Ghost Story Games

Introducing Our Online Cosplay Contest

on March 13 2014


The art of cosplaying has many different facets. Whether it be a faithful re-creation, putting your own personal spin on a well-known character, or even to show some appreciation and fandom, interpretations and ideas within the cosplay community have no bounds. Over the years, we’ve seen cosplay grow tremendously at each expo and event we attend, but now is the time for a much wider audience. We’re always so inspired by the cosplaying community here at Irrational Games, and withΒ BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea – Episode Two releasing March 25th, now is the perfect time to launch our official Online Cosplay Contest.

This contest will give you, the fans, a chance to be seen by millions of BioShock players around the world, to display your creations which have been crafted over the years. As long as your cosplay is from within the BioShock universe, we hope you’ll create a submission for all to see. Your entry can be a brand new cosplay, or one you’ve created previously, as long as it is BioShock themed. Now, to the rules and regulations.

You can click here are all of the official rules from our legal team. As a summation, these are the main bullet points:

  1. All entrants must be a resident of the United States, United Kingdom, or Canada (except Quebec). Also must be 17 years of age or older due to ESRB guidelines.
  2. You may only submit a single photo of yourself (no montages or multiple angles, please), displaying your cosplay. This will be used for the voting process.
  3. Each cosplay entry may only display a single character or individual.


Once all the submissions are in, myself (J Goldberg), Kayla Bee, and Sarah Rosa, all employees of Irrational Games, will begin the process of selecting the Top 20 to move onto voting. Sarah has won multiple craftsmanship awards and has been fabricating costumes for 10 years, she even made the Elizabeth costume used in our PAX booths in the past. Kayla is Sarah’s cosplay partner in crime. They have been costuming together for over 5 years now. Sarah provides the mad sewing skills, Kayla provides the showmanship. Together they are an unstoppable team.

These are the main criteria we’ll be looking for:

  • Accuracy
  • Attention to detail
  • Overall Presentation

From all submissions, we will select our own personal winner, whom will not be shown in the fan voting. along with our personal individual winner. We’ve also brought in a special guest judge, Anna Ormeli, the original Elizabeth, to pick a second individual winner. Finally, once those Top 20 have been selected, we’ll open up the fan voting, which will be decided by you, the fans. The voting app, which will be located at the same location as the submission app, will load the Top 20 randomly, so that no individual has an advantage over another, and all of the votes cast will be hidden. Our fans will have a few days to vote and choose a winner, at which point we’ll announce all three winners on March 24th, the day before BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea – Episode Two will be released.


If chosen as a winner, you will receive your choice of Vigor Replica Bottles (Devil’s Kiss, Undertow, or Possession), available in the Irrational Games Store, as well being featured on our official website and social channels.

Here’s the official timeline:

  • March 13th – Submissions open.
  • March 19th – Submissions close.
  • March 21st – Irrational Games winner chosen, Anna Ormeli winner chosen, fan voting of Top 20 opens.
  • March 24th – All 3 winners announced.

To help inspire and guide our fans, scroll down for some 360 turnaround images of the characters featured in BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments section below, and we can’t wait see the entries pour in.

Atlas Booker
Big Daddy Cohen
Daisy Elizabeth
Robert Lutece Rosalind Lutece

Above all, Have fun, and good luck!

Posted on March 13 2014 04:17 pm, under Featured, Insider
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Comments (12)

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  • epifire | March 13, 2014 5:01 pm

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    Aww Yeah! This is gonna be epic I’m seeing it now!

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  • ladyava | March 13, 2014 5:40 pm

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    So excited! I can’t wait to see everyone’s costumes! <3

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  • keavon | March 13, 2014 6:19 pm

    Looking forward to seeing everyone’s entries and individual unique takes on each character! Would it be possible to get a turntable shot of the standard Liz?

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    • IG.J | March 14, 2014 9:50 am

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      I’ll see what we can do. πŸ™‚

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  • eyellusive | March 14, 2014 6:34 am

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    Great ! But why UK and no other european challengers ? We have serious business here in France !

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    • IG.J | March 14, 2014 9:50 am

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      Unfortunately, nearly every country around the world has different rules for Contests / Sweepstakes. Due to this, we had to restrict some locations, as there is no way we could abide by their rules, and still pull off the contest.

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  • yourgeekjordan | March 15, 2014 2:58 pm

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    Just out of curiosity, in the original Bioshock and even in the Burial at Sea DLC splicers are a big part of the game would a splicer cosplay be acceptable? I have had an amazing idea for a cosplay for a long time but I got the idea from the Bioshock book and I wanted to make sure it would be okay. I read “as long as its from the Bioshock universe it was good” But wanted to make sure. πŸ˜€

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    • japester | March 15, 2014 4:56 pm

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      Yup, splicers are part of the BioShock universe!

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  • cmariecel | March 16, 2014 9:56 pm

    I am having trouble submitting my cosplay contest photo. When I hit LIKE on Facebook when prompted, nothing happens. Is there any other way to enter the contest?

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    • IG.J | March 17, 2014 8:21 pm

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      That is the only way to enter. I would suggest you try using a different browser (Firefox or Chrome), and ensure that you are not running any pop-up / script blockers.

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  • mikuretto | March 16, 2014 11:12 pm

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    I was excited with this contest, specially because Anna Ormeli is the judge β™₯ But then I saw that is just for United States, United Kingdom and Canada πŸ™
    Anyway, have a great contest! πŸ˜€

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  • alphacohen | March 17, 2014 10:46 pm

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    …uploaded the photo, and I think I’m set! Good luck to everyone else who enters, I’m looking forward to seeing some amazing cosplay! Thank you Irrational!

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