Ghost Story Games

BioShock Infinite FAQ

on March 27 2013


With BioShock Infinite recently released, there are obviously some questions floating around with regard to the game, and other portions attached to the game. We felt it would be best to compile these Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) into a single post, for easy reference and to help out as many of our fans as possible. This will be a living document, and we’ll be adding updates to this in the future.

Please note that for any direct technical support, your best option is to contact 2K Support, by clicking here.

[UPDATE – 04/05/13] PC Patch Notes:

  • Fix for occasional crash occurring during startup of the game during opening movies.
  • Fix for some audio being permanently disabled if a checkpoint is restored while the screen is still faded to black prior to the player’s first encounter with Daisy Fitzroy.
  • Fix for user inventory issue in the Town Center fair.

How to redeem in-game rewards for Premium and Ultimate Songbird Editions:

Please note that the redemption period for a pre-order code on has expired as of September 13th, 2013. The soundtrack which was included with the Premium and Ultimate Songbird Editions of BioShock Infinite can still be downloaded

How to redeem your Season Pass Early Bird Bonuses:

  1. Your 4 pieces of gear (Ghost Soldier, Electric Punch, Ammo Advantage, and Eagle Strike) will be found in the Blue Ribbon Bar, similar to the Industrial Revolution Rewards. If you enter your Season Pass code after you’ve progressed past the Blue Ribbon Bar, they will be placed in your inventory automatically.
  2. Your 5 Infusion Bottles can be collected from the Blue Ribbon Bar, similar to the Industrial Revolution Rewards.
  3. Your golden weapons are awarded immediately, and will be apparent the moment you pick up both the Machine Gun and Pistol.

[UPDATE – 04/08]: Please note that some PlayStation 3 users in Europe/Australia/New Zealand may need to download a separate “Early Bird Pack” via PSN to receive their bonuses.

Game Related (All Platforms):

  • Do I need to play the original BioShock or BioShock 2 to play and understand BioShock Infinite?
    • Not at all. BioShock Infinite can be played as a singular experience. Players that have played a BioShock game before might pick up on little inside jokes or nods to other BioShock titles, but BioShock Infinite is its own story that stands by its self.
  • Is Steam required for the PC version of BioShock Infinite? Can I play offline?
    • Steam is required for the PC version of BioShock Infinite, and requires a one-time authentication via an online connection. After that initial authentication, you can then play in Offline mode as much as you would like via Steam.

Game Related (Xbox 360):

  • How can I get surround sound using HDMI?
    • In general for most titles on 360, you will need to use an Optical Audio (TOSLINK) cable for Surround Sound.
  • [UPDATE – 04/19] My game isn’t saving properly when offline.
    • One thing to try is to quit out of the game, and reset your system clock to the proper time. Once done, restart your 360, and try playing the game again.

Game Related (PlayStation 3):

  • Can I play BioShock Infinite with my PlayStation Move controller?
    • Yes. Select the option in the control section of the Settings menu upon start up.
  • Does BioShock Infinite have full 3D support?
    • BioShock Infinite does not support 3D modes.

Game Related (PC):

