On Wednesday, August 11, we will be revealing Irrational Games’ new project to the press. At this special event, the press will be seeing a trailer and a live demonstration of gameplay.
On Thursday, August 12th, at 1:45 Eastern Daylight Time, we will launch the trailer for our new game at Whatisicarus.com. Our hope is that you all will see it PRIOR to reading any news in the press (which will start to come out around 15 minutes later).
Trust me, there’s a reason.
In the coming weeks, we will be releasing a video of the demonstration to the community as well. No promises on the date yet; we’re still figuring that out. You can send me a threatening PM, but it will have no effect other than to hurt my very delicate feelings.
See you all then.
sfxromano | August 10, 2010 2:11 pm
Thanks for the update. I tried to get in but the event was booked. I’ll enjoy watching the trailer from home.
Can’t wait.
rapture | August 10, 2010 2:16 pm
Please be something new or bioshock 3!
zer0hvk | August 10, 2010 2:37 pm
I really can’t wait for this reveal, I’ve been checking out the site since its launch and saw that the white light… or… moon? or whatever it is, moving a bit day by day, which lead me nowhere, and now that it’s a Flash site and it moves on its own, I am, again, confused and feeling less smart than all of you.
Whatever it is I expect it anxiously, you guys are amazing.
rye0077r | August 10, 2010 2:42 pm
I’ve been anticipating this for weeks. 😀
salbert | August 10, 2010 2:47 pm
You are asking a lot here, Ken. You are asking me to voluntarily restrict myself from obtaining any information about this game for one extra day.
Quite frankly, I don’t think I can do it.
vben | August 10, 2010 2:50 pm
Wow. This really has been an incredibly well kept secret. Looking extremely forward to Thursday now.
mikesucks | August 10, 2010 3:52 pm
I’m dying to know what this is all about! I honestly can’t believe it hasn’t leaked yet, with what seems like half the world wanting to know what you guys have been keeping under wraps.
badg3r1977 | August 10, 2010 3:57 pm
If it isn’t a System Shock remake or the final chapter im gonna cry
salbert | August 10, 2010 4:51 pm
I don’t understand how people think it’s another System Shock/Bioshock/Freedom Force/etc. I’m almost certain they said a long time ago that they were working on a NEW IP.
utopianacht | August 10, 2010 4:41 pm
what about system shock 3 @_@” that would be insane and I will preorder right away… 😀 come on make me happy 😛
nabeel | August 10, 2010 6:36 pm
I’m so fricking excited.
drewjamicks | August 10, 2010 9:01 pm
I’m excited about finally hearing about what you guys have been working…avoiding any press until the 12th, not so much
barryman | August 10, 2010 9:06 pm
Looking forward to hearing the news guys. Can’t wait to see what Irrational cooks up.
albto | August 10, 2010 9:23 pm
If its not System Shock 3 i’m breaking my copy of bioshock… which will suck!!
thecounselor | August 10, 2010 11:03 pm
Wait, so you’re revealing the game tomorrow, but not posting the trailer until Thursday, and somehow we are supposed to avoid coverage?
Or, is the press event embargoed?
morgoon | August 10, 2010 11:12 pm
Oh goddddddddddddd. I’m living with an irrational employee and I have no idea what it is! The ANTICIPATION afasdofijaesoifjaosdfijaowefijaosdkfjoaiwejf
jendon | August 11, 2010 2:44 am
Oh heck yes. The swirling figure-8 is taunting me: “I know something you don’t knoooowwwwww.”
neuroman42 | August 11, 2010 8:23 am
Please don’t let me down. 😉
muskellounger | August 11, 2010 8:26 am
Thanks for not launching the teaser site many months ago. WE CAN’T HANDLE WAITING. Hide from the press? There’s a reason? Trust me? Ok, we we’ll try!
facture | August 11, 2010 9:12 am
Yea, I can’t wait to hear what you have to deliver Kevin. Will this “trailer” be posted on sites like; Kotaku, gametrailers.com, etc? Thanks in advance.
