Valve first.
Anyway, keep up the great work, and I can’t wait to see more of this.
borrego | August 13, 2010 11:06 am
Are we sure Irrational is one of those companies that has to do exactly what the marketing department says? I’m willing to bet money this game is going to be a hell of a lot more BioShock than some of us might think.
neuroman42 | August 13, 2010 8:30 am
I agree with you. Let BioShock go, and this new place being it’s OWN living thing.
brianshock187 | August 13, 2010 7:54 pm
yeah but the whole idea with this new game is that its an extension of The ideas and themes from bioshock 1, theres things like plasmids, powers, and mostly just the whole idea of being put in this strange, dangerous, mysterious world thats not quite like anything youve ever seen. Bioshock 2 was lacking this last quality considering it took place in the exact same city (and the fact that the graphics barely inproved was no help) All i could think while watching this trailer was….WTF IS THIS?!?!?!? it shocked me, it threw me for a loop, and most of all, it intrigued me, Thats the same vibe i got from the first bioshock’s trailer, and thats most definitely what irrational was going for.
rkaelin | August 13, 2010 2:30 am
I’m really, really looking forward to this — I adore the new angle. Love the dichotomy produced when you set BioShock against Bioshock Infinite — blinding light vs dark, vast spaces vs tight hallways. In short: I agree with everything you say and I’m glad you believe that way.
I’m just shocked there’s such a backlash! What, do people just want the same game made over and over again? The story of Rapture has been told — and told well. Satisfying finish, doesn’t need any more than it has.
Keep up the great work, Ken and Irrational Games! I’m going to be watching like a hawk for new material!
darkness | August 13, 2010 4:18 am
That was awesome. it’s best way to define american civilization . this is master peace . thank you Lord Levine.
mako | August 13, 2010 4:59 am
Have you guys ever thought that this game may tie in with Bioshock original? If its a sequel but not, at the same time, then this game will most likely tie in. it may take place over the expanse of the 32 year period that has come before rapture. besides, Andrew Ryan is 20 at the time Infinity takes place.
it may just include him too. so stop messing your drawers over this incredible change.
mako | August 13, 2010 5:07 am
Oh, and for the record, that statue looks a lot like Eleanor lamb…
brianshock187 | August 13, 2010 7:58 pm
i don’t think they’ll be drawing too much from bioshock 1&2 in this game…the lead artist was talking about how its basically in its own universe or something like that in a video interview on gt. But that would be pretty sweet.
(Either way i’m pretty sure that statue’s not lamb, considering shed probably be a teen during this game :P)
krankor | August 13, 2010 7:50 am
Really cool guys! I must say I didn’t see it coming and would have dropped a load if it had been a new System Shock title — but this is great.
Given that this is sort-of a prequel/”side-quel”?, *PLEASE* tell me Andrew Ryan will be in Columbia and Armin will be giving him a voice?!? It would provide that small link needed to Bioshock and that character is sufficiently complex/interesting that I keep wanting to know more about him. Short of that, realize what a great antagonist/motivator he was (in the game) and bring that into Inifinite!
andrewransey | August 13, 2010 7:56 am
yeah uh…I paid $60 for Bioshock 2…..I think i’m going to wait till this bioshock 3 is either $20 or I borrow it from a friend.
Ya gotta admit, it kinda failed. there wasn’t even a final boss. A bunch of dudes come at you, well that swell and dandy but that’s been happening the whole game.
borrego | August 13, 2010 5:16 pm
You know Irrational didn’t make that one, right?
dannysal | August 13, 2010 8:00 am
Surprised to learn y’all are developing another Bioshock game but I cannot be more pleased! I got chills watching the trailer. Looks like it’s going to be a wild ride and one we don’t want to miss.
seethrumirror | August 13, 2010 9:20 am
We will always be patient for whatever it is you all put your efforts into. The trailer has me itching to learn more, and I’m beyond excited to learn it (let alone play it!). The concept of Columbia already has my head swimming.
I’m eagerly awaiting your future announcements. To the Irrational team — keep kickin’ ass. To Kate Baxter — I seriously need to call you asap to gush about this trailer zomg.
joshuadesimone | August 13, 2010 9:23 am
It’s amazing to me that people who call themselves “gamers” could have any type of negative reaction to IG’s newly announced title. First off, IG has put out nothing but quality titles in the past, I believe every single one of which maintains an average of 9.0 or higher on Metacritic, no mean feat in these fickle days of gaming.