  • [UPDATE – 04/02] – Updating to the latest Steam Client may fix a crash during start-up of the game that some fans are experiencing .
  • I get only a black screen when launching BioShock Infinite.
    • This could be caused for a number of reasons, so here’s a few potential solutions:
      • You may be blocking the Steamworks authentication, which can be solved by turning off anti-spyware/malware programs, or connecting to Steam in Offline Mode
      • You may have a video card driver issue, so be sure to head to or to download the newest drivers.
      • [UPDATE – 04/10] Please try following the instructions below for adding a launch option to your game.
        • In your Steam Library, right click the game and select “Properties”, then “Set Launch Options…”
        • Add “-windowed” or “-fullscreenwindowed”  (only choose one, ignore the quotes), then select “OK”.
        • This will not fix the issue to play in fullscreen mode, but should allow you to play in windowed.
  • I’m seeing my game freeze every few minutes, and sometimes crashing.
    • We have seen reports on this issue from a small percentage of users.
    • We have seen users post that using the newest Beta drivers for their particular video card fixed this issue for them, but please note there are risks involved with Beta software.
    • Another solution has been to try lowering your in-game graphical settings and/or resolution.
    • Please note that we are investigating more solutions for this.
  • The audio in my game is starting to crackle a bit. Can you help?
    • One fix we have seen is to go into your audio options and set it to “Vista Compatibility Mode”.
  • I’m getting a message saying that the “…Steam servers are not available at this time.”
    • To correct this, please quit out of Steam, turn off any anti-malware / anti-spyware / personal firewall programs, and then try reconnecting again. Alternatively, some fans have been able to play by going into Offline Mode after activation.
  • I’m having trouble re-assigning my key bindings.
    • First, quit out, disconnect all non-essential controllers, and then try again.
    • If that doesn’t work, you can find a potential solution to this issue by clicking here.
  • I’m using the Steam Beta Client and my cloud saves aren’t syncing.
    • This was fixed earlier this morning (03/29), so this issue should not occur anymore.
  • [UPDATE – 04/01] I’d like to disable the intro video on startup.
    • You can find documentation on how to do this from PC Gamer here.
  • [UPDATE – 04/01] I’d like to adjust the FOV more than the default slider allows.
    • With help from PC Gamer, Locate [USERPROFILE HERE]/My Documents/My Games/BioShock Infinite/XGame/Config and edit XUserOptions.ini in Notepad. Full details on what to adjust it to can be found here.
  • [UPDATE – 04/01] I’d like to adjust my mouse sensitivity more than the Options slider allows.
  • [UPDATE – 04/01] Is there a way to have multiple save slots?
    • Similar to the three tweaks above, please see the article from PC Gamer here.
  • [UPDATE – 04/09] I’m running a multi-monitor setup, and the HUD isn’t centering properly.

Industrial Revolution:

  • Where do I go to use my Industrial Revolution code?
    • Please head to, whereupon you will find instructions on choosing your preferred platform, and how to begin your item-unlocking quest.
  • I did not receive my code when I pre-ordered from a participating retailer. How do I get it?
    • Please contact 2K’s Support team, and please provide them with your code and registered email address for the Fink manufacturing website.
  • How do I receive my reward items from Industrial Revolution?
    • Please login to, and go to the “My Rewards” section. In this new section, at the bottom you will need to confirm your platform. Once completed, you will receive a code to insert into your platform of choice.
  • Where can I find the items that I unlock from Industrial Revolution in-game?
    • Simply progress through the game, and battle the first Fireman, where you receive the Devil’s Kiss vigor (shortly after the raffle scene). You will then fight through a few enemies on your way to The Blue Ribbon Bar. Upon entering The Blue Ribbon, proceed into the main dining area and there will be 3 tables to the left of the bar. The rewards will be placed on those tables.

Digital Soundtrack:

  • When I go to download my soundtrack, all I get is a white screen. Can you help?
    • This is due to your personal download link expiring. Currently, there is a time limit from the moment it hits your inbox. If you pass that amount of time, please contact 2K Support, and provide then with your soundtrack code and registered email address. They will verify your account, and then provide you with another link to get your Soundtrack.
  • I’m trying to download the soundtrack via my phone, but it’s not working.
    • We recommend that you download the soundtrack to your PC, and then move it over to your mobile device after. Some mobile devices have trouble unzipping files.
  • I did not purchase the Limited or Ultimate Songbird Edition. Can I buy the soundtrack?
    • We currently have no plans to sell the soundtrack.

As stated above, this will be a living document, and we’ll keep adding to this FAQ over time. We hope all of our fans enjoy BioShock Infiniteand these answers have been helpful.

