UPDATE: The Irrational Games Halloween 2011 Costume Contest is now over. Thanks to everyone who entered!
It’s that time of year again. The time when we all decide to turn pumpkins into art, collect candy from complete strangers, and don various, exotic costumes, all in the name of fun. We’re talking about the time honored tradition of Halloween, of course, and Irrational Games is pleased to announce its first ever Halloween costume contest for our fans! We’ve got some delightful treats in store for our costume contest winners through our two contest categories: Costumes from the original BioShock and costumes from BioShock Infinite. Each category will have 1st and 2nd place, for four winning contestants in total.
To enter e-mail a picture (.jpeg format under 8MB) of yourself in your costume to costumecontest@irrationalgames.com. Please include the following in your e-mail:
- Your name
- E-mail address
- Date of birth
- Phone number
- Which Category you are entering (BioShock 1 or BioShock Infinite)
- Name or title of character you are portraying
All entrants must read the OFFICIAL RULES (click here for rules) and agree to them by entering a submission in the contest.
We will be accepting contest submissions until November 8, 2011 at 12:00pm ET.
Entries will be judged by Irrational Games staff on Costume Execution and Incorporation of BioShock themes.
We will notify winners on November 9, 2011 via e-mail (winners have 5 days to respond) and will be announcing the official winners on November 14,2011.
Here’s what you could win!
- 2nd place winners will receive a signed lithograph.
juan29zapata | October 18, 2011 6:32 pm
But I can’t do disguises!!!
Yeah, I know, what am I even doing here? Oh that’s right, to wish everyone the best of lucks and congratulate Irrational for the awesome contest!
So, best of luck and thanks Irrational for the great contest!
tnscotsman | October 18, 2011 6:33 pm
AWESOME! Is it wrong that I actually like the second place prize better? Now, how hard could The Songbird really be to make? hmmmm….
borrego | October 18, 2011 8:31 pm
Oh yeah this is going to be cool! It’ll be sweet to see what everyone comes up with.
felonious | October 18, 2011 9:14 pm
Good Luck to Everyone who enters. Hope to see some costumes of characters who don’t usually get dressed up as!
zoroko | October 19, 2011 1:44 am
can we submit a couple photos of the same costume? or do you just want one image?
ig.sarah | October 19, 2011 11:27 am
If it helps provide a better idea of the costume (details, front and back shots) etc. and it manages to fit into an e-mail under 8MB then feel free to. If you win only one shot will be posted, also please remember it is JUST you in the shots.
knightcarver | October 19, 2011 5:47 am
GOOD LORD…..even this I can’t enter. I haven’t had a negative thing to say about the site thus far, but can I get some clarity as to why international fans can’t be included in submitting a photograph? Surely this kind of competition provides the perfect opportunity to include fans of all countries??
japester | October 24, 2011 8:59 pm
The specifics vary a bit, but from talking to other companies that do promotions I can tell you that it usually comes down to legal complications. Every country has its own rules about promotions, eligibility, etc, and that means you have to pay a lawyer to research and write up contracts for each one for each contest. You can easily eat up your prize budget with legal fees.
It also takes time that the contest promoter may not have.
icegrove | October 19, 2011 8:48 am
I think we have nothing to lose, or win..
joelotoole | October 19, 2011 1:56 pm
again, I am again disheartened about the fact i can not enter.
“yey” (I sigh sarcastically)
joelotoole | October 19, 2011 1:57 pm
again, I am again disheartened about the fact i can not enter.
“yey”, (I sigh sarcastically)
lorenzohumbertojorgepatricio | October 19, 2011 11:39 pm
i live in canada. am i not able to participate?
ig.sarah | October 24, 2011 8:07 pm
unfortunately no, this particular contest is U.S. only
lilmacki | October 21, 2011 6:50 pm
I love this contest already! Now I just need to get some supplies and creativity to flow! Thank you guys for an opportunity!
On a side not, just to make sure, this contest is 18 and older not 21 and older correct?
ig.sarah | October 24, 2011 8:04 pm
this contest is 18+
joshkleven | October 25, 2011 1:52 am
I’m working on a splicer costume and will have pictures submitted before long.
schuenator | October 26, 2011 3:48 pm
Whoops, looks like I better get those Vox Populi costumes done sooner rather than later.
lilmacki | November 12, 2011 9:33 pm
Alright, who won????? I wanna see all the epic pics!!!