Second, Bioshock 2 was not in anyway IG’s doing. Mr. Lavine said just two days ago he wished they would have taken it in new directions. 2k sent it off to another studio and knowingly made a lot of money off it. It’s a good game at the end of the day, but it’s not “new” in any sense of the word.
Third, when has anyone who’s played IG’s games since their inception ever been disappointed even when something *does* appear similar in any fashion(Bioshock and System Shock 2)?
There are always the few whiners who take the “no more sequels” road I suppose, but it’s alreayd been said that [new doesn’t mean fresh].
There can only be one result when this studio puts this much time into one game.
piggsy1992 | August 13, 2010 10:36 am
God some of you people need to calm down. Like they have said they can’t go any further with Rapture because they have explored the story, and even they did you’ll complain about them cashing in on the same idea. I admire what they are doing it’s different. The bright colours of it set it apart from the original Bioshock and for me give it an ominous feel, like something behind this thats not what it seems. Although a city floating in the sky is not original neither was a city under the sea but they made it different, they made it their own, which worked out well for them.
Well done irrational, I can’t wait to see what you come up with.
borrego | August 13, 2010 2:04 pm
Piggsy is a guy that gets it.
elementdelta59 | August 13, 2010 11:07 am
Why does everyone say Rapture’s story has been told?
Sure with Bioshock 1 they really didn’t reveal Rapture. But with Bioshock 2 they introduced Rapture! Before Bioshock 2 i never thought about the history or the secrets as much as i do now.
If you ask me they should make 1 more final game in Rapture that will unveal everything about Rapture. So they wont leave this at a cliffhanger!
borrego | August 13, 2010 11:12 am
It’s never too late for that. Perhaps a visit back to see the end of Rapture in the future? I think right now is the perfect time to introduce the theme of BioShock to another environment. I think Irrational is going to prove to everyone that BioShock is not tied to any single location. Take it to the sky!
mattbelvedere | August 13, 2010 11:41 am
I’m super excited for this the first Bioshock was amazing, 2 was good but lacked the feeling that 1 generated. I’m glad to see a change of direction and idea and have to agree in order to live up to those expectation you must defy them and i think you guys are well on your way!
deadman321 | August 13, 2010 12:15 pm
Damn, I want to see a demo for Infinite so bad!!! The trailer looked great, fresh new city (Yeah, you can say that), new characters, not taking place in Rapture (In the beggining it made me sort of sad, but whatever) and new Big Daddies (I heard they are called Infinite Big Daddys). So, what about a gameplay demo for Infinite, Irattional?
pj179 | August 13, 2010 1:16 pm
I’m about 98% sure that they won’t be called ‘Infinite Big Daddies’, especially since what we saw in the trailer may not even be a Big Daddy. Levine himself said that nothing from the original Bioshock was sacred, including Big Daddies and Little Sisters. (Even though I’m sure they’ll have some variation on a Big Daddy in this game, or thousands of people will riot.)
drewjamicks | August 13, 2010 4:08 pm
Ken did say that the golem-like creature in the trailer isn’t a Big Daddy but something else. I like the ‘no sacred cows’ mentality, keeps things fresh.
jbubbles | August 13, 2010 12:22 pm
Damn the majority..
Bring back Rapture, would you kindly?
muskellounger | August 13, 2010 12:42 pm
” BioShock is so much more than a story of a single place or a single time. We had so much more we wanted to say.”
This quote blows my mind. It’s a perfect way to keep Bioshock alive.
To all who’s pessimistic… what’s wrong with you? This is huge! New engine, new locale, what’s your problem? I’m sure everything plot wise will be explained. Just wait.
