It’s that time once again, to showcase the amazing art that our fans create each and every day. Don’t forget that if you have any pieces of fan art, whether it be drawn, digital, songs, or otherwise, you can find our submission details in this blog post for your chance to be featured.
How many of you knew that Booker’s birthday was one week ago, on April 19th? To honor that date, each of our displays below this week will be focusing on Mr. DeWitt.
Booker DeWitt by Thomas Golunski
(This was the Runner-Up from the Dark Horse art contest)
We have a ton more fan art to go through over moving forward, but we’re always looking for more. Details on how to submit your own work can be found here. Thanks again to all of our fans that submitted work for this week, and come back every Friday for more.
epifire | April 26, 2013 2:54 pm
Some more great stuff here, always fun to come on in here to see what new work people have made.
thefootpad | April 26, 2013 3:25 pm
My favorite is the top one… the last one is way too weird for me……
epifire | April 27, 2013 10:51 pm
The last one doesn’t quite look enough like you does he? 😛
mikedsicilian | April 27, 2013 11:44 am
Who cares about this art, Give us more game like you should of in the first place, or maybe how about some multiplayer online, Infinite was a HUGE let down for many!
dewittfan | May 2, 2013 6:03 am
mikedsicilian your comment is completely irrelevent to the topic at hand and Bioshock Infinite was an amazing game. Some games are able to stand by themselves being supported by an amazing story and combat system. Not every game needs first person point of view multiplayer in a call of duty manner. If you want call of duty then go play call of duty.
thekidmarvel | May 13, 2013 6:42 pm
the first one it’s really good
jimjansen | July 31, 2013 6:17 pm
the last one make me laugh
joshimarston | August 9, 2013 2:10 pm
Awww the Catherine’s drawing >/w/< ♥