Posted on March 27 2013 05:40 pm, under Featured, Insider
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Comments (92)

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  • jon2d2 | March 27, 2013 6:08 pm

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    I bought the season pass on my PS3 yesterday morning. I click download and all that happens is I get a little loading sprite for a second then it goes off. I received no code or anything. Any clue what I should do?

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    • IG.J | March 27, 2013 6:57 pm

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      Have you attempted using an alternative browser and/or clearing your browser cache first? Also, ensure you have any ad / script blockers turned off.

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      • jon2d2 | March 27, 2013 8:56 pm

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        Yeah, tried all of that. For some reason it has been purchased but not gone through to the download manager – and won’t.
        I sent the PS Store an email about it too but have yet to hear back from them.
        I just hope I don’t lose out on the Early Bird pack just because of a screw up on their end.

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    • ixsimpson13xi | March 27, 2013 8:56 pm

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      try going to xbox market place or playstation network to download instead of through the game i also had that problem but went to the xbox marketplace and did it that way and worked like a charm

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      • jon2d2 | March 27, 2013 9:56 pm

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        I tried it from the game. I tried it from the store. I tried it from the Download Manager. None of them want to cooperate.

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    • nomnomdinosaur | March 27, 2013 10:00 pm

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      I have the exact same issue, I hope that it can be resolved very soon

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      • jon2d2 | March 31, 2013 12:00 pm

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        They still haven’t fixed it. I spoke to Sony and they said speak to 2K, speak to 2K and they say speak to Sony. ### you both.

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  • gungrave45 | March 27, 2013 6:09 pm

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    Can you guys patch the can so I can remove the gold skins on my weapons? right now there is no way to go back to the default skins…

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  • ixsimpson13xi | March 27, 2013 6:24 pm

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    on I an clearly see the confirm platform button but it wont allow me to click it to receive my in game rewards, can I call for the code instead?

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    • IG.J | March 27, 2013 7:26 pm

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      Similar to above, have you attempted using an alternative browser and/or clearing your browser cache first? Also, ensure you have any ad / script blockers turned off.

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      • ixsimpson13xi | March 27, 2013 8:54 pm

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        Thank you, i downloaded firefox web browser and it let me do it, million thanks again

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    • derrick | March 28, 2013 9:41 pm

      I also used firefox after not being able to open my code as like above…THAT DID THE TRICK THANK YOU YOUR A GOD!

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  • anayalaytoon93 | March 27, 2013 6:49 pm

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    The rewards for my per order did not appear in the blue ribbon bar. Please help

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    • ixsimpson13xi | March 27, 2013 8:58 pm

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      did you redeem your code then download the dlc?

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  • geddard | March 27, 2013 7:38 pm

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    i would really apreciate if you guys update the game with an option to change the text language! everything in this game is perfect, and i can read english no problem… but could be a more fluent experience if i had the subtitles in my native language 😛

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  • iamnobody | March 28, 2013 2:31 am

    I am disappointed that you have no plans to release the soundtrack separately

    For one, I’d like to have a physical copy with the trappings that come with it (I’m actually disappointed to have gotten this on Steam like all my other games, rather than a physical copy, because of the beauty of the artwork) Second, there are a number of people (for instance, everyone who bought the game on Steam) who weren’t able to purchase the special editions.

    IF the soundtrack were not released separately, I would honestly not feel bad either downloading it off a file sharing website or ripping the files (This coming from a person that has actually re-purchased albums I already own and have lost or damaged, rather than downloading them ‘illegally’). I’d gladly pay to have this privilege, but if I don’t have the option to purchase it from you, i would be forced to get it somewhere else.

