Last week Irrational called on our fans to help us design our next BioShock Infinite shirt! Many folks sent in submissions and we picked our favorite 5 designs. It was a tough decision process. Now we are handing the decision process over to you! Be sure to check out the designs below and vote for your favorite design at the bottom of the page! The winning designer will not only have their design put on a T-Shirt, but will also win a Murder of Crows vigor bottle!
Polls close Monday August 1 at 11:59pm SO VOTE NOW!
At this time the polls are CLOSED!
Option 1: Design by Coey K.
Option 2: Design by Billy P.
Option 3: Design by James C.
Option 4: Design by Kate M.
Option 5:Design by James J.
[poll id=”36″]
felonious | July 29, 2011 1:05 pm
WoW some great designs, def going to be hard to choose one! If you want to discuss the finalists head to this thread - and if your submission didn’t get chosen but would like to share it head to this thread -
azeru | July 29, 2011 1:17 pm
Fantastic work – great job, finalists!
borrego | July 29, 2011 1:25 pm
Looks awesome! These all are really slick. Way to go guys!
codex | July 29, 2011 1:40 pm
Some of these are really difficult to choose between! Good luck to everyone!
richardmcsundy | July 29, 2011 1:45 pm
The first one is Tremendously gorgeous!
sacboi | July 29, 2011 1:45 pm
That was the hardest decision I’ve ever had to make. Good luck to all the entrants!
icegrove | July 29, 2011 2:07 pm
Good luck to all the pics!
roxxestar | July 29, 2011 2:30 pm
The fifth option ! But I loved the first one too 🙂
commodore23 | July 29, 2011 2:33 pm
They all look great but I have to go with Kate M, I think that it looks the best.
cupboardninja | July 29, 2011 2:53 pm
Gonna have to go with #1. Love that you added skyhooks to her arms.
inprogress | July 29, 2011 4:47 pm
The first one blew my mind. If that doesn’t win, it could be made into a poster easily. I would love it as a poster.
Great job, finalists!
evans0305 | July 29, 2011 5:16 pm
It’s hard to choose one, especially since I love them all.
japester | July 29, 2011 5:26 pm
Wahoo! I can’t believe I made the cut with such amazing competition. There are some beautiful designs up there. 🙂
I think it’s worth mentioning that, since I won a Murder of Crows vigor bottle at the PAX East raffle, I have told Irrational Games that I’ll be giving my prize away to another BioShock Infinite fan. That fan already knows who they are–I’m not trying to get anyone’s hopes up! But I won’t be hoarding vigor bottles, either. I just want my design made into a shirt since it makes me smile when I look at it.
Good luck to all!!!
coralshere | July 29, 2011 5:45 pm
They’re all genuine and beautiful. It’s so hard to pick one out of the amazing five.
1019ice | July 29, 2011 6:12 pm
Since I made the finals, and do not currently have a Murder of Crows bottle, if I win I will not give my prize away, and in fact I will personally poke Japester in the eye if I win, because I am a thieving jerk.
Just kidding. All of the other finalists have done beautiful work, and I would proudly wear a T-shirt with each design on it. Congratulations to everyone, and good luck to you all.
katherine | July 29, 2011 6:44 pm
It may be worth noting that option 4 doesn’t really have a black border or background… not sure why it has one here….
ig.sarah | July 31, 2011 7:36 pm
The black border is actually how the file opened and printed on our end. Don’t worry, if the design wins we’ll make sure it prints without that.
hazzozone | July 29, 2011 7:37 pm
Its going to be hard to choose one All of them are really well done I wish all the entries the best of luck
katherine | July 29, 2011 7:44 pm
@all Thanks for all of the kind words, this is a really impressive group to be a part of, good luck to all!
krakenclothes | July 29, 2011 9:10 pm
I think that Kate’s works the best as a t-shirt. It’s also on a grey backround so you can see what it will look like as a shirt. It’s also simple which is best for a shirt!