The trailer is better than Dues Ex, which was one of the best I’ve seen.
jbubbles | August 13, 2010 4:30 pm
No doubt it’ll be a great game. But I still mourn the change in locale.
elementdelta59 | August 13, 2010 1:02 pm
hey just realized something here:
Ken said that “many of you were sure that this was an XCOM game, i can now safely say it is not”
what does this mean? was xcom just one big cover?
borrego | August 13, 2010 2:07 pm
I think he’s referring to the XCOM game being done by the company that did BioShock 2. It’s been getting a lot of press, so I think that might be what he’s pointing out.
pj179 | August 13, 2010 1:09 pm
I actually was convinced since about a month ago that what you guys were working on was Bioshock 3. I thought, ‘Those sneaky bastards, they’re going to let someone else handle Bioshock 2 and dive straight into Bioshock 3, leaving us all guessing as to what game Irrational was going to do next’. Well, I was at least half right. Bioshock Infinite looks amazing, and I am really looking forward to being in sunny, open areas, because (though I love Bioshock) I grow tired of claustrophobic spaces that was the entirety of the original Bioshock. My one complaint: It comes out in 2012?! What the hell!? You’ve had THREE YEARS to work on this game and by 2012 it’ll have been FIVE! Come on, give us this game already! But I do give you a pass because I know that you’re going to make this game a instant classic, and am sure it’ll be worth the wait. (It better be, or so help me may a Big Daddy storm your offices and plow his drill right through you. (I’m talking to you, Ken Levine)).
borrego | August 13, 2010 2:08 pm
Slow cooked is always tastier than microwaved.
meekusvonveekus | August 13, 2010 1:29 pm
You need to give the players a jetpack!!
movielord101 | August 13, 2010 2:59 pm
Good luck, Ken! Hope the game kicks arse!
scottseem | August 13, 2010 3:02 pm
I’m personally VERY excited about the announcement of this!!! Now don’t get me wrong. I’m just like everyone else; with an established franchise such as this, most people don’t like to see it go in another direction. But on the other hand, I’m also one of those people that is welcoming this change with open arms. Sometimes changing things up is just what is needed to revive a franchise. I can’t wait to see what Infinite is gonna have in store for us!!!!
danieldavies | August 13, 2010 3:11 pm
“Some of you were pretty certain it was an X-COM game, which I can now safely say it is not.”
what a coincidence, 2k marin aren’t working on an x-com game eiither.
lewis2112 | August 13, 2010 4:45 pm
With bioshock being my favourite game, and being in complete love with the setting and story. I was shocked and a bit upset at first to see this not being in rapture. But then I saw the trailer, read the info and now i can’t wait for this game. It looks amazing and i know irrational will make a truly unique game while expanding the bioshock experience.
bigevilworld | August 13, 2010 4:49 pm
God Please I loved the first game. And pretty much hated the 2nd game please please dont gimp the game and give us a 4hr campaign because of a need to tack on a horrible stupid multiplayer. Most people that loved the first didn’t want a multiplayer, and people are stupid cause they dont realize NOT EVERY GAME NEEDS MULTIPLAYER
borrego | August 13, 2010 5:18 pm
I personally enjoyed BioShock 2, but I didn’t fall in love with it. But yes, let us all remember Irrational had pretty much nothing to do with it.
cobeyj | August 13, 2010 9:37 pm
Don’t take this the wrong way, but I’m a little dissappointed. This is radically different from BioShock…. which leads to the question, why call this BioShock at all? I haven’t had a chance to play the demo yet as I am just a member of the genral public, but is there going to be any gene splicing, or electrical activity at all in this game? If there is no Bio or no shocking going on, then why is it called BioShock? I’m sure this game is going to be awesome, but it just raises some questions for me.
I have a tremendous amount of faith in the IG team and I’ll support anything you guys do. My biggest disappointmnet is that this game won’t be ready until 2012, honestly.
jendon | August 13, 2010 10:13 pm
Freakin’ Glory.
That is all.
jub8jub | August 13, 2010 11:17 pm
Can’t wait to see/hear more about it.
williamponce | August 13, 2010 11:57 pm
Thank you so much for your hard work guys! I loved the first BioShock so much that I was so happy to play BioShock 2 but something was off and then I found out you guys dint do part 2 and it showed, dont get me wrong I like BioShock 2 but one was better, now that I know you guys are back at the helm I cant wait to jump into this beautiful world you guys are making thank you so much, I get lost in the games you guys make and forget all the troubles of the real world for a few Im in a diffrent world and that to me is priceless thanks!