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  • taskun56 | March 28, 2013 3:54 am

    Is there any way to get the Pre-Order Bonus for the Season Pass? I pre-ordered it on 2/22/13. I even have all my original receipts but I noticed I didn’t get the Early Bird Special pack. I’m assuming it was another code that had to be manually entered at Gamestop and, as usual, they were unaware they had to enter it. I noticed I was missing the code and assumed that it would somehow be added to my game after I redeemed my season pass…. I’ll head over there tomorrow and see if they can fix it, but if not is there a way to get it otherwise? I’ll fax a copy of my pre-order receipts… 🙂

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  • fliss89 | March 28, 2013 4:07 am

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    Does anyone know how I can get the tune played before the Songbird makes his appearance? I’m talking the melody played on the oldschool organ.
    I love it so much 🙁 but can’t find it anywhere! I would seriously pay for it haha

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    • jon2d2 | March 28, 2013 11:56 am

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      Yes. This ^

      Irrational needs to get on releasing a Bioshock Infinite OST. Maybe if enough of us ask they’ll do it xP

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      • ixsimpson13xi | March 28, 2013 12:14 pm

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        Im down, the music for this game is awesome

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    • luisrm42 | March 29, 2013 7:16 pm

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      I can’t remember the exact moment.. but the most memorable song played in organ for me was Canon.
      Could it be that one? :B If it is, there probably is maaany versions out there on the internet

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    • charthero | April 26, 2013 1:24 pm

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      girls just wana hav fun

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  • squito1 | March 28, 2013 6:09 am

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    The only problem i have is that i cant use my codes. All pre-oreder codes and the codes that come with the game are useless. Im living in germany and almost everyone got the problem that they cant use their codes. When are we able to use them? Please help.

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  • usmvalor | March 28, 2013 6:45 am

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    For me the saddest thing is, that i will not get my Early Bird pack (first day only?), beacause of some freaking in game bugs o.O. Peeps pay for season pass, and won’t get day one DLC? Yes i were in Blue ribbon, and pre-order worked fine. And yes when i see dlc’s in steam i see both pre-order and season pass, but when i want to download something from in game menu my downloadable content, it is blank, like no dlc was there. Nothing helped me so far, even reinstals in 26 march didn’t get me Early bird pack. Can I contact steam stuff? Or as my season pack said: If something won’t work we don’t give a damn. Someone knows how to resolve this?

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    • IG.J | March 28, 2013 9:40 am

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      The early bird doesn’t have an expiration of launch day. Once you purchase and register your Season Pass to your account, the respective items will go to their locations as noted in the FAQ above.

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  • christian1220 | March 28, 2013 8:03 am

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    hey does anyone get the blank page when trying to open the link for downloading the Bioshock soundtrack

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    • IG.J | March 28, 2013 9:30 am

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      Please ensure you read the FAQ, as we have the answer to this listed above. 🙂

      When I go to download my soundtrack, all I get is a white screen. Can you help?

      This is due to your personal download link expiring. Currently, there is a time limit from the moment it hits your inbox. If you pass that amount of time, please contact 2K Support, and provide then with your soundtrack code and registered email address. They will verify your account, and then provide you with another link to get your Soundtrack.

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  • photomarc | March 28, 2013 9:29 am

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    Is there a way to disable or cancel the codes? After preordering the game and the DLC…I received way to many infusions without knowing that they seem to be permanent and now the game is too easy (but still phenomenally amazing!).

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  • arkyle | March 28, 2013 9:39 am

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    On the PC, anyone know how to access your gear page? I feel like I’m banging my head against a wall whenever it says I can look at previous voxphones and other gear by going to the Gameplay menu and nothing is there.

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    • IG.J | March 28, 2013 9:45 am

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      I believe the default key is “O” on your keyboard to access this section of the menu.

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  • slyfox007 | March 28, 2013 10:10 am

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    Where do I go in game to find the Comstock China Broom that was my pre-order bonus for ordering at Game Stop?

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    • ixsimpson13xi | March 28, 2013 11:45 am

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      its an upgrade for the shotgun its self its not a real gun, when you find your first shotgun look at it in the menu and you will see the upgrades and it should be the first one

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  • everclearboy | March 28, 2013 10:18 am

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    So wait.. Can someone who didnt Pre-order but purchased the Premium Edition do the Industrial Revolution Game?