There are too many shirts in my paragraph.
katherine | July 29, 2011 9:13 pm
Thanks Krakenclothes, I appreciate it! 🙂
senyadraquille | July 29, 2011 9:32 pm
aw man its too hard to decide…the first one is beatiful tho, and the last one i like..i dunno..i choose *click* this one!
senyadraquille | July 29, 2011 9:37 pm
i thought option 2 wouldve gotten alot more percent that 6!! i think it needs more vote, but its not entirely up to me…just stating my opinion
katherine | July 29, 2011 9:40 pm
I like all of them… but I am totally biased towards option 4 of course 😉
jencat | July 29, 2011 10:23 pm
i was partial to 1 and 4 myself. i went w/ 4 since i think 1 would do better as a poster or something larger scale than a t.
pearldavis | July 29, 2011 11:09 pm
These are some kickbutt designs. Nice work everyone.
katherine | July 29, 2011 11:13 pm
I wonder what the forum names are of the other finalists? Seeing only real names makes it hard to send congratulatory PMs; 😀
atlusshrugs | July 29, 2011 11:54 pm
Brilliant work all around. Especially that #4. Also I can’t seem to vote?
serfer0 | July 30, 2011 12:37 am
Very close between 1 and 4. I like them both, but number 4 is just a bit better.
shocker22 | July 30, 2011 4:09 am
I like 1 even though it’s not directly referencing Bioshock Infinite. But 5 is too awesome, so 5 it is.
krakenclothes | July 30, 2011 4:16 am
Don’t forget to come check out some of the designs that didn’t make it.
You might like em even better…
I voted for 4 cause it’s a shirt but I do think that the art on #1 was better than the one that I submitted
nyokou | July 30, 2011 5:08 am
Sorry to the others but I really like the first. 🙂
poeticmadnesss | July 30, 2011 11:08 am
I don’t understand why the first is winning, personally. I love the design, don’t get me wrong, it’s absolutely brilliant and gorgeous…I just can’t see it being on a shirt. That being said, I would LOVE to have a poster of it to hang on my wall.
atlusshrugs | July 30, 2011 2:02 pm
I have to agree. As nice as the first design is it doesn’t scream Bioshock to me right away. It would end up like the puppy shirts where most people didn’t get the reference.
nyokou | July 30, 2011 3:15 pm
The 4th would be my second choice. :/
Anyway I don’t think it matters if people understand where it’s from or not. If they do, that’s cool. If they don’t then whatever. No big deal.
atlusshrugs | July 30, 2011 3:48 pm
It’s not a big deal unless, of course, IG is trying to advertise their game.
felonious | July 30, 2011 5:15 pm
I agree, then I think sometimes the best advertisement is the kind where someone doesn’t get the shirt yet is intrigued by the design and asks about it! Still tough decision glad I have more time to decide which to vote for! Be a lot easier to see what these designs would look on a T-shirt.
lustrick | July 30, 2011 3:42 pm
All very great designs. 1, 4, and 5 were my top choices. Imo 1 could use a bioshock title, even if it was separated(front/back), then I would have voted for it for sure. 4 took my vote ^_^
felonious | July 30, 2011 5:13 pm
I sort of have the same feeling with the first one. Then I think Irrational would not have narrowed it down to that 5 if they didn’t feel they could use every design to make an awesome shirt to promote them and their game!
katherine | July 30, 2011 5:16 pm
Can we post pics of what the designs would look like on a shirt in the forum thread or would it break a rule?
felonious | July 30, 2011 5:55 pm
Replied via PM. Check your inbox
adoboninja | July 30, 2011 9:49 pm
i LOVE the 4 one it looks SICK!!
eakphoto | July 31, 2011 12:28 am
The first one is AMAZING !
warsmith13 | July 31, 2011 12:55 am
these are all amazing designs! would love to have any of these on a tshirt..alas i have to pick one. for me its a tough choice between 1,3 and 4
boltonhawser | July 31, 2011 1:23 am
As much as I love all of these designs, the events that the T-shirts are given out at are never anywhere near me so it’s a pity to vote on such beautiful designs based on what I want to wear, knowing I never will. X(
Had to go with number 4. Only design up there that really lets everyone know it’s Bioshock Infinite while being well-detailed and working pretty great on a grey shirt.
