We’ve got an amazing talent pool within our community, with fans showing off their skills on a daily basis. We recently found a few selections of BioShock-influenced artwork, and we were so impressed, we wanted to share.
We stumbled upon this first piece on DeviantArt featuring Elizabeth from BioShock Infinite – while it’s a simple portrait, all the care and fine detail DeviantArt user Huzaa put into this depiction of Columbia’s mysterious young lady makes it truly shine.
Another piece of artwork arrived at the Irrational Games offices, this time, in the form of a poster. Created by Irrational fan Dan Lebl, this a piece is inspired by the propaganda imagery found within BioShock Infinite, and it’s focusing on events that occur prior to the events of the game. Needless to say, we were wowed when this arrived at the office.
You may have seen our final piece a few weeks back – it’s a vinylmation replica of Andrew Ryan from BioShock, created by custom toy artist Joe of War. As it turns out, this vinylmation version of Rapture’s head honcho was actually commissioned by an Irrational fan as a gift for Irrational’s Ken Levine, which he received at this year’s New York Comic Con. It’s now proudly displayed for all at Irrational Games to see.
choo1701 | November 11, 2011 5:10 pm
Oh yeah, the first one is amazing! The eyes have it.
huzaophone | November 11, 2011 6:56 pm
Hiya, I’m the Huzaa from dA and well, I would just to say thank you for putting my art on here! I’m absolutely over the moon about it. I was so shocked when I heard, I would never of guessed this could of happened. Haha, just wow… Thank you so much! 😀
jayakers | November 11, 2011 8:34 pm
truly awesome work Huzaa. If you create anything else, we’d love to see it in the forum (and it’s definitely a good way to get your great work out there 😀 ). Also, it seems very reminiscent of the Elizabeth cosplay on the forum (at least to me)…
Linkage: https://irrationalgames.ghoststorygames.com/community/forums/fan-art-amp-screenshots/cosplay-thread#post-158501
knightcarver | November 12, 2011 1:23 am
They all good, but the top one is fantastic. I’d love to have a poster of that!
losstarot | November 12, 2011 8:09 am
They definitely deserve a place to be seen by every bioshock fans. It’s like Huzaa made the original design of Liz as his own; and seeing that you’re a fan of Soejima’s artwork I can only praise your tastes ^^
icegrove | November 12, 2011 9:13 am
I love the way of art in the first one, but the sec make you feel like in that timeline, and there is nothing better then a Andrew Ryan figure!
paulromanmartinez | November 12, 2011 2:38 pm
Great Stuff!
dannysal | November 12, 2011 2:43 pm
Impressive work everyone!
quancro | November 12, 2011 8:41 pm
ooooo my wooooow …so talented… is gorgeus..
calvindexter | November 14, 2011 3:21 am
Love ’em all! Great works so congrats to the artists!
felonious | November 14, 2011 3:54 pm
I always love seeing all the fan art and work people put into collectibles for this franchise!
muskellounger | November 15, 2011 9:32 am
Me too, it’s only just beginning!
undeniably | November 16, 2011 9:57 am
Jeez, the second one is impressive.
rictor | November 16, 2011 11:55 am
Woah, front page’d! And certainly in esteemed company. There’s another poster in the Fan Art forums that’s absolutely mind-blowing!
I’ve noticed quite a lot of Bioshock/Infinite inspired artwork floating around, disproportionately high compared to most games and of remarkable quality. It’s all Irrational’s fault! – for making visually/thematically interesting games, so that artists have a lot to work with.