jillaman | August 14, 2010 12:00 am
Thanks Ken……..I’m stoked!!!! I will be buying the PS3 and XBOX 360 versions!!! Gotta support great developers!!!
axident | August 14, 2010 1:06 am
Sounds great. Not sure if the BioShock name is needed in the actual title, but I do like that it is in the same universe. 🙂
brianshock187 | August 14, 2010 1:09 am
I gotta say when i first heard about this game it was probably one of the biggest, if not THE BIGGEST surprise of my gaming related life. I was flat out at a total loss for words…could do anything but walk around, stare back at the computer screen, and try to comprehend the awesomeness i was looking at. Steller job really knocked it out of the park this time. I havent been this excited for a game in forever, but at the same time im trying to keep my expectations in line because i know itll never reach them if i let it get out of line…but i can hope right? This game looks groundbreaking, original, and yet so connected to the classic americana we all grew up knowing. A true sequel to bioshock in the sense that it shakes up the entire genre and makes us take notice, just like the first
brianshock187 | August 14, 2010 1:14 am
oh btw i was gonna say this in my original post but i forgot, (and im probably the 6 millionth person to say this today): bioshocks one of my favorites of all time, definitely in my top 5 if i ever attempted to organize a list. Hopefully this will be even better! 😀
undeniably | August 14, 2010 3:02 am
So when is that gameplay footage comin’?
thelom | August 14, 2010 5:40 am
I really hope this game will have the incredible good atmosphere as Bioshock, Bioshock 2 didn`t. But I really trust Irrational games.
emmettmejean | August 14, 2010 10:06 am
This already gives me goosebumps! 😀
marylouisebettisshoolery | August 14, 2010 2:50 pm
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bioandrew | August 14, 2010 3:54 pm
I yust can’t wait for bioshock infinite…But I need to wait for my favorite game…! And from the makers of the original bioshock…I need to relax…Thank you ken!
kleptopsychotic | August 14, 2010 5:07 pm
Thank you, and also thank you for working your asses off to make a new BioShock so soon after the release of BioShock 2. I’m constantly floored by the abilities of game dev firms in general, and T2 in particular, to take what should be a two or three year process, and boil it down to eighteen months or less.
It’s plainly obvious that you’ve taken the franchise in an extremely imaginative direction, and are really going out on a limb, confident that it’ll supersede expectations, moreso even thank BioShock 2. How much will this game be drawing from the Ayn Rand roots of BS1? Your decision to call the city Columbia is genius; it seems from the billboard in the trailer that eugenics will be playing some role in the backstory of this new area?
Having beaten BS1 six times, BS2 four times, I’m giddy like a flipping schoolgirl from this trailer. Can’t wait for more info. Keep us updated, please.
armchair | August 14, 2010 5:27 pm
Thank you for not dropping us back in Rapture. Thank you.
ben2444 | August 15, 2010 12:22 am
i can’t imagine bioshock not set in rapture. bioshock was (and still is)the best game i ever played. Bioshock would not have been remotely as good without the amazing wolrd of rapture. to me, the experience was more then just shooting splicers and accomplishing the mission, it was learning about everything that happened and what the big daddys and little sisters were and what you were. i ask you to PLEASE not take that world from me. Thanks
rebornintheocea | August 15, 2010 12:22 am
This should be quite a good game 🙂 I can’t wait for it love the idea of it.
elementdelta59 | August 15, 2010 11:54 am
What does everyone think about this idea:
2K sticks with the story of Rapture… they keep unveiling new parts of the city and keep the Rapture fans happy… trust me, I’m not the only one…
IG sticks with the meaning of Bioshock… and make new cities to make fans like most of you and Ken, happy.
This is yet another of my Developer ideas but i think this could actually work, if minervas den doesn’t end it all!
borrego | August 15, 2010 12:47 pm
Interesting. I suppose if they made sure it was as good as BioShock 2 (come on, guys, you know you’ve played worse) or better. Then again, when we’re shown how amazing this new story is going to be, then maybe we’ll all only want Irrational to dip their fingers into the Rapture pie and no one else.
elementdelta59 | August 15, 2010 6:43 pm
no… i actually think 2K did a good job with Bio 2…
borrego | August 15, 2010 1:18 pm
I’m gonna have to just say I’m totally relieved BioShock: Infinite is coming to PS3. I know this is going to piss off some people, but I couldn’t be more disappointed with the XBox. I have purchased two of them, BOTH of them have died. One was an “Elite” model. I have never in my life seen a console that breaks like this one. Luckily the first one died within its warranty, but the second one was a few months late. Now they want a hundred more dollars to get it running again. Not to mention the weeks I’ll go without gaming.
