Ghost Story Games

Undertow Bottles Have Arrived!

on December 9 2013


Back in August, we revealed the Devil’s Kiss Replica Vigor Bottle, which was met with great fanfare from our community. Since then, we’ve received messages from many of our fans asking us if there would be another bottle, and which would be next. Those questions can now be answered, as we’re proud to reveal today that the Undertow Vigor Bottle is available now in the Irrational Games Store.

These numbered replica BioShock Infinite Undertow Vigor Bottles are pressure cast resin, based on the original in-game model, and stand approximately 10” tall with a varying width of 2” – 2.5”. Featuring metallic-colored tentacles wrapping around a semi-opaque sapphire blue bottle, this vigor bottle is sure to help push your enemies away, or pull them in close with stunning detail. Each individual bottle comes packaged inside of a custom-made box, measuring 3.75” x 4.5” x 12.8”, created in-house at Irrational Games.

50 of these Vigor bottles have also been signed by Irrational Games’ Creative Director, Ken Levine, across the shoulder of the bottle, and includes a certificate of authenticity.

Signed Bottle Shoulder

Weight is 2.5 pounds, not a toy, and not intended for children. Limited to 500 total units, of which only 50 have been signed. Tentacle is not removable from the top of the bottle.

We hope all of our fans enjoy the newest addition to the Irrational Games Store, and keep watching this space for more new products in the future.

Posted on December 9 2013 01:42 pm, under Featured, Insider
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Comments (9)

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  • epifire | December 9, 2013 2:36 pm

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    If the rest of my life didn’t require so much financial upkeep it would make this a lot easier. Priorities end up being Vigor bottles > Paying Rent.

    No log in, no ratey!
  • japester | December 9, 2013 5:28 pm

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    BeeYOOtiful bottle. And that box is incredible. So very tempting….

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  • joshimarston | December 10, 2013 4:09 pm

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    That’s why I want to be rich: COLLECTIBLES.

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  • losstarot | December 14, 2013 9:22 am

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    …Yet so expensive.

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  • sashapalacio | December 24, 2013 2:47 pm

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    My response when I first saw this come up on my FB feed;

    Gaaaaaahhhhhh! I’m still saving up for the Devil’s Kiss… Irrational Games, why you do this?!

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  • phan7om1717 | December 28, 2013 5:16 pm

    I’m saving my money and waiting for the Shock Jockey bottles to come out. That’s the best one yet

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  • darklordawesome | January 20, 2014 11:07 am

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    “Back in August, we revealed the Devil’s Kiss Replica Vigor Bottle, which was met with great fanfare from our community.”
    Great fanfare? I don’t know if I’d say that.
    It was more like “This is really cool but is WAY too expensive to justify buying.”

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  • alexadavidoff | February 16, 2014 2:08 pm

    I never knew tentacles can be so beautiful.

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  • brenden | April 1, 2014 6:25 pm

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    I would love to have that only if it was cheap

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