Ghost Story Games

Anticipating 2012

on January 6 2012


Now that 2012 is in full swing, many outlets are reviewing what to expect in the coming year in their various “Most Anticipated” lists. We’re proud to report that BioShock Infinite showed up in more than one of these features, and we’re truly honored. Don’t take our word for it – see what the professionals have to say!

“If you’re not freaking psyched for BioShock Infinite, you may be missing some synapses in your mind grapes. Exploring the twisted, floating world of Columbia is something we can’t wait to do.” –

“Where Rapture introduced us to an underwater dystopia filled with drugged riddled enemies, here we will be plunged into a civil war featuring sky mortars, ultranationalists who can summon flocks of crows, and varied automata resembling circus strongmen and the Maltese Falcon. We’re eagerly looking forward to what is next for this franchise.” –

“Set in 1912, the action takes place in Columbia, a huge floating city constructed by the U.S. government as a lofty tribute to American ideals. Of course, this being a BioShock game, wrinkles abound: rival factions vie for ultimate control of Columbia even as the airborne community passes through rifts in the space-time continuum (occasionally placing its citizens at various points in time, including the early 1980s). If nothing else, Infinite has origins perhaps unique in the annals of gaming: lead designer Ken Levine got the central idea of his game while watching a history documentary on PBS.” –

“It’s tough to downplay the insane amount of hype that BioShock Infinite has around it, but it’s one of the only game franchises that really deserves it. Because the original had such an engaging storyline, brilliant art direction, and fantastic gameplay, we can only assume BioShock Infinite will deliver in all these areas and more.” –

“Returning to the BioShock helm is game designer Ken Levine, who dazzled players five years ago with the first chapter of this amazing franchise. There’s also the dizzying combat while riding the city’s skylines.” – USA Today

Bioshock Infinite has been wowing audiences since its announcement in 2010 and has already won numerous awards even before its official release next year. Taking the action from underwater to the skies, creator Ken Levine is hoping fans will embrace the new direction and explore the new setting.” – CNN

“As if I wasn’t already champing at the bit for this after talking with the director and his voice cast, the latest trailer has me jonesing even harder. Listening to the Elizabeth character sing ‘Will the Circle Be Unbroken’ gives me goosebumps.” – WIRED & ArsTechnica

“But with creative director Ken Levine and the team at Irrational back behind the wheel, there is a definite buzz surrounding the development of BioShock Infinite, which trades the dark ocean depths for the blue skies and American Exceptionalism of the early 1900s.” – VentureBeat

Infinite moves the action backwards in time and up in the air, sending you on a mission to the fascinating steampunk air-metropolis called Columbia. It’s like a secret adaptation of Thomas Pynchon’s Against the Day!” – Entertainment Weekly

“Expect imaginative design, compelling themes, and nail-biting gameplay to power Infinite to early Game of the Year consideration.” – Yahoo!

“Featuring an all-new setting and cast of characters, BioShock Infinite looks to take storytelling in games to another level.” – Game Informer

““There’s political and class warfare going on in the story, an AI companion in Elizabeth that seems like she’s really going to push the boundaries of anything we’ve seen before, the creepiness of the Songbird, and just the fact the game looks so damn pretty.” – Official Xbox Magazine

“It’s hard to not be excited for Bioshock Infinite, and when a game looks that good, it’s hard not to take notice.” – MediaKick

BioShock has never been a series that shies away from moral decision making either and it will be the player’s choice whether to risk hurting their vulnerable partner in exchange for the extra power wielded.” – TheSixthAxis

“Columbia looks to be one of the most artistically realized settings in the history of gaming, and BioShock’s classic guns-meet-plasmids gameplay makes this our most anticipated game of 2012.” – VGChartz

BioShock Infinite was also named as a most anticipated game for 2012 at:

Posted on January 6 2012 11:51 am, under Insider

Comments (20)

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  • bigdaddeh | January 6, 2012 12:29 pm

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    Based on Irrational’s track record and everything we’ve seen so far, the accolades are well deserved!

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  • sacboi | January 6, 2012 12:42 pm

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    Every time I’m talking to somebody (be them interested or not) I have an uncontrollable urge to bring up Bioshock: Infinite. Usually, you can’t be too sure whether a game is going to be good or not until it comes out, but Irrational makes it so obvious that they’re looking to replace Bioshock with Bioshock: Infinite as everybody’s favorite game of all time.

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  • joemommak1200 | January 6, 2012 1:01 pm

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    This game is going to be far and above anything ever before! Most bioshock haters aren’t intelligent enough to understand all of the different dynamics, meanings, and storylines. It’s soo much more than “point and shoot”. It’s all over their heads.

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  • nintendoll | January 6, 2012 5:24 pm

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    None of this surprises me 🙂

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  • precipice66 | January 6, 2012 5:32 pm

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    Some well deserved props for BI!

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  • dannysal | January 6, 2012 7:37 pm

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    It’s on my list too and I’m no pro! Ain’t nothing like a little pressure to get those creative juices flowing. 🙂

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  • borrego | January 6, 2012 9:48 pm

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    Way back when I first read the BioShock cover feature in Game Informer, I knew I was in for a truly unique gaming experience. I like knowing that Irrational will always be remembered as a dev team that delivered some seriously substantial storytelling in gaming.

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  • icegrove | January 7, 2012 12:54 pm

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    A small step for player a big step for Bioshock Infinite!

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  • losstarot | January 7, 2012 2:49 pm

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    Judging from all those praises from different media, I just hope Infinite definitely sells huge amounts of copies from day one to who knows when d(>_< )GOOD!

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  • rationalman | January 7, 2012 8:26 pm

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    I think that all these are true and I want to see more of infinite but I don’t want the game to be ruined for me. it’s a tough decision but irrationals doing the right thing.

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  • caramelcod | January 7, 2012 11:31 pm

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    I think Infinite is going to be a big step in the right direction for intellectual games. People still talk about the original Bioshock’s immense scholarly density, and I can’t wait to analyze Columbia and its story. Hoping for a great 2012 with BI!

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  • quancro | January 9, 2012 1:33 am

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    the clock is ticking ..and once we get or hand in the game we will be atonishing when the game comes to a end.. and we are saying right now this game looks awesome .. i cant not wait to paly the game .. and the after playing the game …. we will say that was one of the most gorgeus games we ever play is we know is bioshock but will fell so crazy so powerfull..that we will not belive it …and then we will wait for the other bioshock ?

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  • magicmaker | January 10, 2012 7:52 am

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    I have countless hours I’m sure could be spent bettering some aspect of myself that I am willing/wanting to use playing this game instead, so bring it on!

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  • equipableirish | January 11, 2012 3:52 pm

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    I’ve said it before and I stand by it. I’ve grown attached to Booker and Liz just from what’s been shown so far and I think that is quite the achievement! I actually care to know more about them and what happens to them over the course of the game, and that’s something that some finished products haven’t managed! Keep up the great work guys! Can’t wait for Infinite’s release! 🙂

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  • juan29zapata | January 12, 2012 5:47 pm

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    I am glad that credit goes where it’s due! Congrats Irrational!

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  • philippkrper | January 13, 2012 4:37 am

    I wander why it’s not yet listed in Art magazines. For it is the most complex piece of art I know.

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  • undeniably | February 8, 2012 8:53 pm

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    Sounds great!

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