katherine | July 31, 2011 8:23 am
I am only speaking as a fan, but there is always the chance that they will have a twitter contest for the shirts, or there may be an ARG on the way. There are so many possibilities; I would not put yourself in the ‘I can’t get a shirt club’ so quickly. 😀
codex | July 31, 2011 1:18 pm
Personally I am hoping for a BS:I store sometime soon 😉
buckybit | July 31, 2011 4:28 pm
Ok, hate me, block me, delete my account, but I have to say 4/5 are crap and the 5th too does not resemble anything the BI game is going for. I admit, I studied Art History (besides other things), so it is a big pain to see how all these *designs* miss completely the look & style the IG artists are actually going for with the game. It’s if all the hard work bounces of some illiterate (but passionate) fans. [Look at Art Deco, Russian Futurists, Bauhaus, 1920’s Propaganda material, etc, etc… and try again next time?]
katherine | July 31, 2011 4:41 pm
I based mine on ads from 1912 as that is the year that the game is set. I admit that it does not look as polished as the ads that I based it on, but the ads were hand drawn with shimmers of art deco which is what I was going for with the circular motif and the simple cloud design.
I would not say that any of the designs are crap though and think that it is a harsh statment to make even if you did study Art History.
I think the first design is very well executed. I believe it draws on ads of the time and utlized flash or illustrator well. Clean lines and an interespeting concept.
I believe that the second design is sleek and modern. The perspective is interesting and the periwinkle would look nice on a grey shirt.
The third uses negative space in a very interesteing way and I like the contrast of the geometric and strict Songbird against the soft edges of Elizabeth.
The fourth is my design and I admit bias. As I stated above I did spend time looking at the ads of 1912 in particular and moxed a rougher hand drawn look with a simple circular motif.
The fifth is hilarious. Not only is it a call back to another IG shirt, it plays the part of an inside joke while also calling out the name of the city in which the game takes place. The art is simple and clean and I like it a lot.
Sorry that you do not find them to be up to your standards, but I am very impressed by the level of designs that came through in this contest especially considering the time limit given.
Did you create a design?
katherine | July 31, 2011 4:54 pm
haha should have checked for typos, sorry 🙂
buckybit | July 31, 2011 6:42 pm
To be honest, I really think they are bad. True they ALL try hard and it’s very unfair to shit on someones work, spilling their heart and soul into it, BUT I am very opinionated (as you can see) have strong, honest opinions and I am not shy to shoot and be the ‘agent provocateur’. The comments were full of uplifting, cheerful posts – people learn nothing, when all they get is cheers? It reminds me of ‘amateur-hour’, the kind of DeviantArt “I-like-yours-if-you-like-mine” type of ignorance.
The 1st almost got it, but almost isn’t where ‘art’ is at? It is Toulouse-Lautrec poster style, yet fails in my opinion, mixing it with wrong typography and ‘stylized’, mannerism. (btw, what is ol’ Abe doing there? Plotline? Giantbomb-Fanclub?)
I can be wrong. It’s a stretch to ‘assume’ to know what IG artists are going for, since I don’t check anything Bioshock Infinite related since before E3 even.
1019ice | July 31, 2011 5:50 pm
You don’t have to like the designs we made, that’s totally your opinion. But there’s voicing your opinion and there’s being rude. I’m sure I speak for the other finalists when I say that we all put in a lot of time and thought into making these “designs” something the Irrational community would be proud of. Creative criticism is welcomed, but calling artwork “crap” and the artists who made them as “illiterate” doesn’t help anyone.
katherine | July 31, 2011 6:58 pm
Well I cannot pretend that I only expected positive comments, however I did feel that calling them crap was a bit extreme. 🙂 I have no qualms saying that mine is not up to the standards of what I would normally submit. In my case I heard about the contest with about 36 hours left to submit, no tablet, and very little time to set aside for the contest itself. I was suprised and honored to be a finalist.
I can explain the Abe thing to you 😉 There is a scene in the 15 minutes of gameplay shown at E3 that would clear that right up, I will not explain it in full in case you were trying to avoid all media untilyou played the game. If you want the Lincoln to make sense though check out the gameplay video.
