What do the dorky things that we do say about ourselves? More importantly, do they give game developers an edge? This month’s episode of Irrational Behavior explores some of our secret pastimes: dollhouse construction, action figure hoarding, cosplay, and live-action role-playing included.
- Part 1: Guys and Dolls
- Part 2: Tired of Sleep
- Part 3: Off Kilter
- Part 4: Cosplay Confession
- Part 6: Roasted
Stay tuned to IrrationalGames.com for more content related to this month’s podcast.
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aguynamedjustin | April 2, 2010 12:00 pm
As soon as I heard the guy talking about dollhouses, I knew Shawn would bring up Lester Freamon from The Wire.
IG.ShawnElliott | April 2, 2010 12:08 pm
Weren’t you happy that I did though? : )
GoldGameGold | April 2, 2010 12:28 pm
Though LARPing does indeed seem nerdier than most any other nerd activity, there’s something to be said for the ambition to actually move around while role playing, for this reason it seems more admirable than nine-hour, Mountain Dew fueled DnD sessions.
The real reason it’s nerdier, though, is due to pure mathematics. CosPlay + Role Playing = LARPing, the nerdiest thing in existence, the absolute zero of nerd.
nabeel | April 2, 2010 12:35 pm
Shane’s sleep experiment is fascinating, must be very handy to be able to sleep and wake up at will.
IG.Shane | April 19, 2010 10:41 am
Since this episode I’ve heard from a lot of people, especially programmers, that they’ve tried out the same experiment I did, and always with interesting results.
check out the facebook page for us polyphasic sleeping enthusiasts
JoeMcD | April 2, 2010 1:37 pm
Outed as a LARP-er. Finally. I couldn’t live this lie any longer.
skirby4 | April 2, 2010 1:46 pm
Nate’s story about doll houses reminded of my early teen years. My mother was really big into making doll houses and I used to help her make little things out of sculpey for it. Eventually I began painting Warhammer models, I think that became my doll house hah.
April 2, 2010 6:42 pm
[…] Whether it’s art director Nate Wells’ job in a dollhouse store or director of creative development Joe McDonaugh’s history with LARPing (live action role-playing), you’ll have a few laughs and gain some insight into the minds at Irrational Games by listening to the podcast, which can do right here. […]
See Original Post at http://www.nvgaonline.com/news-from-the-industry/irrational-behavior-episode-4-is-live/
April 2, 2010 8:17 pm
[…] | web | mp3 | iTunes | rss […]
See Original Post at http://www.castmedium.com/2010/04/02/irrational-behavior-episode-4-our-nerdiest-secrets/
lucasrizoli | April 2, 2010 10:57 pm
Good episode. I’m surprised by Shawn Elliott’s restraint in this episode: he’d mock this sort of intense dorkiness all the time on GFW Radio. (He hasn’t gone 180° on it—”That stuff’s for nerds,”—maybe only 120°.)
This podcast is great. I like the storytelling, the personal angle to it. Keep it up.
adesilva | April 3, 2010 12:38 am
Another great episode. The cosplay part was especially interesting.
buckybit | April 3, 2010 2:56 am
@lucasrizoli – Duder, if you know how his wicked mind works, you’d think the *whole episode* is an Aprils fool joke, written and directed by Shawn Elliot. But, this is “Irrational Games”! I believe everything.
This was a brave thing to do. *Someone* very skillful must have either sedated them with acid in their morning coffees or promised them fame and fortune, if they *open up*?
There’s a quality to these episodes – and especially this last one – that deserves attention beyond our safe dollhouse here. Pitch it to NPR!
I am desperately browsing through my remaining brain-cells to come up with a similar story to share equally – to keep the universe in balance – but could not come up with anything interesting. I guess, I am successfully blocking my nerdy past, if I ever had one.
drewjamicks | April 3, 2010 7:19 pm
I congratulate everyone who opened up to the world to speak so freely about their nerdiness inner workings. While these stories might be a subject of pride to each person for various personal reasons, telling them freely to a large audience at the possible expense of being ridiculed/judged is admirable. Kudos to all.
johngpr | April 4, 2010 1:02 pm
Where’s the field hockey picture I was promised? 😛
dh_jin | April 5, 2010 4:46 am
yea! where are the pictures? 😀
IG.Keith | April 6, 2010 10:56 am
I’m working on getting the picture. It’s surprising that I don’t actually have any good ones in my possession. I’ll have to scrounge one up at the future parents-in-law’s this weekend.
simoenss | April 6, 2010 10:56 am
And what about the bondage like cosplay costumes ?
jahuslage | April 6, 2010 12:26 pm
When you work at a place and feel as comfortable as they do, it’s no longer an ’embarrassing’ story, it’s like a badge of honor.
katherine | April 9, 2010 9:19 am
It is great to know that so many others are as outwardly geeky as I am!
idleivey | April 9, 2010 5:20 pm
At least no one admitted to being a furry. The production value on these podcasts are amazing, keep up the good work.
katherine | April 12, 2010 10:44 am
I just listened to this again, more closely this time, and I want to mention that the production quality is top notch; entertaining and informative, funny and poignant.
A question for the LARPers and cosplay gals; what do you all think of ARGs? I was never into LARPing but I love ARGs and I do not think that the two are completely different from one another depending on the scale of the ARG.
rocklobsta | April 12, 2010 3:08 pm
This was by far the best Irrational Behavior I’ve heard this far. The others are great, as they give us some insight into Irrational’s unique and colorful culture as a creative environment and studio; but this episode, I think, made us all feel a little bit better about our personal habits that would otherwise label us as sociopaths.
October 29, 2010 6:08 pm
[…] as “Lady Smith” and “Baby Jane.” Sarah, whose costume-making prowess is well documented, sewed both of their costumes herself. Kayla was responsible for the gore makeup. The pair then […]
See Original Post at https://irrationalgames.ghoststorygames.com/insider/irrationals-halloween-2010-spooktacular/