mbourgon | August 11, 2010 9:38 am
Unified vision, Ken. Don’t make us wait days/weeks/months to see what the press saw – because the press, honestly, can and will be DAMN wrong. Let us all see the same thing as soon as possible – because you know we’re going to. If you don’t post it, someone’s going to. And then it’ll be crappy youtube videos and endless speculation and “YOU SUCK FOR MAKING THIS!!111!” posts, rather than the enthusiasm you guys deserve.
gargantou | August 11, 2010 10:27 am
It’s unlikely to be System Shock 3, for those uneducated System Shock fans out there, the System Shock IP is owned by Electronic Arts, and not Take-Two/2K etc.
utopianacht | August 11, 2010 12:17 pm
just one more thing.. make it happen over playstation 3… I’m already sad with xcom just on pc-xbox
sammikkelsen | August 11, 2010 1:00 pm
I love you guys but seriously… why is the gameplay demonstration not being released at the same time as the trailer?
Just to frustrate me? 🙁
sam | August 11, 2010 1:02 pm
shame post for an achievement
parker493 | August 11, 2010 1:39 pm
Cant wait for the Trailer hope this game has the same feel as Bioshock and System Shock 2.
benu302000 | August 11, 2010 2:43 pm
“Trust me, there’s a reason.”
Oh, you guys know how to tantalize.
Clever guys, those guys.
roxy | August 11, 2010 4:33 pm
I am ANXIOUSLY awaiting this reveal! Can’t wait! *^_^*
dionsic | August 11, 2010 5:48 pm
Haven’t been on the website in a while, but I can’t wait for the announcement. Anticipation is killing me.
borrego | August 11, 2010 6:59 pm
“YOU’RE excited?! Feel these nipples!!” – Bob Costas
borrego | August 11, 2010 7:03 pm
But in all seriousness, I promise not to look into what the press says just yet. Man I’m so pumped for this! Woo!
dutch | August 11, 2010 7:09 pm
At what time today is the press event?
aphelionz | August 11, 2010 7:58 pm
What exciting times we live in!
neuroman42 | August 11, 2010 9:26 pm
Thief 4… just saying.
gargantou | August 12, 2010 3:42 am
Strike and you’re out!
Thi4f(Yes, that’s right, they call(ed) it Thi4f) is under development by Eidos Montreal who own the rights to the series.
IG.Nate | August 11, 2010 11:39 pm
Here’s the thing…..we have our own dev version of heart-pounding anticipation:
Waiting for you guys to see our stuff
We’re not backstage at the magic show…
This is the magic show.
cl4ssicrob | August 12, 2010 1:08 am
Ive been following the Whatisicarus.com website for quite some time now with great anticipation and enthusiasm on what the next new great game added to a already spectacular library of great games from all the developers at Irrational Games.
On a more light hearted note: We should be on the look out for all sorts of human like bugs infesting a city, deep see diver men with a marshmallow for a hand ,human batteries, disk launchers, and quite possibly a dog in a wheal chair somewhere around the corner. You never know!
markbrady | August 12, 2010 1:30 pm
15 min! Im pretty excited….
deadl4st | August 12, 2010 1:42 pm
flannelbeard | August 12, 2010 1:52 pm
its up… awesome trailer… great twist… can’t wait to get my hands on it! 🙂
alfon1995 | August 12, 2010 1:55 pm
Bioshock 3!!! Ihave problems with the video, but i think is Bioshock 3.
georgeblott | August 12, 2010 1:56 pm
Looks swell, real swell. I think it’s awesome that you guys are expanding on the Bioshock universe – can’t wait to see more.
