Check out the new BioShock Infinite box art!
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scyphe | December 3, 2012 7:11 am
I don’t want to be a sour face but that box art is disappointing as anything. Generic, cliché, boring, appealing more to the CoD fans than Bioshock Fans (my steelbox Bioshock is just wonderful).
I mean, it’s well done and all, it just seems very uninspired and says absolutely nothing about Bioshock Infinite. Just the ordinary tough guy with a shotgun on his shoulder. As if someone borrowed from Max Payne 3 cover. :/
I hope this was a choice of the PR guys and not Ken or any of the inner circle @ irrational.
jdloeppky | December 3, 2012 9:44 am
Well unlike the last guys comment, I think the box is fantastic. Booker looks like he’s ready to kill somebody
knives | December 3, 2012 12:58 pm
The artwork itself is nice…but I have to agree that it’s not very representative of what the games about.
Why not Liz or Songbird?
mindsize | December 3, 2012 1:34 pm
Hey guys, I think that cover looks great. Can anyone address whether this was done in house at Irrational, or is this something that is done by an outside graphics studio?
squito1 | December 3, 2012 1:41 pm
It really looks like a cod cover. not that exciting i think. It would look great with a songbird on the front.
skywalkerjade | December 3, 2012 2:44 pm
I can see some similarities to COD box art, in that it has one central figure in a walking stance carrying a gun… but it’s also hugely different. This is different than the previous bioshock games, you have a character who has a voice and a face, so they show the character you play. While the songbird is cool, I think highlighting the main character is the best choice. Also, Liz is on the back, so it’d be weird to have her on the front and the back (course they didn’t release that info till later).
fitzchivalry | December 5, 2012 11:34 am
I really hope the rumors about this game being troubled aren’t true, because this box art isn’t doing this game any favors. From what I’ve gleaned from following this game over the years Booker is this interesting flawed character, that is being completely misrepresented by a picture of a generic summer blockbuster action hero that forgot to take his fiber. Really it’s upsetting because I expected better from this team that is bringing us this amazing looking game that is anything but what this atrocious box art is trying to convey. And come on, everyone knows it could be done so much better. Especially Irrational.
mistershark | December 6, 2012 11:40 am
Sorry but Booker does look pretty generic.
None of the out-of-the-box thinking that I love Irrational for comes through in that cover.
In the end though I could care less about the box as I know the game is going to meet or exceed all of my expectations.
If market analysts who know far more than I when it comes to moving product off of shelves say that the cover will work then God bless, as I’d love to see Ken and Irrational make as much profit on this upcoming masterpiece as they surely deserve.
russellgorall | December 8, 2012 11:58 am
I love the box art.
It is a style and focus to get as many people interested in it as possible. In the first BioShock the focus was a Big Daddy, it drew you in because it looked so weird. Old and new, sort of.
The more the game has the karma of the first one, the better.
In Levine I trust!!!
rationalman | December 8, 2012 8:02 pm
I like the art and the style but i have one request. Please make the cover reversible like skyrims or dishonored because i think all bioshock fans deserve to have a cover as good as bioshock 1 on infinite.
getup2k | December 12, 2012 8:40 pm
Head down, eyes up. Uggggh.
markwiepert | December 12, 2012 10:19 pm
Nice flag burning there!! Awesome! Yeah Irrational, FUCK AMERICA! Yeaaahh! I’m down with you guys! FUCK AMERICA! Irrational hates America, right? Awesome burning flag design! FUCK AMERICA, FUCK AMERICA. I’m down with Irrational cuase they obviously hate America… right? This IS the message your sending, right? Of coarse it is! I’m with Irrational – FUCK AMERICA!
ihsnet | December 12, 2012 11:16 pm
In the beginning, I dont like it at all either, but, after read the reason of this box art from kev Levine, I undestand this is a marketing thing. All of us know about the game, but the casual gammers dont, so there want something like COD and buy this game with that idea, and there would be pleasent with this amazing game C: good work Irrational¡
greyking | December 13, 2012 2:03 pm
Honestly, I don’t understand all the hate towards the cover. Out of all the alternates presented, this was the obvious choice.
moclov | December 14, 2012 6:51 am
just use the first design 1 of liz and add the city in the background with the songbird staring twards her.
felixh88 | December 27, 2012 7:47 pm
Not a bad choice to go with this one. It’s modern and caters to a wider audience range. It can’t just be our little gem forever. Hope more people open to the vast amount of great games out there that go unnoticed. There’s more games deserving of attention out there than just a select few shooters.