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    • ixsimpson13xi | March 28, 2013 11:47 am

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      No, if you didn’t pre-order or if you waited and didn’t redeem your code before the release date then you can no longer do it as well as for the code will be forfeit as said on Fink maunfacturing site

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  • zigsterofearth | March 28, 2013 2:05 pm

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    Hey Guys!
    Quick question regarding the Season Pass (XBOX)… I downloaded it right away as I thought, awesome deal, right? Everything showed up ion the Blue Ribbon etc, no problems there. My question is, usually when I get DLC/redeem codes my wife (who has a separate gamertag/live account on our console) gets access to as its on the same console but when she excitedly fired up the game to play and went to the Season Pass menu in the main title screen it said she had to purchase it. As she started playing through there was no golden weapons etc What gives? I’m now worried that as more DLC gets released, only I’m going to be able to play it and she will have to download/pay for them separately if she wants to play, completely rendering the point of saving $’s on the season pass useless. Anyone else in the same boat? Help?! Cheers!

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    • IG.J | March 28, 2013 5:55 pm

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      Each Season Pass is linked to a single XBL account only.

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    • ixsimpson13xi | March 29, 2013 3:12 pm

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      Yep that’s what I hate about my xbox as well, Microsoft is so cheap you have to buy gold for each individual account but with PS3 you don’t pay for live or anything like that and when you buy stuff you can use it offline unlike xbox when I try to play as catwoman on batman arkham city it wont let me cuz I have to enter the code but when im plugged into live I can play but whatever, thay got to make money as well

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  • reginaldpenderg | March 28, 2013 2:40 pm

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    When I attempted to redeem the download code for the Bioshock Infinite soundtrack from my Premium Edition, my PS3 gave me the “Connect Storage Device to Media Save Destination” error. I connected my USB to the PS3 so that I can continue with the download, however once I did, the link to download was no longer clickable.

    When I refreshed the page to kick the link back into being clickable, I got the following error:

    “This download has been claimed or is not valid. ”

    I have never gotten a chance to download the media even once, and I would like to know how I can obtain the soundtrack or have my download code made redeemable again.


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    • IG.J | March 28, 2013 5:54 pm

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      Please follow the instructions above to contact the 2K Support team ( to get a new code, then download the soundtrack directly to your PC, instead of your PS3. Once completed, then move it over to your PS3, and everything should work.

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  • johnthecatfish | March 28, 2013 3:40 pm

    About to complete my second playthrough, and of all the limitless questions that linger in my mind, the only one I simply must have you answer for me is, “Who is the raspy angel singing Fortunate Son after the Vox get their weapons?” I want to buy all her albums.

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  • cmoore7337 | March 28, 2013 5:52 pm

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    Can anyone tell me if it is possible to start a second game? My fiancee got to the damn box before me and I don’t want to erase her current game and have to deal with the resulting $h1t storm.

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    • valkyriecain | March 29, 2013 12:50 am

      Same problem here. Is it really not possible for two people in the same house to share the game?

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    • IG.J | March 29, 2013 10:43 am

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      This is both a yes and no answer.

      If on PC, you’ll need a second copy of the game for the second account. If on 360/PS3, you can start a second game, but it needs to be on a different PSN name / Gamertag, but can be on the same console.

      Hope that helps.

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  • derrick | March 28, 2013 9:47 pm

    BIOSHOCK INFINATE PREORDER CODE PROBLEM FIX. USE FIREFOX BROWSER. FOUND AT FIREFOX.COM. Then goto “my rewards” (at bioshock infinate industrial revolution) and click on the confirmed platform bar and this should work now; as it dd for me. This has now become my default browser!!!

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  • krunchykahn | March 28, 2013 10:25 pm

    I ordered the Premium Bioshock Infinite pack for PS3. I need help! I cannot find the Digital Soundtrack card that came with the game! 🙁 I have looked through everything. And it wasn’t in the box. 🙁 Can some one please help me with this as I love the Game so very much and I enjoy the music immensely. I am just so frustrated right now because I can’t get ahold of the soundtrack…

    Please Help me out. 🙁

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    • IG.J | March 29, 2013 4:15 pm

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      If you can’t find the soundtrack card, please reach out to 2K Support ( with your proof of purchase, and they should be able to help out.