To contradict you a bit though, and again this treads on information gathered about the game through the E3 footage, I feel that the ‘mix’ of typography and art styles fits very well with the game. (Do spoiler tags work in comments? Lets see! if not it may spoil things….) [spoiler] The game includes tears which open up different moments of time. The idea that some of the 1910’s artistry would be mixed with that from other time periods is actually in line with the story of the game and while I cannot speak as to the motivation of the other entries, I can’t help but think some of the more modern looking entries fit in just as well because of the in game time tears. It is interesting to mix the time periods within a design as the gamer will also expereince a mixture of time periods. Was this intentional? Who knows? But it works! 😀 [/spoiler]
katherine | July 31, 2011 7:01 pm
Oh! While I do wish that I had more time and the right materials, I am pretty happy with how mine turned out, for the record. 🙂
boltonhawser | July 31, 2011 8:08 pm
I understand you know your shit when it comes to your collegiate knowledge of Art History, but unless you’ve been keeping up with the media releases of the game, you can’t really question the introduction of something in the piece.
In a sense, I agree with you. I don’t completely agree with everything that happens to be in the Top 5. I have seen some excellent work in the Fan Art section of these forums that I much rather would have seen up here. Nonetheless, everyone who participated had a four day timeline to make a T-shirt design which undoubtedly constricted a lot of hard-working people’s time. Criticism isn’t “Oh all of this is shit”. Criticism is “Here’s where you went right and here’s what could have been done better”.
Does the first option have much that directly translates to Bioshock Infinite? No. And who says that the Toulouse-Latrec art style is for Infinite? Maybe it’s an art style that the artist works well with; the same as if Monsieur Toulouse-Latrec were asked to make a design himself.
What makes it stand out from the rest is that it isn’t intimidating, it has vibrant color to it, and it achieves that nostalgic festival feel that Irrational is going for in Bioshock Infinite. It’s like a Fourth of July celebration that went terribly wrong and out of the 5, the first one definitely hits the mark.
felonious | August 1, 2011 9:14 am
Buckybit your just coming off as a bitter banana. I’d say more but your just not worth the time.
katherine | July 31, 2011 5:08 pm
Q: Do votes from unregistered people count?/Can you vote if you are not part of the Irrational community?
1019ice | July 31, 2011 5:32 pm
I’ve had people vote for mine without having to be registered, so I imagine it’s a completely public contest.
coey | July 31, 2011 5:18 pm
I enjoy 1 and 5 the most because they branch out of just traced existing concepts or art.
knives | July 31, 2011 7:19 pm
Lol…Katherine’s about to get her friends on this!
1019ice | July 31, 2011 7:25 pm
Tell me about it. I’ve been spending the last 48 hours trying to mobilize my Facebook friends, not to mention bugging the crap out of my family.
katherine | July 31, 2011 7:35 pm
Everyone should! 🙂 Go votes!
felonious | August 1, 2011 9:19 am
I guess some of this is to be expected but I will state as someone with no dog in the race. I hope these efforts cancel each other out and I hope the winner comes from the most popular design and not necessarily the most popular person.
katherine | August 1, 2011 9:23 am
By no means am I suggesting some sort of open floodgate. To be honest I was asking because my sister wanted to vote. She has watched me play the games and knows the content but she is not am IG Forums member. When she went to sign up she told me that she was able to vote without getting an account and I wanted to see if this was true or not. 🙂
felonious | August 1, 2011 9:40 am
I understand that- and my reply wasn’t directed specifically at you, rather at all the finalists and those who come to vote. I don’t mean any offense to any of the finalists, when I see ice talking about mobilizing facebook friends, it does make me wonder what lengths will be taken to get votes lol. As I said I understand some of that will take place, I’m just expressing I hope that does not end up being the deciding factor for the winner.
1019ice | August 1, 2011 2:51 pm
Are you saying illegally getting all those dead people in my town’s graveyard to vote for me was somehow unsporting?
jsteinman | July 31, 2011 8:38 pm
I feel 1 or 5 should win, simply for the fact that they get out of the “Elizabeth and Songbird” rut. While I’ll admit, 1 is a bit more artsy and stylized than 5, 5 knows it’s a bioshock infinite t-shirt, while 1 just looks like a cool ad from the time period.
alexluevano | July 31, 2011 10:24 pm
I don’t like any of the designs. The 1st one has a good artsy feel but there isn’t too much to say that shows that this is a Bioshock Infinite shirt. I think the best choice would be a mixture of 3 and 4, or a series of shirts that shows all the vigors
daahtalave5 | July 31, 2011 11:03 pm
I voted for choice # 4.. all were great but. #4 I can totally see for a T, the others are more for posters. Choice #1 would look huge on a shirt. Just a thought..
