Ghost Story Games

Burial at Sea: Episode Two – Out Now

on March 25 2014


BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea – Episode Two is available starting today. Check out this launch trailer to get a glimpse of the final episode of the Burial at Sea saga and the conclusion of BioShock Infinite. See the world through the eyes of Elizabeth, as she continues her journey through Rapture in a film noir-style story that provides players with a different perspective on the BioShock universe. This add-on pack is also included in the BioShock Infinite Season Pass.

Posted on March 25 2014 08:00 am, under Featured, Insider
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Comments (21)

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  • budonasty | March 25, 2014 9:51 am

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    So excited!!! Will this show up on the playstation network servers soon??

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  • v3nd3tta | March 25, 2014 12:52 pm

    Still hasn’t shown up on steam. Funny, even naval strike dlc has been delayed for pc.

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    • IG.J | March 25, 2014 2:26 pm

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      You had to wait until the proper time. It’s available now. πŸ™‚

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  • epifire | March 25, 2014 1:21 pm

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    On it right now, so excited for the download to finish!

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  • alphacohen | March 25, 2014 2:01 pm

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    11 AM Pacific Standard, and still no DLC… what gives? At this rate we won’t be playing it until 4…

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    • IG.J | March 25, 2014 2:26 pm

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      – Xbox 360: 5AM EDT
      – PC: 1-3PM EDT
      – PSN NA: 3-7 PM EDT
      – PSN Europe/Asia: Wednesday

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  • budonasty | March 25, 2014 2:54 pm

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    I have another question. Why do I feel like a little kid on Christmas and I’m waiting excitedly to open presents? πŸ™‚ Was Santa involved in this project? I had my suspicions after playing through rapture on ice in episode one.

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  • ddamien1717 | March 25, 2014 6:12 pm

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    I am stuck in the very begionning of “Return to Rapture” chapter. Suchong is asking me to put “X” in a Pneumo but it is all dark except for Liz’s weapon. Anyone else experiencing this??

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  • alphacohen | March 25, 2014 8:12 pm

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    Is it just me, or did anyone else not get the trophies installed for this on PSN? I’m playing it, but it says I’m still at 100% completion for all BioShock Infinite trophies…

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    • IG.J | March 26, 2014 2:17 pm

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      We’re looking into this with Sony – since the trophies are fully in the DLC.

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  • budonasty | March 25, 2014 10:31 pm

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    Just finished Burial at Sea Episode 2. No spoilers here. As a die hard fan I felt very satisfied with the way everything was tied together. Good quality, well writen. If there was only one quality I could describe Irrational Games, it would be going the extra mile. Most companies would not invest so much into DLC production and into their fans. I’m impressed as a fan and as a business man. Thank you all for working so hard for us fans!

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  • hell | March 26, 2014 2:49 am

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    The first impression of the game. How have you changed in the past month, Garrett… LOL πŸ˜€

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  • iimonster297 | March 26, 2014 1:21 pm

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    To be honest, I loved Burial at Sea Episode 2 more than the original BioShock and BioShock: Infinite.

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    • jamestonjes | July 3, 2014 8:15 am

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      Especially that it allowed for (and wanted you to use) stealth

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  • ifrag3durmom | March 26, 2014 2:16 pm

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    When can we expect ep 2 to arrive in season pass store for ps3? It feels like I’m being punished for committing to purchasing all of the dlc this way if I can’t even play the game

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    • IG.J | March 26, 2014 2:18 pm

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      If you search through “New Releases” in the PSN store, can you find it / download there? It may list it as full price, but once you click through, if you own the Season Pass, you should be able to download it.

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  • joshimarston | March 29, 2014 5:53 am

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    I’ve finished “BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea – Episode 2” yesterday .. I couldn’t do spoilers even if I wanted to.. cause I don’t know what to say. You all need to know that it is not a simple DLC .. is a game that finds an answer to every question remained without. Ken Levine with his team has offered us his latest gem in the world of BioShock, and with it the final confirmation.. THIS SAGA IS A MASTERPIECE. No matter which or how many parallel realities I imagine, I can’t imagine one in which BioShock is not the best videogame saga that I’ve played and will play.

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  • mavossen | March 29, 2014 11:40 pm

    Awesome series. Just awesome. What an amazing story. It will always be my favorite video game series, and one of my favorite stories.

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  • sashapalacio | March 30, 2014 2:22 am

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    Finished BioShock Infinite Burial At Sea Episode 2 last night. Holy shit fuck yea. Greatest video game saga in my opinion. Loved every second of it.

    **Spoilers Ahead**

    Where to start. Ken Levine and the team knocked it out of the park this time. Wrapping up the epic story in one full circle, BioShock to Burial At Sea. Those who played from the first BioShock to the latest DLC would have felt every blow to your heart strings and nostalgia.

    Even though my fiancΓ© was asleep, I kept turning around and saying “See! Didn’t I tell you that?! My theory was right!” People say the game’s story was too convoluted and had too many plot holes. But if you actually fully play a game, listening to every piece of dialogue, watch hidden events, and collect all collectable, you’d see the story was laid out in front of you clear as day. I’d even advice playing through a game again to truly experience it. My “OCD” to collect all things and trophies allows me to see every facet of a game. And love it. It’s like reading a great book but finding a hidden passage folded under the sleeve.

    My collectivism allowed me to stop and read all the wall banners and notes laying on the tables. All leading you to the ultimate reveal.

    My favorite little snippet in episode 2 was the note on the Vita-Chamber. Stating that they built chambers all over Rapture, and that they only work with Andrew Ryan’s genetic code, which makes sense why Jack was the only person to use them in BioShock, because he’s the illegitimate son of Ryan.

    From the Would You Kindly mind control, Jack being the Ace in the Hole, the true bonding of little sisters to big daddies, Fontaine/Atlas, to Rapture’s and Columbia’s ultimate fall.

    The only things I wanted more of was the fate of the Luteces and to have met Tenebaum. Those three (technically two) are some of my all time favorite characters in the games, along side Elizabeth, who won me over the moment we met her in her tower.

    Very few time travel based stories make logical sense let alone a concrete narrative, but Irrational Games did it.

    It was wonderful, truly a pinnacle in gaming story telling and design.

    Thank you Irrational Games, your hand in the BioShock universe will be missed.

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    • epifire | April 1, 2014 9:58 pm

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      It was good, but at the same time so sad. Harder to say which is more though, the endings or the fact that we wont have Irrational anymore?

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  • lilyovthevalley | July 3, 2014 2:33 am

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    Speaking of BaS part 2, wouldn’t it be awesome to see some replica Vigors from it? I would kill for a Peeping Tom vigor bottle

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