What’s that, Booker? You want to slam that Sky-Hook in my face?
In the latest PC Gamer, you’re going to feel the intense rush of a Sky-Hook to your FACE! Either that, or an awesome six-page feature packed with BioShock Infinite details and interview material from a quartet of Irrational folks: creative director Ken Levine, director of product development Tim Gerritsen, art director Nate Wells, and lead artist Shawn Robertson.
There’s a lot of roundtable discussion about the influences behind Infinite, and the development choices and design evolution that led to the E3 gameplay demonstration. And vigors. There’s a whole sidebar about ’em. You’ve already seen Murder of Crows–that’s the bird-based crowd control vigor you saw for the first time in last year’s gameplay demo. You send forth a flock of particularly aggressive crows to temporarily incapacitate a group of your foes.
You may not be as familiar with Bucking Bronco. That’s the vigor you saw Booker use in the latest gameplay demo to forcibly eject his enemies out from behind cover with a rolling wave of turbulent force. And after you’ve tossed enemies up with Bucking Bronco, you can extend their forced airborne relaxation session by juggling them. With bullets.
And finally, while it’s common knowledge that dead men tell no tales, it’s a slightly less-well-worn (but equally true) maxim that dead men fire no weapons. With the Weapon Slave vigor, you can put those abandoned arms to good use by turning them into your own personal automated turrets that hunt down those enemies who have not yet discarded their own lives (and guns).
As always in game development, these details are subject to change. And rest assured–there are more vigors to come, but you’ll have to wait for more details. In the meantime, why not pick up the new PC Gamer and check out the BioShock Infinite cover story. If you don’t, you’ll disappoint Shawn and Nate, and do you really want that on your conscience? Just look at those faces.
cycrum | July 26, 2011 4:41 pm
Love, the handlebar moustache on the Art Director no wonder the game is so successful 😛
inprogress | July 26, 2011 5:08 pm
Those two are inseparable, aren’t they?
The more I read about BI, the more I want it.
bioshockways | July 26, 2011 6:28 pm
That’s cool !
laforzadimente | July 26, 2011 6:34 pm
Could someone with access to this article post the excerpt on “Weapon Slave”? Love to read more on it! 🙂
ragingmudcrab | July 26, 2011 6:50 pm
I want to cosplay as Booker now.
juan29zapata | July 26, 2011 7:46 pm
Me too! Just need a beard…. And a skyhook I didn’t win ;).
juan29zapata | July 26, 2011 7:45 pm
Cool! The art of Booker is very cool.
Irrational wasn’t joking when they said they were going all out with Booker.
felonious | July 26, 2011 8:30 pm
Definitely going to look to pick up this issue with that much Bioshock Infinite content in it!
senyadraquille | July 31, 2011 1:25 am
you should get it, it has alot of info i never knew about, plus i think the cover is amazing!
batchick21 | July 26, 2011 9:49 pm
The “Weapon Slave” vigor is now the most interesting thing I’ve heard next to Skyhooks, can’t wait to read and hopefully see more about it soon! This game just keeps getting better and better, but sadly we may not get to play it for another year 🙁 It’s ok because IG will make the wait more than worth while!
commodore23 | July 26, 2011 9:55 pm
that is amazing I may have to pick that up
quancro | July 27, 2011 12:49 am
wow a new vigo wepon slave… nice a better style of the minion tuurets from the irst game.. wonderfull
piggsy1992 | July 27, 2011 1:04 pm
Damn! I live in the UK and this is unavailable for me. Any chance of a UK or web release?
icegrove | July 27, 2011 10:21 pm
Go Booker, go Booker!
nickmerritt | July 27, 2011 11:55 pm
It’s going to be so easy for my fiance and I to go as Booker and Elizabeth this Halloween. 🙂
joelotoole | July 28, 2011 6:14 am
wow, might get this!
hazzozone | July 28, 2011 7:58 am
If only I lived in America
fuchipatas | July 29, 2011 11:35 am
Need to see Weapon Slave in action!!!
Hardly ever buy this magazine, now I’m going to have to make an exception!
senyadraquille | July 29, 2011 9:28 pm
omg i got this like week ago!! it was soo cool! its a hell of a nice cover.
pearldavis | July 31, 2011 9:14 pm
I just bought that today, awesome article. (and cover)
borrego | August 1, 2011 3:35 pm
That Bucking Bronco sounds like a KILLER gameplay feature. I’m going to have a lot of fun between this and some telekenesis. Maniacal laughter will ensue!
dannysal | August 2, 2011 10:42 am
Bummer! I just let my PC Gamer subscription expire. What a dummy! I will be picking this one up at the newstand asap.
muskellounger | August 11, 2011 5:43 pm
Gah…that’s why I don’t have mine! My sub ran out. *goes back into traffic jam*
ryanindustries | August 2, 2011 12:39 pm
Could you guys do an OXM? *Cough with some sweet gamerpics *Cough
theoldharbing | August 2, 2011 1:54 pm
Hmmmm, vigors… Maybe they could create one called patriotic portal, where it bascially does the same thing as the guns from the portal games, instead you can connect them so that heavy objects are directed at opponents. Or maybe one called Silent Scream, where you can manipulate sound waves or something! The list goes on!
quancro | August 6, 2011 1:28 pm
i want to see the new plasmid…please
chrisredfield | August 9, 2011 12:02 am
Hell Yes
gladiator49 | August 11, 2011 2:47 pm
precarious | August 11, 2011 6:12 pm
Well, I bought it but I’m afraid to open it. Number one I’m avoiding as many spoilers as possible and number two, I just don’t want to mess up the magazine. I’m thinking I might need to get a second like I did for the last cover…