Ghost Story Games

The Significance of Video Games

on November 2 2011


PBS Arts recently posted a new installment to its web-series Off Book, this time exploring video games in a grander sense, and how their role has changed in today’s world. The feature touches on many different ideas, including things like how games can teach, how they can help people relate and understand things from the real world, and how games are a new storytelling device that asks for audience interaction. In the case of games as interactive stories, BioShock was used as an example in the piece, as it lets players explore and make choices for themselves, and how they answer for their actions later on.

Take a look at the new episode of Off Book from PBS Arts and let us know what you think in the comments section below!

Posted on November 2 2011 01:16 pm, under Insider
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Comments (8)

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  • borrego | November 2, 2011 6:11 pm

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    Ok, so…I got misty eyed. A bit.

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  • borrego | November 2, 2011 10:09 pm

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    Something about that Passage game concept that got to me. Whenever a game establishes a relationship between characters, and one of them has to go, it’s all over for me. I about lost it over Tidus and Yuna way back when.

    I hope PBS does more of these–very cool to watch!

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    • marksmith | December 4, 2011 2:15 pm

      Yeah but the passage was so pretentious, don´t get me wrong, I was thrilled to see a game exploring such radically new ground ( And it´s a step forward in itself that games like heavy rain or the passage have reached a point where they can even be considered pretentious ).

      I guess I just really enjoy observing and experiencing this medium as it evolves. But those games were the artistic equivalent of mans first attempt at flight, good effort but no cigar.

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  • lemoncolly | November 3, 2011 3:39 am

    I’be thought for a while that playing videogames is a lot like how animals play in the wild. As a source of entertainment and as a preparation for other aspects in life.

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  • icegrove | November 3, 2011 1:03 pm

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    For me is playing game like for them who read a good book, the story takes you deeper inside and you want to know the ending.

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  • marksmith | December 4, 2011 1:58 pm

    Although books remain my favorite storytelling medium, video games are a very close second.

    It must be so difficult to create an organic dynamic between game play and narrative, and still have the mechanics of the game reflect its ideals, but when it is done right, there are few stories in existence that can match it.

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  • magicmaker | December 28, 2011 5:15 am

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    I find it amazing, when gaming started it was aimed primarily at teens, but it has grown and taken its audience with it so now you have such a broad range of gamers. It’s changed the culture.

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  • joelotoole | December 28, 2011 6:22 am

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    I loved watching this! I never knew how deep the concept of gaming can go =)

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