Ghost Story Games

Behind Booker and Elizabeth Part 2

on November 4 2011


Machinima posted the second exclusive trailer in our behind-the-scenes trailer looking at the people behind Booker and Elizabeth from BioShock Infinite. This new trailer delves into the methods used by the voice actors to get the performances needed to bring genuine emotion into the world of Columbia and BioShock Infinite. You’ll even get a sneak peek at the recording of one of the key lines from the BioShock Infinite E3 demo, making for some extra insight into the entire process. Don’t take our word for it – see for yourself!

The People Behind Booker and Elizabeth Part 1

Posted on November 4 2011 12:31 pm, under Insider
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Comments (21)

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  • mojomonkey12 | November 4, 2011 1:38 pm

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    Very cool, loved the first part and this was just amazing! Being a voice actor is harder than many thing it would seem!

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  • borrego | November 4, 2011 4:04 pm

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    Such believable voice acting. Courtnee Draper and Troy Baker really know their craft. What a fascinating way to get a genuine performance out of these two as well. There’s a lot of devotion there when you’re up for an approach like that to get the right performance. I’m no voice actor, but damn if that isn’t some convincing work.

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  • boltonhawser | November 4, 2011 4:43 pm

    Please tell me I’m not the only one who paused the video at 0:45 hoping to get insight on a new scene. XP

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    • asamericanas | November 5, 2011 3:28 am

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      Your not the only one. I was hoping to get some new info and then a little bummer. Although watching the VA in real time was pretty interesting.

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    • brecklesueur | November 10, 2011 2:35 pm

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      Hah, same here…oh well. I don’t like spoilers anyway…

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  • knives | November 4, 2011 9:24 pm

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    While I appreciate the little behind-the-scenes bits, I’d really prefer more info on the actual game…hell even a few new artwork posters or screenshots would be great.

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    • Reaper | November 8, 2011 2:06 pm

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      I like these BTS videos a lot and I always find them an incredible insight in the creative process. Congrats to the actors, since they’ll make of Infinite a very emotional journey that not many games can achieve. But I agree with knives here to have a little more artwork. With the incredible Art Direction and Visuals this game has, I’ve been starving for artwork like the ones used on the covers of EGM and PC Gamer. Please IG, give us more artwork to make the wait a little more bearable.

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  • japester | November 5, 2011 7:30 am

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    Nice to see this bit of footage without the edits used at PAX. I laughed along with the rest of the audience during the panel, but this time I started tearing up a a bit when she said this was really making her uncomfortable. I acted as a hobby for years–nothing approaching what professionals like Courtnee and Troy do–but I can empathize somewhat with the process. At that precise moment, I could see Courtnee resisting the urge to fall into that darker place emotionally. Her training lets her move into a place she doesn’t want to be, but for a second her rational mind hesitates a bit and objects. Really fascinating to see the emotional cogs move like that.

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    • borrego | November 5, 2011 5:17 pm

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      Well put, japester!

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  • icegrove | November 5, 2011 8:02 am

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    Now that is living in to your role.

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  • quancro | November 7, 2011 3:02 am

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    just to give the feel.. the texture of the narrative.. is so amazing.. great job ..this is priceless

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  • equipableirish | November 7, 2011 8:24 am

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    These guys rock so hard! 🙂

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  • ismell | November 7, 2011 2:21 pm

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    Did you ever think the part where Elizabeth puts Booker’s hand around her neck is too melodramatic?

    I think that every time I see it.

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  • juan29zapata | November 8, 2011 8:14 pm

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    Now this is the one I wanted to see. I do gotta admit that Courtney is one hell of an actress to receive such a verbal beat up and still wanting to do it again!

    I know this game will have amazing acting, I am sure of it.

    By the way, I feel a disturbance in the force every time I hear Ken swear. It’s awkward as heck heh.

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  • piranha | November 9, 2011 8:38 am

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    Very cool, loved the first part and this was just amazing! Being a voice actor is harder than many thing it would seem… Such believable voice acting. Courtnee Draper and Troy Baker really know their craft…

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  • fuchipatas | November 10, 2011 12:41 am

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    Fantastic video! Love seeing this kind of behind the scenes footage. Please keep ’em coming!

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  • linedgoat | November 10, 2011 3:52 am

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    I love the way to create a believable work into the voices. What they really need to work at is to get the emote from the actors face to the face of the characters ingame.

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  • brecklesueur | November 10, 2011 2:34 pm

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    In the “hand around her throat scene” as excellent as the animation is, when you see Courtney’s facial expressions and CG Elizabeth’s side by side, Elizabeth’s lack the same emotion — and her eye’s look lifeless. Obviously, Bioshock’s are far better than most I’ve seen in games these days, but when you see the real and the CG side-by-side it makes you realize the room for improvement. And I wonder if they will incorporate some of Courtney’s expressions at some point — an update from the demo.

    That said, love the voice acting, love the animation. So excited for Infinite. When are we going to get a release date? I was hoping for early 2012 but guessing Fall 2012.

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    • japester | November 11, 2011 4:32 am

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      They just might. I do know that in various interviews about the demo, they said they were coding right up to the last minute to fix major things like Elizabeth clipping into objects and doing other crazy things. So it’s not indicative of the final, polished product. The facial animations aren’t bad, so maybe they are indeed final. But the door to tweak things is certainly open.

      We’ll get a release date when we get it. 😉

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  • emiliobelislemoore | November 20, 2011 7:06 am

    beautiful performance by voice actors, can’t wait for final product!

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  • hadahank | March 18, 2012 12:18 pm

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