So, to sum it up, because of its reliability, functionality, and free online play, Sony, I salute you. Microsoft, I give you the bird.
Thank you, Irrational, for going multi-platform.
danneby | August 15, 2010 2:06 pm
Gameplay fottage… You sir just said the magic word!
themadspin | August 15, 2010 2:39 pm
When I grow up, I want to help write a game for Irrational. Not code mind you, just awesome narrative badassery.
There are only about a dozen places that really capture my imagination from a lore standpoint and this is one of them.
Can’t wait.
themadspin | August 15, 2010 2:42 pm
That “can’t wait” is for the game and for the moment when I trick you guys into hiring me.
tarhiel | August 15, 2010 4:03 pm
Oh my goodness – as the others siad, I can´t wait! You just made my day, sir 🙂
andrewrocha | August 15, 2010 5:41 pm
These are great words to read as a(n) avid gaming enthusiast, consumer and member of the interactive entertainment industry. The original BioShock was a fine work of art and I am truly inspired by your commitment to work from the ground up in order to give us a fresh take on the franchise. Can I ask a favor of you? This may seem out of place… but I am constantly imploring developers to focus on the off-line multiplayer market (a small segment, but still significant enough). Four-player split-screen, System-Link… Now, granted, much of BioShock’s charm will come from its narrative and gameplay mechanics but lest us not forget the team also allots a significant portion of time to online multiplayer components. I’m no programmer, but would that really take much time?
Just tossing it out there. I need to make it known — there is an emerging industry out there that virtually thrives on games with offline multiplayer components. If you can do 4-player split-screen, you can do 16-player system-link over 4 consoles a la Halo –don’t cop out like Infinity and Treyarch with Call of Duty (one player per console on system-link when the game can do 4-player splitscreen).
If you’ve read through this entire message, I thank you.
Continue the great work, I look forward to picking up Infinity upon release.
Best Wishes!
ozzyrocks804 | August 15, 2010 8:35 pm
I like this alot………. some people on the 2k forum are upset about the fact that it sounds like he’s brushing bioshock 2 off. I’m a member of the forum ,but I’m not gonna lie bioshock 2 was terrible and I’m not deluding myself anymore! This is the real second Bioshock game!
ruthven | August 16, 2010 9:42 am
I was very unsure at first but having read some of the interviews and previews, I am VERY excited to enter the world of Columbia!
carbondioxide | August 16, 2010 11:34 am
This new game immediately brought to mind Hayao Miyazaki’s fantastic film Castle in the Sky (Laputa). A literal castle in the sky with steampunkesque aircraft and buildings. This game looks like its going to be another masterpiece. I’ve long wondered if anyone would make a game based on that film (also Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind). Not to say Bioshock will be based on the movie, just the setting of a secret city in the sky reminds me of that film. Anyways, looking forward to playing this.
bigdadiesftw | August 16, 2010 7:07 pm
well,here are a few tips. it would be a serious turn off if Rapture was an alternate world, i would not buy another game in the series. second, have the morality system with the rejected babies. save or harvest, all the way. third, have little, i dont know, flash forwards to when rapture starts going to Hell, so we aren’t done with rapture just like that. like a side story almost. and include audio diaries. thats about it.
zacharydoan | August 17, 2010 2:22 am
All I can say is I got goosebumps when I saw the trailer for the first time I am so excited about this game!!! Can’t wait to see more!
drperson | August 17, 2010 9:49 am
I’m the #1 BioShock fan! 😀
jarec | August 17, 2010 4:52 am
Oh, hey, is it OK if I reference this game by the name SteamShock from this point on whenever I talk about it? Oh, you don’t care, OK, then I will.
I can’t imagine this game to be in the “same world” that BioShock was. It’s just too fantastical.
First thing to come my mind from “Infinite” is; We just made EVERY sequel to BioShock, so you guys don’t need to bother anymore.
