For every feature that ends up in a game, 10 more are proposed and dumped during the pre-production phase, and another five on the road to final release*. The handful of examples that follow offer a window into the different ways that BioShock and System Shock 2 might have turned out.
*These aren’t hard figures. Include them in your school papers at your own peril.
System Shock 2’s missing log
“One of the most controversial design decisions in Shock 2,” says designer Dorian Hart, “was to have the weapons degrade with use, and so be in regular need of repair. From a pure design standpoint, the goal was to ratchet up the feeling of constant tension. Part of what made Shock 2 such an emotional experience was that we never let the player get comfortable; having players know that their guns could jam in the middle of a fight played straight to that goal.
“There was, and continues to be, backlash from the fans about that system — and a majority of that criticism comes as complaints about the realism of the system. In real life, weapons don’t noticeably degrade with each shot fired, and so it angered players that the Shock 2 weapons had that behavior.
“The maddening truth about that was, at least once during development, we talked about having an audio log in the game that talked about why that was happening — enough so that some people on the team thought we actually shipped with it. The log would have explained that as part of their takeover, the Many had released a special corrosive gas into the Von Braun that damaged weapons but was harmless to organic creatures.
“Of course, in hindsight, the team has been kicking themselves for not including that audio log. In one fell 30-second swoop, we could have prevented about 80 percent of the complaints, or at least redirected them toward Xerxes and the Many, and away from the development team.”
BioShock’s atmospheric pressure system
BioShock was slated to simulate deep-sea atmospheric pressure changes. In fact, the feature was functioning when the game shipped.
Technical Director Chris Kline explains: “Any area in BioShock could be associated with a ‘pressure region.’ Machines in each region allowed players to change the local pressure between low, normal, and high parameters. For each room in the game, there were entirely different light, fog, and HDR rendering setups, and when the pressure was changed, the whole atmosphere in the room would smoothly blend from the current setup to the new setup. In addition, every AI responded differently to pressure, meaning that, depending on the current pressure, the AI would have different animations, vocalizations, appearance, speeds, vulnerabilities to different damage types, and damage bonuses.
“The system was originally designed so that the player had an additional way to manipulate the world to his advantage ,” Kline adds. “For example, perhaps one AI was immune to fire in normal pressure but susceptible to it in high or low pressures; or an AI had poor perception in low pressure.”
“In practice, the system was a disaster because it caused several gameplay and production issues:
- The amount of work that artists needed to do in each room of the game tripled, because each pressure needed its own lighting and fog settings.
- It was impossible to control the mood of any given space, because changes in pressure resulted in changes in lighting and fog.
- Designers needed to plan for every permutation of pressure settings for every single room. QA then had to test these.
“Most importantly — and this is the issue that put the nail in the system’s coffin — was that we never found a good way to clearly convey the effect of pressure through audiovisual changes.”
Creating feedback to communicate the state of an environment, and the ways in which environmental changes affect characters, without resorting to clunky and/or abstract user-interface cues is one of game design’s central challenges. And when a state such as barometric pressure is invisible to those few senses that videogames stimulate — sight, sound, and to a tiny extent, touch — that task grows ever more time consuming. What does pressure look like? How does a Big Daddy behave under high pressure? Can players correctly interpret that behavior? How do they know that flames shoot farther under reduced pressure, or that bullets are more likely to blow things apart when pressure ratchets up?
Interestingly, some remnant of this system shipped with BioShock. “While we ‘cut’ pressure from the game,” Kline says, “the portion that controlled lighting and fog changes was left in the code. At one point, I discovered (to my horror, because the code hadn’t been tested in ages) that artists were hijacking the pressure system to script lighting and fog changes — most notably in the Arcadia level when the trees die and are brought back to life. So I suppose that the code was solid.”
Biomechanical emphasis in BioShock
“Early on during BioShock’s development, we went through a phase that placed much more emphasis on biotechnology,” says designer Alexx Kay. “Audio logs, instead of being tape recorders, would be squishy, organic things, with lips and ears. Machines that seemed mechanical on the surface would actually have mutated humans operating them behind the scenes — something that players would only come to realize partway through the game. There is a small remnant of this notion in the hacking mini-game; originally, the fiction behind it was that you were increasing the flow of Adam to this addicted, mutated slave, and he was giving you extra benefits in gratitude.