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  • bobdrexler | March 29, 2013 12:25 am

    When I get to the opening screen, the row boat, the boat spins and I have no control over it. Can you help?

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    • IG.J | March 29, 2013 8:28 am

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      What platform are you playing on? Haven’t heard of this occurring yet.

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  • semperfi | March 29, 2013 1:02 am

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    If it’s the $59.99 then it doesn’t include the digital soundtrack. If it’s the $79.99 one, just go to the root folder of the game.

    I also found interesting facts here:

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  • beanieswag42 | March 29, 2013 1:17 pm

    Hey I’m loving the game, probably the best game I have ever played, I just have one problem, it’s that I’m missing a lot of trophies that I should have I have some but not everyone I’m missing the first and second story related trophies and the sixth and seventh that’s how far I got in the campaign do far and I’m missing huntsman and the one wear you open up the tiers if you can make a patch or something that would be helpful thanks

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    • IG.J | March 29, 2013 4:13 pm

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      Have you attempted to re-sync your trophies via the XMB? That appears to have helped most. Alternatively, have you tried going back and replayed the chapters for the trophies that you appear to be missing?

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      • beanieswag42 | March 29, 2013 6:12 pm

        Thanks for the help

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  • grubscrew | March 29, 2013 1:45 pm

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    I can’t log in to the industrial revolution site. When I attempt to log in it pops up with ‘Thinking’ and the ‘Choose your platform’ page is visible behind it, then the screen goes white and it returns to the main page logged out. I’ve tried it on Chrome, Firefox and IE, all with the same results.
    Any known remedies? Thanks

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    • grubscrew | March 29, 2013 3:55 pm

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      Disregard that. It would seem to have sorted itself out or something’s been fixed. 😀

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  • kradendarkstar2 | March 29, 2013 7:22 pm

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    While I was playing on 1999 mode, I was about to unlock the “On The Fly” trophy, The counter went up and topped out, however said trophy did not unlock. I tried reloading my checkpoint and retrying my steps again and still no unlock. After I tried that, I tried completely shutting down the Playstation 3 and retrying, still no unlock. So I was wondering if this was a common issue? of if there was a fix out there? I’d hate to have my first platinum trophy for my new favorite game spoiled by a glitch.

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    • IG.J | April 1, 2013 11:28 am

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      Have you tried re-syncing your trophies via the XMB? That’s worked for a number of fans.

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      • kradendarkstar2 | April 2, 2013 6:02 pm

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        yes, multiple times. 🙁 I also have Playstation Plus, so my trophies auto sync as well.

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    • kradendarkstar2 | April 8, 2013 2:57 pm

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      Just in case anyone is having a similar issue I fixed the problem. I uploaded all my saves to the cloud storage on Playstation Plus and deleted the saves on the console and started a new game, this reset all the counters that were attached to my profile. I played until I could use the skyrail for kills and unlocked the trophy, which also allowed me to get my platinum. once I got the trophy I deleted the new saves and copied back my original saves to the console, now I still have my original profile and saves and was able to unlock my missing trophy 🙂 hope this helps others.

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  • kindlyprophet | March 29, 2013 7:23 pm

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    Is Albert Fink A Hack who STEALS Song From The 80’s and remakes them?

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  • xxbookerdewittx | March 29, 2013 7:29 pm

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    The ending was confusing i had to run through it i cant tell you how many times before i completely got it but to me the ending could have been better i mean im sorry but i would have ended it differently it was no where near as good as the bio shock two

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  • fox357 | March 29, 2013 9:13 pm

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    I finished Industrial Revolution yesterday, I get my reward code. But when I’m trying to use my code it says that it’s already link to another account.

