The reviews for BioShock Infinite are in!
- GameInformer: 10/10
- Eurogamer: 10/10
- Polygon: 10/10
- GamesRadar: 5/5
- EGM: 10/10
- 5/5
- Joystiq: 5/5 –
- Destructoid: 10/10
- Revision 3: 5/5
- Escapist Magazine: 5/5
- USA Today: 4/4
- Digital Trends: 9.5/10
- IGN: 9.5 & 9.4/10
- 9.4/10
- PC Gamer: 91/100
- GameSpot: 9/10
We’ll be adding more as they come out so keep checking back to see them all.
We can’t wait until all of our fans finally get their hands on BioShock Infinite on March 26th.
gohoos | March 25, 2013 10:35 am
Awesome reviews so far!
Fans – be aware, you may want to skip the reviews if want to be completely spoiler free. While the ones I saw didn’t have egregious spoilers I still stopped reading after learning more than I wanted to know.
Especially with this game, I prefer for things to be revealed as Mr Levine intended through the game.
maxoct97 | March 26, 2013 10:50 am
Do NOT watch the Gamespot one! I stopped about 3 minutes in because it seemed to be revealing some spoilers.
Congrats IG on all the great reviews…can’t wait to get the game tonight!
dannysal | March 25, 2013 12:21 pm
Wow. According tometacritic, right now, it is 96/100 which is the same as the “Number One Rated Shooter of all time.” The original Bioshock. Well done IG. Can’t wait to get my hands on the game!
japester | March 25, 2013 1:25 pm
I’m still on a media brown-out myself (I’ve skimmed Metacritic), but I want to give the whole Irrational team a huge cyber-hug. I’m a bit of a cranky cynic, but I have an inkling of the pressure they’ve been under for the last 5 years or so, and the critical response they’ve earned is enough to make me a bit misty. I am so, SO proud of what they’ve accomplished. I can finally let that breath out that I’ve been holding for what seems like forever. Kick back, relax, and bask in the adoration of your fans. And thank you for giving us something so wonderful to explore. I can’t wait!
le5lo | March 25, 2013 2:10 pm
It seems like the wait was worth it!
Congratulations Irrational, and thank you so much for all your hard work!
I can’t wait to play this later today.
Much love to you all.
gohoos | March 25, 2013 4:12 pm
I’ve had 3 people forward me this review today.
Same as the print reviews, don’t watch this video if you want the full experience.
I must quote Adam Sessler:
“I have played many games in my life. Some of which have hinted at where the medium could go, but I never expected any one game to so reinvigorate, redefine, and open up the possibilities of video games without having to eschew its fundamental pleasures.
Bioshock Infinite in all its strange, beautiful flamboyance and subtlety will be discussed, argued, and lionized, but for now just play it and get lost in its brilliance.”
czarking | March 25, 2013 11:10 pm
Congratulations Irration Team!!!! Reviews seem to be nothing but praise. Can’t wait to get a go with the game myself.
ritean | March 26, 2013 8:22 am
How do I claim my “In Game Rewards” for Infinite from the email sent by Industrial Revolution?
I’ve tried this first on the iPhone4, then my PC.
On The iPhone4, when it asks to confirm country (Canada), the entire screen goes blank (no Flash Player?)..
On The PC, whe I click onto confirm PS3 as the platform, nothing happens at all?
maxoct97 | March 26, 2013 10:51 am
Great job guys. As was said above, do NOT watch. Especially the gamespot one…it seemed to reveal way too much (including footage not seen in trailers).
zdewitt | March 27, 2013 6:39 pm
The original BioShock was my favorite game of all time, until i finished Infinite. voice acting is superb, graphics, simply astonishing, gameplay, one of the best gameplay and shooting mechanics out there, if not the best, and story, well, IMO, the story is the best written story in gaming history.
reginaldpenderg | March 29, 2013 8:02 am
I still don’t understand how removing the Manual Saves, Map, Hacking, and other functionality out of the game makes it become a 10/10 game. As an FPS it’s unremarkable, nothing special at all, just point and shoot. No cover system, no interesting weapons, and the most interesting power was a copy of the mind control power from the first two games.
The only thing that sets this game apart at all is the visuals, which isn’t a selling point, and the story, which is nothing unexpected. I was able to call the ending right off the bat because they opened the game with a strong enough quote that it ruins any hope for a surprise at the end.
I guess taking all your money out of development and cycling it through marketing works wonders. Kudos to you guys on that.
dagoberthimself | March 31, 2013 8:28 am
I totally agree.
brett | April 6, 2013 12:31 pm
Yes, and too short. Read my post down further. Tired of running through em in a day.
nintendoll | March 29, 2013 1:49 pm
Definitely trying to avoid the reviews…I’m taking my sweet time getting through this game.
Congratulations guys!
felonious | March 29, 2013 7:30 pm
Congrats on the great reviews!!!!! Well deserved Irrational!
jikuhart | March 31, 2013 10:12 am
hi love this game,i realy want translate it to my language but im stuck when i need change Font type used in game
file,i dont know how change this font:steelfish,blod to my fonts
can u help me??
sr my bad english
thank u very much
jemuk | April 5, 2013 5:20 pm
Superb game – and so much more than just a game, it contains philisophical questions, challenges social issues, touches on subjects most games will never go and all the better for it – the game itself, is piece of art and should be recognised as such, well done IG!
Can’t wait to see what your studio does next!
brett | April 6, 2013 12:27 pm
READ ME, READ ME, READ ME, Ok, I’m totally glad a new bioshock game was coming out, but seriously….these new games coming out need to be longer. For instance, I was excited for Tombraider, beat it in a day, on different levels of hard. Traded in for BS Infinite, was very excited to play. Game was beautiful, had crazy story, beat it in 1.5-2 days of playing on and off. I don’t get this curse of being crazed over these titles to come out then beating them shortly after. BS Infinite was longer than TR but I wish they would’ve made it more length, heck even a second disc to extend the story. I’m just tired of getting all these blockbuster titles then beating them day or two later, on all levels of gameplay. Example, Skyrim was never ending because it was free roam, L.A. Noire had 3 discs to keep the narrative going, I don’t see nothing wrong with that. They have the $ and the experience. I’m tired of spending my hard earned $ on all these games only to beat it and have no further use for it. There is no multiplayer and I can only run through the story a couple of times. DLC is nice but won’t add to much, just few options and maybe hour of extra game ? still gonna have to trade in cause isnt nothing left. Nicely done, I did enjoy it but game companies need to make their games 2-4 discs long to continue narratives if it doesn’t have strong multi or co-op attached.
joshimarston | August 9, 2013 3:28 pm
10/10 .. he who doubts this is a fool or an ignoramus, i suppose x’D