Ghost Story Games

Weekly Fan Art Roundup

on April 5 2013


One of the parts of game development that really makes it all worthwhile is seeing the reaction of our fans day after day, year after year, once they get their hands on one of our games. Oftentimes, that feedback turns into something more, and when combined with some artistic talent, our inboxes fill up with all sorts of fan art in different mediums. We’ve also realized that while we have this website, Twitter, and Facebook, we want to open up the doors to make it easier for our fans to not only send in their works of art, but to have them featured on our website.

Above: “Beast of America

Beginning next week, we’re starting our Weekly Fan Art Roundup. Our goal is to show off our fan base’s amazing levels of talent, because without our fans we would not be the company we are today. If you would like to create your own submission, simply send an email to fanart [at], and provide us with the following:

  • Your name (real or otherwise);
  • A link to your artwork (please note that we do not accept attachments); and
  • A brief description of what went into your piece.

We’ll then go through all of the submissions week after week and post a handful for each roundup. Take note that even if you don’t appear in one during your submission week, there’s still a chance to show up in future roundups, so you don’t need to resubmit your piece.

Above: “The Lamb’s Vision” & “The Lutece Twins

Thank you again to our amazing fans for your hard work and dedication to Irrational Games. We hope this small showcase is one way that we can show our appreciation in return.

Posted on April 5 2013 04:21 pm, under Featured, Insider
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Comments (6)

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  • felonious | April 5, 2013 10:53 pm

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    Sadly , my artistic talent is limited to stick figures and smiley faces. Looking forward to seeing some truly great art!

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  • epifire | April 7, 2013 1:26 pm

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    I got a really great idea for an awesome pic I know a lot of people would like. I think I could get a good concept of it but I model things more then I draw so am looking to collaborate with somebody.

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  • ihsnet | May 3, 2013 3:18 pm

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    I really love this image, I hope one day my work would be post here too 😀

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  • rockafellafonz | May 13, 2013 4:41 pm

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    What does it mean when it says a link to your art?

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  • devilskiss | May 19, 2013 5:45 pm

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    Imma draw sumthin’ right now!!

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  • joshimarston | August 9, 2013 3:19 pm

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    In love for “Beast of America” >/~/<

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