    The delay between the moment I received my code and when I try to enter was approximately half an hour, i don’t know it could be link to another account.

    If someone can helf I’ld be very glad.

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  • losstarot | March 30, 2013 9:57 am

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    I got my soundtrack codes in my premium edition for PS3 but when I got to your link to redeem the OST, the box where you have to do the input becomes red EVERYTIME. Is my code wrong? and what about season pass that I bought? in the game menu there are currently nothing??

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  • usmvalor | March 31, 2013 4:15 am

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    That situation is outrageos…. 5 fucking days after realese and I still have to buy second season pass for PC?( showing message like i don’t own it )….. It’s scandal, that’s what it is.

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  • shocker22 | March 31, 2013 6:48 pm

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    question about the season pass. Can I still get the early bird special part? if so, when does it expire?

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  • rochenator | March 31, 2013 7:51 pm

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    HI, can you guys create more vigor bottle replicas so i can uy them. I dont have the money for the ridiculously rare ones that exist in such a mall number. It would mean the world to me thave one bottle. Bioshock infinite is my favorite game.

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  • jikuhart | March 31, 2013 9:34 pm

    i love this game,i realy want translate it to my language but im stuck when i need change Font type used in game
    i dont know how change this font

    can u support for vietnamese font
    sr my bad english
    thank u very much

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  • jorgemaldonado | April 1, 2013 12:19 am


    I live in Mexico. I bought the premium edition. Everytime I entered my code to download the soundtrack, I got an inavlid code screen. This is frustrating. My question is: What should I do to download the soundtrack? Is it available in my country?

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  • insectswarm | April 1, 2013 12:53 pm

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    I keep clicking the confirm platform and nothing is happening. Is something supposed to be happening?

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  • dannysal | April 1, 2013 3:00 pm

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    Was 3D support taken out of the game late in development?

    I recall asking about it in this blog a few months ago because I noticed someone posted and asked about support for Playstation and I asked about Kinect. Someone from IG indicated Move would be supported, Kinect would not, but both consoles will support 3D.

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  • firelord1919 | April 1, 2013 4:49 pm

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    I just got Season Pass from PS Store(Europe/Turkey) but it didn’t give me the Early Bird DLC. I hope you’ll fix it as soon as possible!

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    • IG.J | April 2, 2013 6:33 pm

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      As stated in the FAQ above, this is being worked on and we hope to have a resolution soon.

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  • bookerfinkiii | April 3, 2013 10:17 am

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    For those in UK with PS3 Early Bird Issues. It’s now on PS Store as a stand alone dlc ‘Early Bird’ DLC pack. On UK store (As Of 13:00 GMT 03/04/13) Not Sure about rest of Europe & Aus/NZ as of yet.

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  • firelord1919 | April 3, 2013 11:12 am

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    Thank you for fixing the problem with the Season Pass, I’m able to download Early Bird now 🙂

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  • legerity | April 3, 2013 8:08 pm

    I’m having some technical difficulties with the PC version, with v-sync on I get a ton of stuttering, and with it off I get screen tearing like I’ve never seen before. I was just hoping to get some tweak tips so I can enjoy the game to its greatest potential. I’m running gtx 570m and i7 2670qm. latest driver version 314.22.

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  • xsniper4higher | April 8, 2013 7:46 pm

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    I immediately clicked the link sent to my email to download my soundtrack and it said the code I entered was invalid or already redeemed. USE PS3. Submitted a ticket to 2k support as posted above and still nothing.

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  • luigidibella | April 12, 2013 1:49 pm

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    On the PS3, considering I have already passed the Blue Ribbon bar, is it really necessary to restart the game? There is no other way the get the Season Pass bonuses? Really? I can’t believe there is no other choice other than restarting or not getting any bonus itens there are part of something extra you paid for.

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  • princebelial | April 12, 2013 9:48 pm

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    If one wanted to run a second play through and purchased the Season Pass would we get the early bird in the second game run through?