Great looking trailer too, though I’ll say a little prayer for your bandwidth.
kashwashwa | August 12, 2010 1:57 pm
I can honestly say I’m a bit deflated seeing that it’s another game in the Bioshock universe. I was really hoping for something totally original.
borrego | August 12, 2010 1:58 pm
Bioshock Infinite!! Great choice, guys!! I’m having trouble with the player, but I’m working on it. Ah man I am STOOOOOKED!!! YES! YEESSS!!!
roxy | August 12, 2010 2:10 pm
It looks WONDERFUL! I am so excited! I definitely can’t wait for this one. <3
buckybit | August 12, 2010 2:25 pm
I remember Ken Levine saying about the other dev team making a Bioshock sequel “I hope they do something new with it” – that’s my hope here too.
Glad that somebody must have read Pynchon’s Against The Day?
stikfa | August 12, 2010 2:32 pm
Awesome !!! Trailer hangs up in IE8. Switched over to Firefox to watch it. Looks amazing!
joshuadesimone | August 12, 2010 2:40 pm
I couldn’t be more excited to see the people who created this great franchise back at the helm. Bioshock 2 was good, but not as impressive as the first and, from the looks of it, this one is set to reinvent things yet again. 2012 is too far away…
buckybit | August 12, 2010 2:47 pm
… also Neal Stephenson’s “Diamond Age” was a great book too.
Let’s wait and see how much they had to bow before marketing and ‘brand’-name recognition vs the new, challenging, innovative stuff they allow themselves to put in this new game.
apekatt | August 12, 2010 2:57 pm
Trailer looks amazing, guys (and girls). Really looking forward to the proper sequel to Bioshock.
drewjamicks | August 12, 2010 3:04 pm
its no ordinary sequel folks….its a PREQUEL SEQUEL!!
borrego | August 12, 2010 3:07 pm
Truly awesome. It looks like they’re taking their time with it, which will even further guarantee a remarkable end result. Everything about this story concept points to another mind blowing experience like the first BioShock. I love the idea of setting it at that time period. What I love even more is how they can take any setting and make it genuinely scary. We’ve had Hell, we’ve had Space, we’ve had Nazis, but Irrational found a way to make 50’s art deco creepy. Now they’re taking it to the vast blue skies. It’s going to be phenomenal.
ruthven | August 12, 2010 3:07 pm
2012 is too far away!! Looks simply brilliant.
mbourgon | August 12, 2010 3:16 pm
Looks fantastic. I like that you’ve replaced Objectivism with Jingoism, I love that it’s got bright colors, and I love the twist in the trailer.
That being said, I had to go to Kotaku to watch it – neither Chrome nor Firefox nor IE would play it on my machine.
stuntmanseth | August 13, 2010 12:47 am
I saw the trailer before I even knew what was going on. I saw the ad on XBOX live and I am so glad by the surprise. I cannot wait for this game.
helixpea | August 13, 2010 12:50 am
Me too, I saw it on Xbox Live. My eyes jumped out from my skull and my jaw dropped… Best surprise ever. Thank you, IG. You’ve made my entire month.
EV0L L0V3 | August 13, 2010 1:21 am
aren’t you super glad i text you when i did?
EV0L L0V3 | August 13, 2010 1:20 am
i am so glad that Bioshock took to the skies! this game already looks amazing. that being said, i would still love to see someone (hopefully Irrational) put an end to the Rapture series. BS2 felt like it lacked a REAL story so i’d like to see the series come full circle and give the fans the proper closure they deserve.
explodingcrayon | August 15, 2010 6:24 pm
I have to admit that you guys got me with the trailer. I thought it was going to be BioShock 3 or something to continue down in Rapture and I got a little worried, (since usually trilogies don’t work out well… No matter what the series is…) but then it went in the completely opposite direction! It was really exciting to see and I’m so eager for more!
rybow73 | August 18, 2010 2:04 am
It was a crazy announcement!
huffenstein | September 6, 2010 8:01 pm
Can’t wait! This game looks EPIC!!!!
mrjwaters | October 12, 2010 7:01 pm
This game will be so great! Looks AWESOME!
quancro | April 11, 2011 1:51 am
i guess is may be bioshock infinite..???????