#4 shoud win
magicmaker | August 1, 2011 12:16 am
Psychological speaking, the way they are listed, the first one being at the top and so forth, subconsciously influences people to vote that way. Not surprisingly the poll shows that to be true all the way down the list.
katherine | August 1, 2011 12:51 am
Then wouldn’t the second one be in second place and the third be in third place, etc? 🙂
magicmaker | August 1, 2011 10:47 pm
Well when I cast my vote it showed that they were indeed 1st, 2nd, 3rd,4th, & 5th from the top down that is why I said it.
magicmaker | August 1, 2011 10:50 pm
But now since my comment people are aware of the fact. Which negates the effect since it is no longer a subconscious suggestion.
felonious | August 1, 2011 9:17 am
Yeah I think your theory is a bit flawed, I mean I always heard in school when in doubt on a multiple choice go with Option C. That doesn’t mean I mindlessly chose that one here.
1019ice | August 1, 2011 2:49 pm
No, option C(3) is really the best choice here, don’t listen to Felonius. 🙂
katherine | August 1, 2011 1:25 am
“shocker22 said:
I would have voted for 4 had I known there would be no black box. ”
Again there is no black box on my entry. I submitted a .PNG file with a transparent background. I have no idea why it would have printed with a black background as IG.Sarah has stated that it did. Peh.
katherine | August 1, 2011 1:26 am
Who knows why things like this happen? I just checked the zip file again and it is a .PNG with a trans. back. Anyhow I think that all of the entries are nifty. 😀
michaelm624 | August 1, 2011 1:26 am
How About you make shirts for all the designs because i would buy them all 😀
senyadraquille | August 1, 2011 3:01 am
damn i shoulda voted for four, but i hesitated so much, damn!! well atleast it got very far, i cant help but feel responsible somehow, even though my ingle vote probs wouldnt have made much of a difference
katherine | August 1, 2011 5:21 am
I do not understand what you mean, the contest is still running, you can still vote for any design you want. 🙂
felonious | August 1, 2011 9:21 am
Yeah voting is still going for another 14 hrs and 38 minutes!
katherine | August 1, 2011 9:51 am
I am just waiting for James J’s entry to win in a stunning turn of events. Still love the design 😉
joelotoole | August 1, 2011 12:13 pm
At first I wanted to go for the first one, but it looked too good and professional lol number 3 was the best for me because it was so simple, but so stunning- something I’d be proud to have as a shirt!
zoroko | August 1, 2011 4:52 pm
#1 looked too good and professional so you voted for something else? That seems like a totally off way of reasoning! lol
1019ice | August 1, 2011 7:13 pm
Hey, it works for me!
Although I agree that number 1 is quite well done, Coey should be very proud.
katherine | August 1, 2011 1:47 pm
I can’t believe the contest is ending so soon! 🙂
fallenstar | August 1, 2011 3:26 pm
It’s so hard to choose, they all look so professional.
katherine | August 1, 2011 3:27 pm
For my part, I consider this a very nice compliment. Thank you.
jo | August 1, 2011 3:26 pm
It was between 2 & 4 for me! I ended up voting for #4, but I’d buy #2 also!
katherine | August 1, 2011 3:34 pm
Thanks so much!
zoroko | August 1, 2011 3:37 pm
Go Coey!!!
shocker22 | August 1, 2011 4:48 pm
4 FTW!
evans0305 | August 1, 2011 5:51 pm
Looking over these again, all I could say it is tough to choose because they look great, but then again, I have to decide on how any of these would look if I was going to wear them not just once, but at least most of the time. As pretty and well designed as the 1st one looks, all I could say is it would work better as a poster. I get that feeling that when it’s made as a shirt, I’ll wear it once when I get the game, and I’ll end up putting it away in my closet and never touching it. May be it’s the conformed borders or the bright orange colors, but that’s why I didn’t choose it. The rest look like what works well for a shirt, and I could see them lasting longer than that, even for ones that are not picked.