BioShock’s insect-based ecology
According to designer Alexx Kay, “One of the original inspirations for BioShock was Ken Levine’s belief that it was getting too hard to create meaningful human interactions in games. His first take on a solution: model meaningful insect interactions, like you would see on a nature show. BioShock would feature a complex ecology of creatures that interacted in simple, easy-to-get ways. Harvesters would gather resources and bring them back to Queens. Aggressors would attack the Harvesters, Protectors would guard them. (The Queens were large, immobile creatures, with lots of Adam, who could summon Protectors if attacked.) There would never be any speech, or any indication of higher intelligence.
“Ironically, we did a 180 from that, ending up with creatures that were very strongly human, if twisted, and who spoke all the time.
“Even the basic functionality of the ecology was mostly cut. We kept the fiction that Splicers would attack Little Sisters, and get into fights with Big Daddies — but except for a few scripted sequences, they actually wouldn’t.”
BioShock’s navigation robot
During the middle stages of Bioshock’s development, the team realized that due to the complex connectivity of Rapture, players needed assistance in order to navigate the city and complete quests. Technical Director Chris Kline says, “We wanted a map, but were concerned that this would take too much programming and design/art time to implement. So I came up with the idea of Nav-Bot: You could press a controller button to summon your Nav-Bot, activate him with another controller button, and then select from a list of destinations in a 2D user interface. You could then follow him to the designated location.
“There were a number of problems with this concept. The biggest one was that, while following Nav-Bot, the player would spend the entire time looking at the floor as Nav-Bot shuttled along (I pitched him as something akin to K-9 from Dr. Who). But there were other concerns:
- What if the player gets distracted while following Nav-Bot?
- What if Nav-Bot gets stuck in the middle of a brawl?
- How does Nav-Bot go up stairs? Elevators?
- If the player wants to remember a particular place and come back to it, how do players “mark” the location?
“Another hurdle to overcome was the fact that, unlike maps, Nav-Bot was not a familiar concept in first-person shooters. In the end, someone (maybe Jon Chey at Irrational Games Australia) made the executive decision that we needed to suck up the extra work and make a map. Thus died Nav-Bot.”
eternaldarkwing | January 26, 2010 12:21 pm
It’s interesting to see how invested the team was in creating a lot of very organic creatures or technologies into Bioshock. With the way the game is now, it would almost feel out of place or strange if some of those things were actually incorporated into the game.
snakelinksonic | January 26, 2010 12:30 pm
Weird, I’ve never been one of the detractors for degrading weapons in any game. As far as SS2 goes, I’ve always appreciated much more how the game kept me uncomfortable at all times. Even though I initially stated to myself that the corrosive gas log wouldn’t have mattered, it would have helped (maybe even more than I’m giving it credit for) in coloring the game’s atmosphere.
veko | January 26, 2010 12:53 pm
Humm… call me hardcore, but the weapon degradation was a cool feature for me in SS2… and risky for you to add! It generates tension because makes every single shot important, forces you to keep track of the dispensers, and maybe switch weapons if one breaks, etc. 🙂
And… what about the *lack of inventory* in Bioshock? ;P
nabeel | January 26, 2010 1:19 pm
Interesting, I’d never heard about the talking meat audio diaries, that’s … weird.
mcwizardry | January 26, 2010 1:23 pm
I also didn’t have an issue with the weapon degradation. Why not patch the audio-log into the game if it ever gets a re-release. Oh, and there’s a duplicate paragraph concerning that issue in the Biomechanical Emphasis section.
bdillman | January 26, 2010 1:47 pm
They meant to do that. The two situations were similar in how they could have been fixed with a simple 30 second recording.
bdillman | January 26, 2010 1:48 pm
Or not….
sunjammer | January 26, 2010 1:57 pm
I didn’t mind the weapon degradation. I think it just changes how you shoot guns and use them. I for one put way more emphasis on stealth and wrench use, as i quickly identified weapons as a huge timesink in terms of resource and module expense. I think at hest i took on one pair of normal handguns and kept them loaded with armorpiercing or anti personnel rounds, and just upgraded them and my ability to fire them and left all other guns out.
I think partially this is because, to be honest, shooting isn’t Shock’s forte. I’d much rather hack turrets and sneak around than shoot
rye0077r | January 26, 2010 2:43 pm
Thanks for the inside info!