– Your most biggest turbo-fan of all.
drperson | August 17, 2010 9:55 am
Your profile image makes you look like a n00b.
perfectdarkling | August 17, 2010 11:57 am
Wow. The day the game was announced, I watched the trailer and just about crapped my pants. I can’t wait to see what you guys do with Bioshock Infinite. Here’s hoping the rest of the development process goes well (challenges and all). I know we all look forward to seeing your creativity in motion again.
rybow73 | August 18, 2010 2:16 am
I can’t wait until the gameplay footage. I’ll probably rewatch it 10 times, haha.
adesilva | August 18, 2010 1:52 pm
I cant wait to see some gameplay footage. It will be interesting to see how different it is from the original Bioshock and how much the environment changes things
kevinvilleneuve | August 18, 2010 3:25 pm
At first I was cautious, even with the amazement I felt while watching the trailer…
Then I was excited after reading the info everywhere…
And now I’m mad because I won’t play this for another 2 years.
Thanks Irrational >:(
nodscene | August 18, 2010 6:14 pm
I’m stocked. It’s gonna be a long wait until release day though. I loved Rapture and I hope Colombia will meet my expectations. As I said… I’m stocked.
wyattwilliamson | August 18, 2010 6:40 pm
all i can say is i will not be exploring Columbia with the title of Bioshock it must be rapture if not then im not interested
wyattwilliamson | August 18, 2010 6:40 pm
i couldnt be more disappointed. the original Bioshock created a whole new realm of fiction i dont know if it had a name but i consider it decopunk and to me this new one is a betrayal…not just to me as a fan….but to the game. you can get steampunk all over the place but a world like my Rapture…well its rare and discouraging that they would throw it aside sop easily i can say i wont be buying this or any future installments in the Bioshock franchise until the do my city justice…and return to RAPTURE
rybow73 | August 18, 2010 8:38 pm
@Wyatt – Well, just wait for 2K Games to do another BioShock set in Rapture. I’m sure they’ll do it.
But why not try out Infinite? Just because it doesn’t take place in Rapture doesn’t mean it won’t be good. Wait before you criticize.
borrego | August 18, 2010 9:21 pm
You said it, dude. Write a review for a game when it’s actually out.
mrhate | August 18, 2010 9:02 pm
i am from costa rica ain even in this side of the world we know your work, and let me told you something: keep the good work guys
chaosbeing | August 20, 2010 2:47 am
Hmmm…. The word ‘skeptical’ doesn’t quite fit what I’m feeling, but it’s the closest thing coming to mind. I initially agreed with some of the previous posters sentiments.
“Gasp! This isn’t in Rapture!? ZOMG How could they do it!?”
I then noticed that this game is not, in fact, titled BioShock 3. So, I have to ask the question; Is it? Is this the sequel to the near-cliffhanger ending of BioShock 2, where it explicitly states that Eleanor’s adventure had only just begun? Or is this a spin-off of the classic BioShock series we all love?
I can tell you right now that if this is a spin-off, it will probably be a smashing success. Cash is tight, but I’d probably buy it.
However, if this is supposed to be the third installment, I see only instant death for the series. It’d be such a shame.
chaosbeing | August 20, 2010 7:24 pm
Ok, I’m simply going to expand on what I’ve posted above, and try to say it in a different way.
Ultimately, what I think my biggest fears are is this: Continuity. For one reason or another, many people seem to dislike the second BioShock. I thought the story was actually very good. It expands on the history of Rapture, gave us a few characters with a great dynamic between them, but lets forget that for a moment. When BioShock 2 left off, Eleanor was standing on a lifeboat, ready to face the world. BioShock 3, in this continuity, would not be in Rapture. I have absolutely NO problems with that. I just don’t want to lose a story like that when it’s really only at it’s beginning.
Also, taking place before the 1920’s, it will take place far before Rapture, so I understand it won’t have anything to do with it. That’s perfectly fine. As said, I didn’t expect to really be seeing much more of it anyway. But a flying city really stretches my faith in the believability department. The thing about Rapture is that while fantastic, it feels like it really COULD have happened. It was secretive, kept from the world, made for the purpose of severing their ties with the ‘parasites’. An Americana flying village, on the other hand, will be far harder to pull off. Not impossible, but to difficult.