kizzywhitfield | August 1, 2011 6:04 pm
I don’t know why this is such a hard choice. Number 1 is CLEARLY the best. Right now I dont understand the results. Coey should totally win this. I’d love to wear a Shirt with such a beautiful design! Honestly, it’s amazing! It’s eye catching with beautiful colors. I don’t have to squint when I look at her picture to understand what I’m seeing. It’s clear and crisp, and the detail is amazing. I love that it doesnt have giant BIOSHOCK words on it, it would just feel like any old advertisement for a game-type shirt that I’ve seen a million times. She at least had the balls to do something unique and different. #1 man, #1.
katherine | August 1, 2011 6:42 pm
I feel that all of the entries have merit and I do not have to quint to look at any of them. I do agree that Coey’s design is beautiful.
kizzywhitfield | August 1, 2011 6:39 pm
bookertee | August 1, 2011 7:13 pm
It’s really sad, but this has turned into a joke. It’s basically just a contest on who’s the most incessant about spamming and campaigning for their piece.
laforzadimente | August 1, 2011 7:27 pm
I’m beginning to get this vibe as well.
1019ice | August 1, 2011 7:28 pm
Okay, I think I got this one started, so I think I should clarify. When I said I was trying to get people to vote for my design, I pretty much meant my friends and family. Couple posts on Facebook, couple posts on Twitter, couple phone calls to family members, mostly in the vein of “Holy S, I can’t believe Irrational picked me!”
I can see that people would have a problem with non-members of the Irrational community voting for an Irrational T-shirt. To be honest, I didn’t think about that when I asked my friends to vote. That’s my fault. With that said, number one, a lot of my friends that I asked are Bioshock fans, and so is my dad. Secondly, I don’t think any of the finalists purposefully spammed the contest in order to win. From the forum comments, it seems that Coey and Kate’s designs are the favorites, and the voting reflects that. We’ve all been very gracious about our support for each other’s designs, and we’re all excited to see who wins.
skeletonframes | August 1, 2011 7:26 pm
I think they are all quite good. Number 1 would make for a beautiful poster. I chose number 4 because it looks like a great old t-shirt. Y’know, the one you’ve worn for 8 years and is starting to come apart. I could buy that shirt and I could love that shirt.
katherine | August 1, 2011 8:06 pm
So I know that this is out of left field and I mean absolutley no offense by it; But every time I look at the puppy entry I get the Pet Shop Boys song ‘Surburbia’ stuck in my head with the word ‘Suburbia’ replaced of course by ‘Columbia’.
he just looks like he would be groovin’ to the Pet Shops Boys as he floated up. 😀
theoldharbing | August 1, 2011 8:59 pm
I think it would be interesting if they created a design which covered the whole shirt; perhaps showing the “murder of crows” vigor on the front, then actually having a murder of crows swirling around the back which may have a Columbian setting on it.
carlidus | August 1, 2011 11:14 pm
How can you not vote for Option 1?
millloft | August 1, 2011 11:37 pm
I would have to say Number 4 all the way. Neutral tones will be universally preferred by all. All design contributions show a lot of talent.
knives | August 2, 2011 1:17 am
Can’t believe Coey didn’t win. 🙁
kizzywhitfield | August 2, 2011 4:46 am
Right?? :/
But I guess that’s what happens when people act cute with others to get their way :T doop de doop~
boltonhawser | August 2, 2011 7:22 am
That would be if they actually took the comments in consideration before voting, which I assume wasn’t the case for most everybody. I’m sure people opened the page and then voted before reading the comments.
katherine | August 2, 2011 8:40 am
I was also suprised in the end, but obviously flattered and thrilled at the same time.
I believe that throughout this contest I have been supportive of everyone’s designs and also said several times that I felt Coey’s design was very pretty and well executed. I hope that Irrational uses it somehow/somewhere.
katherine | August 2, 2011 9:11 am
Nothing official from Irrational yet but it seems that my shirt design won in the polls!