Any chance you all might be able to unearth any videos/gameplay images of old BS builds. Something like the gray subway looking Rapture, or even if any visuals were created for the cult deprogrammer or WWII bunker concepts?
ig.kline | January 26, 2010 6:30 pm
It’s a little hard to see, but in a talk I gave to the Montreal IGDA chapter a while back I showed footage of several early incarnations of Bioshock. The “subway looking rapture” can be seen around the 24:50 mark.
mindblower | January 26, 2010 7:11 pm
thanks! Thats was very interesting to watch. Great scenery and atmosphere.
rye0077r | January 28, 2010 11:18 am
Hey, thanks for not “de-Klining” my request. 😉 j/k
Seriously, it’s interesting to see how far the game progressed from the beginning point!
January 26, 2010 4:25 pm
[…] rye0077r Thanks for the inside… […]
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soloros | January 26, 2010 4:28 pm
Reading that first point about the gas degrading the quality of weapons in SS2 instantly made my day. That just cleared up a question I’ve had since I first played the game. And I’m glad they mentioned the fate of the bugs from BioShock because I still have a picture on my laptop of one of those things.
axident | January 26, 2010 5:38 pm
Some of those seem like cool ideas; though others I’m glad didn’t make it to the final products. =P
batmanprime | January 26, 2010 6:03 pm
So many good ideas, so many problems. Oh well, Bioshock was great anyway!
fleepaint | January 26, 2010 6:45 pm
Cool to hear about the scrapped ideas. Seems like the right decision was made on most of these =)
neuroman42 | January 26, 2010 7:22 pm
I always hated the degrading weapons, but it never stole from my enjoyment.
January 26, 2010 7:27 pm
[…] developments that may have eluded the public eye. In an update posted today, Shawn Elliott examines five features that were cut from Irrational’s beloved pair of […]
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January 26, 2010 7:43 pm
[…] developments that may have eluded the public eye. In an update posted today, Shawn Elliott examines five features that were cut from Irrational’s beloved pair of […]
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January 26, 2010 7:54 pm
[…] developments that may have eluded the public eye. In an update posted today, Shawn Elliott examines five features that were cut from Irrational’s beloved pair of […]
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January 26, 2010 7:54 pm
[…] developments that may have eluded the public eye. In an update posted today, Shawn Elliott examines five features that were cut from Irrational’s beloved pair of […]
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January 26, 2010 7:58 pm
[…] developments that may have eluded the public eye. In an update posted today, Shawn Elliott examines five features that were cut from Irrational’s beloved pair of […]
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January 26, 2010 8:00 pm
[…] developments that may have eluded the public eye. In an update posted today, Shawn Elliott examines five features that were cut from Irrational’s beloved pair of […]
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chrisdunkley | January 26, 2010 8:13 pm
I’m glad most of those features were cut. My biggest issue with most of them is that they’re simply too abstract to be easily understood by players. Rather than imposing complexity on all players through abstract systems Bioshock ended up being a very fundamental game with extra detail and complexity available to those who searched it out. I think this is how it should be.
As for the audiolog explaining the gun degradation in SS2, that just sounds stupid to me. If you have a virus that eats metal why isn’t it eating the ship? It poses more questions than it answers and it’s very obviously a constructed excuse for a game mechanic. Had that explanation been in the game I would have shrugged the fiction off and continued being annoyed by the gameplay 🙂
I like the biomechanical idea though. The idea of the game slowly revealing a biofreak underclass powering the machines the player was mindlessly operating for the first part of the game seems pretty cool/disgusting.
sidshuman | January 26, 2010 8:35 pm
Brilliant story Shawn, this was a real treat to learn. I love the idea of the pressure system in BioShock, would’ve been neat to see in action somehow. Great read!
sunjammer | January 26, 2010 8:45 pm
I was pretty excited when i heard the spiritual successor to Shock 2 would be set in the crumbling ruins of a Nazi biomechanics lab complex. We didn’t exactly land there, but hey.
I’d love to see a proper Bioshock. If anything at all was disappointing about Bioshock for me it would be how un-bio it was.