    Or if we started from our first checkpoint at the lighthouse would we still get it or is it a one time thing that we lose after our one play through with it?

    Also, this game is a massive inspiration artistically. Thanks for making yet another rad game!

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  • spiritshado | April 13, 2013 5:14 am

    Played through Bioshock Infinite once on Xbox 360 (Great Game). Went to start another game, update was downloaded and installed. Now the game freezes after pressing start and accessing storage. Don’t know if this is because of the update, but it was working fine before. Other games have no problem. Is this a known issue and will it be fixed in another update?

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    • spiritshado | April 13, 2013 7:36 am

      Never mind, I think the problem started when the game was performing an autosave and I was getting this message “An error occurred when attempting to save the profile. Retry?” Kept retrying but nothing happened so I cancelled. It did it a lot. I had to re-download my profile from Xbox (Social>Sign In or Out>go all the way to the right to Download Profile) Works fine now.

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  • bdhero | April 15, 2013 1:55 pm

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    Will there be more downloadable content released in the future?

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  • mikedsicilian | April 27, 2013 11:45 am

    Give us more game like you should of in the first place, or maybe how about some multiplayer online, Infinite was a HUGE let down for many!

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  • doublecupobleac | April 27, 2013 11:56 pm

    Could someone please tell me how to get in contact with someone so i can get the rights to upload gameplay on my channel? It would be very much appreciated.

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  • ltreaver | May 4, 2013 6:06 pm

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    I downloaded the soundtrack and then I opened it and accidentally exited out of my browser and the soundtrack got deleted and it won’t let me download a new one please help

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  • n0tlag | May 10, 2013 10:32 pm

    So disappointing the 3D support was dropped. I realize a lot of people aren’t big on it, but they shouldn’t judge the technology by some prior poor content or a TV that didn’t handle it well. Good 3D is available on a 92″ front-projection rig for under $1000 (Optoma GT750E, a pull-down screen, and a couple pairs of glasses), and good 3D content looks amazing on it (Guildwars 2 looks fantastic for example).

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  • yongtaufooboy | June 11, 2013 6:23 am

    Please allow us to purchase the soundtrack separately! There are some magnificent pieces of music there and i’d love to have a physical copy to remind me of the brilliant game!

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  • karol | July 18, 2013 9:57 am

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    It would be perfect to buy Bioshock Infinite soundtrack separately.
    I don’t have any chance to get it other way, than buying it alone.
    Please consider it once more. It would be such a pleasure to own it!

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  • gameboyalexande | November 4, 2013 4:42 pm

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    How do I redeem the code for my season pass? Because I have the code for PS3 I got it on launch day. But when I go to “Redeem Codes” on the PlayStation Store I can only put in 12 digit codes and my code is 6 digits long. What do I do?

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  • lilakae | January 17, 2014 4:52 pm

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    Hello ! I’ve bought Bioshock Infinite and bioshock 1 is suppose to be includes, no key code inside .. nothing inside the game .. can you help me ?

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    • budonasty | January 20, 2014 1:53 pm

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      I can answer that one for you. I’m assuming this is for the PS3 right? The game is actually stored on the disc of Bioshock Infinite.

      With the disc in your system, under the “game” menu of your playstation console, you will see two disc options. One is to launch Bioshock infinite, the one below it is for the original Bioshock. Select it and it will install the game. It takes about 20 minutes if I recall. After that you will have it in your game folder where all your downloaded games are stored. You still need to have the disc inserted in order to play Bioshock 1 however. Does that help??

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      • budonasty | January 20, 2014 1:56 pm

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        I think this was an exclusive for the Playstation 3 version only.

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      • lilakae | January 28, 2014 9:46 pm

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        yup for ps3 ! I thank you, ill take a look and try !

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  • drivetheory | February 4, 2014 5:44 pm

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    Having played the original System Shock back in the 90s (not to mention SS2, Thief, Deus Ex, etc) I’m very disappointed by the lack of quality control in this game regarding 5.1 surround sound support- or lack there of….

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