I appreciate all of my friends that took the time to vote on the entries, even those that did not vote for mine. I told a lot of people about this contest and can say that several people reflected what we were saying here, that it was between Coey and I. Heck some of the people that I directed to this site even voted for Coey even though I hoped they would vote for me 😉 (There were also people that voted for James J.’s design over mine, I am sure that a lot of people I asked to come here voted for other designs, but those are the stories from people that reported back) 🙂
Personally I love all of the designs and genuinely hope that Irrational considers using them in other ways. I think that nearly everyone around here would be thrilled with a Coey lithorgraph and I would like to see a shirt made from James J’s design, maybe for PAX East 2012 since it reminds me of the PAX EAST 2011 shirts.
The other two designs were beatutiful as well and I have already spoken about how I loved the use of negative space and the warped perspective of the entries repectively.
I think that all of the finalists campaigned well for their design; I saw several Facebook and twitter entries, mentions on other forums, etc. and it is so cool to think that the community has grown through this contest. Reading through the comments several of the more passionate are from members that have joined in the last few days. So again I want to thank everyone that voted, espeically everyone that has joined the community to be a part of this contest, It is great to think that we have some new members in the community that can sit around and talk about BioShock with us. 🙂
fuchipatas | August 2, 2011 11:21 am
katherine, I’m going to play devil’s advocate here and try to make this quick.
I believe the more you continue to post on this matter it may only make people even more bitter. It seems now you are trying to justify the results to several outspoken individuals. I’m not speaking of myself, I haven’t posted anything negative towards you or the other artists.
Having said that, let’s not kid ourselves… you were THE most vocal finalist in these here forums by quite a large margin. Which isn’t a crime per se, but I believe MOST of the members here would have rather had the Finalists let their artwork speak for itself! It’s obvious some serious campaigning was implemented and sadly, I believe in the end, it turned into more of a popularity contest rather than a true Community decision.
In hindsight it was very cool of I.G. to allow us to vote, but perhaps the Community should have picked the finalists and I.G. picked the overall winner.
katherine | August 2, 2011 11:41 am
It certainly was not my intention to offend anyone with my post, nor was it my intention to justify the results, I do not feel that they require justification.
I have been a member of these forums for quite some time, and while I was vocal I didn’t actually talk about my submission as much as I did the others (yours included, which I thought was very nice) I also posted in other threads about Infinite and will continue to do so. I like BioShock and enjoy talking about it with the community here and on the 2K forums 🙂
If you feel I spoke too much about my entry I am sorry. Looking back on my posts I believe that I spent most of my time here talking about the contest as a whole and not my personal submission. I do admit to being a generally vocal person. Threads were created so that people could discuss their entries and I took part in them. A lot of people did 🙂 Frankly I do not know the forum names of all of the finalists so I cannot say if they participated in the forums or not, but there were some talking in the comments 🙂
It is not a good feeling to think that there are sour graps on the forums concerning my design, especially since most of the comments surrounding the contest were positive towards both my design and Coey’s and often pitted them against each other as the front runners. It is my understanding that there were several votes and that the race was quite close in the end. I believe that this is a testament to the popularity of both designs. I worked hard on my design and apparently a lot of people liked it, I am honored and flattered by this.
I am very fond of this community and would not want to have a negative connotation within it for anything. The idea that people are upset with me now that the results are in is hurtful but with the race so close I guess it is to be expected. All I can say is that I am again flattered and honored to have won and that I appreciate everyone that took part in this contest.
bookertee | August 2, 2011 1:15 pm
Katherine, at this time, there are 113 comments posted here – 27 of them are yours. That’s almost a fourth of the discussion here.
Vocal is fine, but repeating the same thing over and over and coming across as having to have the last word is completely another thing. Reaction to that isn’t sour grapes, it’s people being annoyed.
atlusshrugs | August 2, 2011 3:55 pm
u mad bro
dannysal | August 2, 2011 10:44 am
Nice work everyone and Good Luck!
zoroko | August 2, 2011 12:47 pm
I am personally confused as to why #1 didn’t win! Great composition, colors, and concept. The design/artwork was completely original and not traced pre-existing content, while still maintaining that classic Bioshock feel.
Congratulations regardless to the winner!
jim360 | August 3, 2011 2:24 pm
yeah i think #3 was better