January 26, 2010 9:02 pm
[…] A couple of weeks have passed and Irrational Games have announced Five Cut Features from their games. It mentions the hacking minigame from Bioshock, and that initially the pipe […]
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January 26, 2010 9:22 pm
[…] developments that may have eluded the public eye. In an update posted today, Shawn Elliott examines five features that were cut from Irrational’s beloved pair of […]
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deadfred11 | January 27, 2010 12:08 am
It’s crazy to see all the things that yaw wanted to do nut got vetod some were aloung the line it’s amazing to me
January 27, 2010 6:09 am
[…] developments that may have eluded the public eye. In an update posted today, Shawn Elliott examines five features that were cut from Irrational’s beloved pair of […]
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veko | January 27, 2010 7:28 am
January 27, 2010 12:41 pm
[…] developments that may have eluded the public eye. In an update posted today, Shawn Elliott examines five features that were cut from Irrational’s beloved pair of […]
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warzombie | January 27, 2010 3:38 pm
Some interesting concepts at hand, though ultimately I feel you guys made the right decisions to cut these things from your games (No offense). The biomechanical stuff sounds great, and it’s really the only idea here I could’ve seen being effective in the finished product, though I think just regular audio diaries was still effective. The characters are all so messed up in their own ways and so horribly mutated that biomechanics wasn’t all that necessary, but it could’ve potentially been fun as well.
January 27, 2010 5:44 pm
[…] פוסט מעניין בבלוג של Irrational Games מתאר 5 פיצ’רים (אחד מ- System Shock 2, כל השאר מ- Bioshock) שתוכננו להכלל במשחקי החברה, ואז נחתכו מתוכם באכזריות. הפיצ’רים נעים מ”לא רלוונטיים בעליל”, ועד ל”איזה רעיון מטומטם, אם הם היו מכניסים את זה למשחק היו פותחים עליהם קבוצת חרם בפייסבוק”, ודי מעניין לקרוא על הרעיונות הללו, ומה שקרה להם. […]
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January 27, 2010 7:46 pm
[…] Read | Permalink | Email this | CommentsRead More… [Source: Big Download Blog] […]
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jaxx | January 27, 2010 9:16 pm
Wow, interesting reading. Was really the Nav-Bot feature so hard to implement? Doesn’t look like that from this short article, but it has to be, when it’s not in the game. I must say, that I would really appreciate some kind of guide through Rapture, because I get lost all the time. I know it’s not that complex, but when you are playing it only ocassionally, you would quickly forget where’s what. And no, the arrow at the top of the screen doesn’t help a lot.
armchair | January 27, 2010 10:26 pm
A lot of those sound pretty neat, but a little ridiculous. Glad you took them out. The Pressure one sounds really freaking cool, though.
January 28, 2010 1:08 am
[…] is continuing to tickle us with little knowledge drops — this time via an editorial titled “Five Cut Features,” which deals with, largely, features that were cut from Irrational’s dystopian FPS […]
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lucasrizoli | January 28, 2010 1:42 am
The idea of bio-mechanical hybrids is pretty interesting. It makes me think of David Cronenberg’s movies, particularly ExistenZ and Videodrome.
I also find it interesting that each of these ideas has something to do with the issue of communicating ideas to players.
The quick weapon degradation wasn’t explained away sufficiently. There was no clear way to let players know about the effects of the pressure system. The nav-bot demanded too much of the player’s attention and wasn’t as easily read as a plain ol’ map. (I may be filling in too many blanks here, but it seems that) players would understand and know how to deal with the more conventional machinery and NPCs than they would the more bizarre original concept.
Thanks for posting this kind of stuff. It’s always interesting to learn a little more about the * Shock games—why they are the way they are, and how they might’ve been.
January 28, 2010 4:47 am
[…] is continuing to tickle us with little knowledge drops — this time via an editorial titled “Five Cut Features,” which deals with, largely, features that were cut from Irrational’s dystopian FPS […]
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meocene | January 28, 2010 5:43 am
The whole insect ecology thing was the biggest draw for me. I was very disapointed when I realised it wasn’t in the final version. As much as I love Bioshock, that was a big disapointment.
January 28, 2010 7:41 am
[…] games yesterday posted a feature on their insider page giving details of some of the features that didn’t make the final cut for […]
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sircannonfodder | January 28, 2010 8:48 am
Anyone else initially read “insect” as “incest”? Anyway, quite interesting. The meat-diaries would have been a nice touch (I mean, why were people leaving these huge, probably expensive, tape-recorders just lying around? I mean, at that size they’re hardly something you’d forget to take with you), but most of the other things sound like they wouldn’t have fit in very well.
January 28, 2010 12:28 pm
[…] games yesterday posted a feature on their insider page giving details of some of the features that didn’t make the final cut for […]
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January 28, 2010 2:59 pm
[…] Irrational games: 5 cut features from BioShock and System Shock 2 details click here […]
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wswan | January 28, 2010 4:35 pm
I had the exact same idea about the barometric pressure thing as I was reading it: how can you make this known to player’s and understandable. It certainly would’ve been hard.
ehuntley83 | January 28, 2010 7:14 pm
I think the idea of changing pressure in BioShock is a great idea, but definitely something that would be difficult to implement and test properly.
