Ghost Story Games

BioShock Infinite on Steam Pre-Purchase Rewards!

on February 22 2013


Pre-order BioShock Infinite on Steam today to help unlock exclusive rewards and free copies of BioShock and X-Com: Enemy Unknown!

Who wouldn’t want free games? Well, you’ll be rewarded handsomely when you pre-order BioShock Infinite on Steam.  As if you needed another reason to pre-order, Steam is running a pre-purchase rewards program!

Here’s how it works: if enough people pre-order BioShock Infinite, a free copy of the original BioShock gets unlocked. If that’s not enough, a series of exclusive BioShock Infinite-themed items (details below) in Team Fortress 2 will be unlocked if the number of pre-orders reaches the next level.  Lastly, Steam will sweeten the pot by unlocking a free copy of X-Com: Enemy Unknown once pre-orders hit that magic number. Of course, this is in addition to the Industrial Revolution pack that you will receive immediate access to just for pre-ordering!

But to unlock all these rewards, you’ll need to spread the word and work as a team – the more people who pre-order, the more rewards gets unlocked.  Simple enough, right?

  • “Vox Diabolus”: “With this Vox Populi anarchist mask, you can terrify your enemies into thinking you’re the Devil Himself, or worse, a protestor. Either way, they’re probably going to avoid you at the entrance to the supermarket when you try to get them to sign something.”
  • The Pounding Father” : “Heavy cannot tell lie. Heavy is first President of United States. Of crushing little baby men.”
  • Blind Justice“- “Want to command respect from people standing at an indeterminate distance from your immediate right? Bolt on a platinum Pinkerton badge and experience the thrill for yourself!”
  • The Sydney Straw Boat” “Throw this hat on the ground to express rage, or in the air to express joy! Take a hat-based trip through time to learn how your great grandparents displayed emotions in the days before emoticons!”
  • The Person in the Iron Mask“- “Turkey? Chicken? Game hens? Your head? This cast iron poultry furnace will smoke anything placed inside it.”
  • The Doe-Boy” “Protect the important thoughts in your head — ones like \”liberty\” and \”freedom\” and \”democracy\” — with good, honest, hat-shaped American steel. This helmet won’t run (until heated to 2500°F)!”
  • The Steel Songbird” “It gets pretty quiet in that sniper’s nest. Why not treat yourself to the haunting rhythmic symphony of bolts being constantly pooped by this mute, easily terrified incontinent bird?”

For the latest on BioShock Infinite, follow us on Twitter or Facebook.

Posted on February 22 2013 01:10 pm, under Featured, Insider, News
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Comments (12)

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  • yock | February 22, 2013 2:42 pm

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    These look fantastic. I makes me even more excited for the impending release.

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  • dannysal | February 22, 2013 2:45 pm

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    Wow. Great deal. If I were a PC gamer I would pre-order in a heartbeat and tell all my friends as well.

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  • cosmicdashie | February 22, 2013 6:58 pm

    but….. so if you preordered the collectors edition…. then there’s no way to get the tf2 items is there?

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  • gladiator49 | February 23, 2013 2:03 pm

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    I disagree with the practice of pre-purchase rewards; luckily I do not have to take part in this nonsense. Providing people with rewards for purchasing a game that has not been released is an easy way for publishers and developers to make money off of fans and or idiots. The intelligent thing to do would be to wait for reviews to see if the game is worth buying.

    Putting money down on a game which you have no idea whether or not you’ll enjoy so that you get a few aesthetic items for Team Fortress 2 and hoping that you may get Bioshock and X-Com. I don’t understand the reasoning behind pre-ordering.

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    • undedmanbearpig | February 26, 2013 1:42 pm

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      @gladiator49 , how can you wait for a review for something without purchasing? I’ve been a fan since the first Bioshock, second was amazing also, and I’m sure Infinite will be too, so I had pre-ordered the songbird edition, you can’t just “wait until somebody else plays it” and use THEIR judgement to determine if YOU want the game or not. If you weren’t a fan, or you are skeptical, then wait it out, sure. I understand your point however, to pre-ordering simply for rewards in ANOTHER game is a little odd. But if you are a fan of both, why not? Two birds with one stone.
      And even if you wait till release, its pretty much the same concept as pre-ordering, you still do not know if its something you’ll enjoy or not.

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  • miodnre | February 23, 2013 10:08 pm

    Is the offer retroactive for the customers who bought it before the deal ?

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    • IG.Ratana | February 26, 2013 3:41 pm

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      Yes, the promotion will be retroactive.

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  • springyspringer | February 26, 2013 7:00 pm

    Is this only for steam?

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  • lawrenced3nword | February 27, 2013 8:26 am

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    Wish I had a proper PC, then I would pre order it despite having already pre-ordered it for Xbox.

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  • quancro | February 27, 2013 1:42 pm

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    so cool

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  • rimril | March 20, 2013 12:02 am

    I’m with Cosmicdashie – if you pre-ordered a physical Collector’s Edition for PC, are you getting the items or are you excluded from the deal?

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  • joshimarston | August 9, 2013 4:45 pm

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    I’ve a PS3 and play on this platform since day one.. but if you come out with a version for Mac OS X on Steam I’ll buy it a second time!

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