One last parting comment: Do you guys, the devs, see all the strong reactions to the change? It’s because we’re all completely in love with the series. Nearly as much as you all must be. We’re all trusting you know best, and we’re hoping we’ll love this as well. But like I said, we are scared of losing what we know. Just keep up the stupendous work, guys. And I’ll cross my fingers that Infinite will win me over.
nomardll769 | August 20, 2010 3:01 pm
So now I’ve finally read this post. This is what I like about Irrational; they bend the rules, or as Ken put it, “defy expectations.”
This game will be so incredibly different from all others, it will be insane! Irrational Games, in my opinion, has, and will continue to raise the bar of standards in the gaming industry.
hoboking006 | September 9, 2010 1:42 am
Sounds awesome, sort of like Bioshock meets H.G. Wells the War in the Air
justinkean | September 22, 2010 12:24 pm
Holy Crap!
I just saw the game play trailer for the new Bioshock Infinite and I read the developers blog. When I had first heard that they were doing a Bioshock Infinite I was pretty much groaning internally. To me the story of Rapture has been done. I envisioned the game devolving from this strong nuanced story to what was, in my mind, pretty much just another first person shooter platform. I was very happy to see that the dev team agreed with me..
Although they have kept some game play feel, which I’m fine with since you don’t necessarily need to toss the baby out with the bathwater, the overall look and feel of the game seems very different. This is one that I’ll be seriously looking forward to and I really hope that it lives up to the awesomeness that was the first Bioshock game.
rolanthunder | September 25, 2010 11:23 am
Thank you Ken!!! I’ve always appreciated you and your team’s work on the original BioShock and cannot wait to get into BioShock Infinite!!! I’m very impressed and blown away by what Infinite is and would like to say WELL DONE:)
I’ll always love BioShock and everything about it because it’s special to me and so many others – BioShock 1, 2, Infinite and beyond I’ve embraced in equal measure:D Really looking forward to “Infinite”.
henriquesalesbrito | November 19, 2010 5:17 pm
… I hope it is VERY GOOD!
… More confess that STOU COMPLETAMNTE DISAPPOINTED with the aim of the Saga of RAPTURE. Not because its over, but rather it had final pleo, or rather did not, MINERVA EDEN is a complement to, but just that. And in no way ends the story of RAPTURE was little, small, estremamente incomplete.
… I still have that BIOSHOCK3 for hope: A Sea of Dreams happen, if only because that is what the end of ELENAOR suggests ELENAOR saving the world in a new world order, the disclosure of RAPTURE pair to the world, an arms war with ADAM the world powers of that time, the U.S. and the Soviet Union, Cold War in full, perhaps even JACK back with TENNEBAUM, all united to …
ethan526 | January 12, 2011 1:27 pm
O.o I think bioshock was great but the only downer about it was there was no diary’s about you, but in this one it looks like you all outdone yourselves. to be honest i thought a game this good wouldn’t come out to the public until a hundred years in the future.
thethinker | February 11, 2011 1:31 am
Leave Bioshock out of the PS3 and keep it only for XBOX 360. As The Xbox comminuty is largley the biggest Bioshock Fans
tryptech | February 17, 2011 8:02 pm
Bioshock has my vote for one of the best games ever created, I have spent hundreds of hours playing between the first and second game as well as multiplayer. Congrats, I’ll be the first one to get a copy of Infinite in my hands
magicmaker | March 22, 2011 11:51 pm
“Keeping secrets is hard.” is definitely an understatement. Just be thankful you’re not a magician.
booker13 | July 9, 2011 11:40 pm
game of 2012? i think so
joelotoole | August 3, 2011 5:01 am
loyalharry007 | August 6, 2011 9:29 pm
ooo wow!!! vrm ken levine t la personne la plus super de tout mon existence! pourquoi… hé bien tu a réussi a crée un jeu que jadore et personnellement je suis difficile bravo!!!
lildeviant | September 1, 2011 7:54 pm
Far Cry 3 and Bioshock Infinite 2012 bring It on.
tracepaper | October 12, 2011 6:50 pm
It can not come soon enough for me. Make a Christmas Miracle, and release at the end of this year.
joshimarston | August 12, 2013 5:32 pm
What a magnificent day it was..