It makes me excited about what ideas you guys are tossing around for this new project you’re working on!
January 28, 2010 8:03 pm
[…] developments that may have eluded the public eye. In an update posted today, Shawn Elliott examines five features that were cut from Irrational’s beloved pair of […]
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duffman0654 | February 1, 2010 11:58 am
seems like a big switch from organic creatures to regular machines and people
February 4, 2010 12:22 am
[…] game development: A lot of great ideas don’t make it into the finished product. According to a piece put out by Irrational Games****, “For every feature that ends up in a game, 10 more are proposed and dumped during the […]
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perfectdarkling | February 13, 2010 12:24 am
I have one of the Bioshock art books, and I noticed there is a lot more organic design with the creatures and splicers than what is actually in the game. I wondered where all this went and now I know.
stryker1138 | February 16, 2010 2:43 pm
Man, variable pressure systems for every area of the city sounds insane. Your QA team probably would have died if that stayed in the game.
adamthenerd | February 21, 2010 1:46 am
Sounds like BioShock took a completely different turn. I like hearing about this stuff; keep it coming IG!
mekcasig | February 26, 2010 11:20 am
I´d love to see the atmospheric pressure system in the game…
nomardll769 | March 4, 2010 12:39 pm
Well, the map system did look sexy in the end. Glad you guys did get rid of nav-bot. Though, I do like the idea of hitting it with my wrench.
fable | March 30, 2010 10:28 am
Shows the value of an editing eye durring the delopment process.
rayj | June 27, 2010 1:07 am
Wow, some crazy, some excellent ideas…too bad there’s never enough time and/or money to get everything in. This is some good insight into how important (and difficult) design decisions are.
erezyehuda | August 12, 2010 5:47 pm
I have to admit, some of these features I wouldn’t want in the game. Thanks for taking the time to make a map. 😀
However, I do think it’d be cool if some of the features were left in secretly. Maybe the Schrödinger’s Cat in the second game would reanimate and scurry away under higher pressure. :3
gelid | August 14, 2010 2:02 pm
Stop giving us maps without us receiving one. How do we get dropped off into a brand new city and know how to get around? Hide the maps too. Don’t make it to where everyone will find the map on the first time unless they actively search. There could be a tiny rack that holds a stack of maps. The map holder would be blended into the scenery with nothing highlighting it, like next to a doorway that is already opened that we must go through… I hate that when I play these games, I go to a place I have never been before and I automatically know where everything is. At least on Borderlands, obtaining the map was part of the story… Part of the Bioshock series is exploring the areas and seeing the great artwork that you guys put into it. It’s kind of like going to an art gallery/museum and then being rushed out the door.
Also, I love the idea in this post about the tape recorders being organic machines with lips. I think that would have fit right in without having the parts of that idea.
My two cents on the atmospheric pressure… For the audio and visual clue, you could have the walls, floor, and ceiling flex and creak. If the floor is bowed up slightly, you know that the pressure is low. It would be a subtle thing that would still allow you control the mood if you made the fog kind of thick during high pressure. It would have added to the suspense and realism if sometimes the fog was so thick that you couldn’t see all the way across the room. Based on the fact the Rapture is leaking, I would think the humidity would be a little thick anyways. Of course, you would bypass the fog in the breezeways since you wouldn’t be able to see the fog except for around the light source anyways. Skipping that part of realism would not have been a problem for the gamers.
Instead of that, you could have simply made is breath barely visible under normal conditions, high pressure equates to thicker breath while lower pressure equals invisible breath. Subtle but visible. You simply pause for a jiffy at the start of the room and find out what is up with the pressure.
With weapons breaking down, I hated how Fallout 3 handles it, every shot is so much damage to your weapon. This idea would work better in a war games than any other. Being a Marine, I can tell you that you never know when your weapon will fail. I would like to see a war game where you have to “clean” your weapon. Not a mini-game where you have to break down the gun, etc. Instead it could be a 60 second countdown that you could trigger whenever. Throw a random number generator in there for when every round is fired. If a certain number comes up, you got a broken weapon and now have to take 105 seconds to repair your weapon.
Just my two cents….
pimpdaddy | March 25, 2012 1:02 pm
System shock had to be the most influitental game of its time I mean it brought. Bioshock